10 Similarities Between Daemon & Aemond Targaryen In House Of The Dragon & What They Really Mean

Warning! This article contains spoilers for House of the Dragon.


  • Daemon & Aemond both want the throne, despite being second sons, and have complex relationships both familial and romantic.
  • Daemon & Aemond are both determined to get what they want, are strong warriors, and ride the most powerful dragons in Westeros.
  • Daemon & Aemond have visual similarities as well as closely connected names, symbolizing their shared destiny near the end of the Dance of Dragons.

House of the Dragon has positioned Daemon and Aemond Targaryen as two incredibly similar characters, begging the question of what all their likenesses are building toward. Played by Matt Smith and Ewan Mitchell respectively in House of the Dragon season 2’s cast, Daemon and Aemond are two of the main players in the Dance of Dragons. Thus far in season 2, it would not be incorrect to say Aemond’s storyline has been the more compelling, as his role in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4’s ending saw him ascend the Iron Throne as prince regent.

Conversely, Daemon has spent much of his time haunted by Harrenhal’s visions in House of the Dragon season 2. Daemon’s loyalty to Rhaenyra, as well as his myriad other complex issues, are being explored via the otherworldy feeling of Westeros’ oldest castle. Although Daemon and Aemond could not have more different storylines at the moment, House of the Dragon continues to inexplicably tie them together. There are many similarities between the two men, raising the question of what it all means for the future of the Targaryen Dance of Dragons.

10 Daemon & Aemond Are Both Second Sons Who Want To Be King

The Two Targaryens Did Not Get Lucky With The Line Of Succession

One of the more prominent links between Daemon and Aemond involves their respective claims to the Iron Throne. Daemon is the younger brother of the late king Viserys, played by Paddy Considine in House of the Dragon season 1. Much of the drama that unfolded between the two brothers in season 1 involved Daemon’s desire for the Iron Throne. However, as Daemon was born as the second son of Baelon the Brave, Viserys was voted as king of Westeros at the Great Council. Daemon grew up believing the throne was his birthright, something Aemond somewhat shares.

Aemond, like Daemon, is a second son. Aegon II, Aemond, and Helaena are the children of king Viserys and Alicent Hightower. As the oldest, Aegon succeeded the Iron Throne, kickstarting the Dance of Dragons, and leaving Aemond as one of Westeros’ princes. That said, Aemond has shown no lack of wanting for the crown, even orchestrating a way he could become prince regent by injuring Aegon and ruling in his stead.



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9 Daemon & Aemond Have Complex Familial Relationships

The Desire For A Crown Causes Daemon & Aemond To Have Complicated Connections

As is often the case with Targaryens, familial connections are complicated. Daemon and Aemond are no different, though both seem to have particularly complex relationships with their brother and mother. For Daemon, the desire to be king over his more mild-mannered brother often saw the two at odds. They rarely got along later in life, with Viserys not knowing how to handle Daemon’s temperament and Daemon vying for power. Regardless, the two loved each other, as evident by Daemon’s grief at Viserys’ death and even helping his aging, ill brother reach the throne in House of the Dragon season 1.

Aemond’s relationship with Aegon is similar. The two clearly have some respect and love for each other, yet Aemond was willing to undermine Aegon and potentially even kill him to ascend the Iron Throne. Regarding their maternal connections, Aemond yearns for a love that Alicent never showed to any of her kids, as evidenced by his repeated use of a sex worker that acts more motherly than anything else. Concerning Daemon’s realtionship with his mother Alyssa, she died when he was young, but a disturbing vision in House of the Dragon season 2 brought these complications to the fore.

8 Daemon & Aemond Are Both Committed To Getting What They Desire

The Dedication Of Both Targaryens To Achieve What They Want Is Evident

Daemon and Aemond in House of the Dragon
Daemon and Aemond in House of the Dragon

Regarding personality, Aemond and Daemon also have a similar drive to achieve their desires. Aemond proved this with his actions at Rook’s Rest when he injured Aegon and managed to become prince regent, though how long House of the Dragon‘s Aegon is inactive for remains to be seen. Nonetheless, Aemond showed he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Daemon also has this drive, as shown in season 1. From killing his first wife in order to secure one closer to the royal family to proposing he marries his niece to become king consort, Daemon is not afraid to commit morally questionable acts to further his standing. House of the Dragon season 2 continues this, with Daemon flying away from Rhaenyra and taking his own castle, crowning himself a king, and building his own army, just to have a semblance of the power he desires.


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7 Daemon & Aemond Are Both Quietly Confident

Neither Daemon Nor Aemond Overexert Themselves

House Of The Dragon Daemon Aemond Targaryen Harrenhal

The similar personality traits between Daemon and Aemond stretch even deeper, proven by both being quiet, conniving, scheming characters. Daemon and Aemond are rarely shown to be overly loud, angry, or even joyous. Instead, they keep their emotions in check and often watch from the sidelines, taking in everything around them.

Aemond and Daemon are subdued in their emotional reactions, forming another striking similarity between the uncle and nephew…

This is what makes both Daemon and Aemond effective at playing the game of thrones. While they are undoubtedly formidable in battle, they tend not to have outbursts of emotion that show their hand. Unlike Aegon, who smashed his father’s model or hung the ratcatchers, or Rhaenyra, who often voices her discontent with being stuck in Dragonstone, Aemond and Daemon are subdued in their emotional reactions, forming another striking similarity between the uncle and nephew.

6 Daemon & Aemond Are Both Fierce Warriors

Their Martial Prowess Is On A Similar Level

In the many trailers for House of the Dragon season 2, a confrontation between Daemon and Aemond has been seeded. Aemond can be heard stating “My uncle is a challenge I welcome. If he dares face me.” This brings to light the similarities between the two as warriors. Daemon is undoubtedly stronger, as he has fought in many battles and is often considered one of the best swordsmen in Westeros at this point in the timeline.

Despite Daemon’s strengths, Ser Criston Cole is largely considered the outright greatest swordsman during the Dance of Dragons.

Although Aemond does not have as much combat experience, his prowess is evident. Aemond spent a lot of time training as a child due to the way he was picked on by his peers, causing him to become a formidable warrior. The main threat on the Greens side is Aemond, alongside Criston, while Daemon is seen as the strongest fighter on the side of the Blacks, proving to be yet another way in which the two are similar.

5 Daemon & Aemond Ride Two Of The Largest, Most Powerful Dragons In Westeros

Daemon & Aemond’s Threat Level Exceeds Their Strength As Warriors

Going beyond how skilled the two are with swords, Daemon and Aemond have another similarity in their bestial companions. A great deal of Aemond’s psychological power over Westeros comes from the fact he rides Vhagar, House of the Dragon‘s biggest dragon. Vhagar is old, battle-tested, and deadly, as proven by her defeat of Lucerys aboard Arrax, and Rhaenys atop Meleys. As such, Vhagar is considered the most powerful dragon in the realm.

Where Daemon is concerned, he rides Caraxes. Although Caraxes is still a deal smaller than Vhagar, he is still one of the largest dragons in Westeros after the death of Meleys. Similarly, Caraxes has fought in many wars, from the Fourth Dornish War to the War for the Stepstones. Like Aemond, a great deal of Daemon’s fear-factor comes from the strength of Caraxes.


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4 Daemon & Aemond Have Visual Similarities

The Two Targaryens Even Look The Same

Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) wearing an eye patch and long hair, as he were Aemond in House of the Dragon season 2 episode 4
Image via Max

Even disregarding subtext and personality, Daemon and Aemond simply look the same. Neither character is depicted as overly broad, stocky, or muscular, with both having more slender, agile builds than the likes of House of the Dragon‘s Hugh Hammer or Game of Thrones‘ the Hound. Moreover, Daemon and Aemond are facially similar with long, blonde hair.

These physical connections were even written into the show in House of the Dragon season 2. One of Daemon’s earlier visions in Harrenhal saw him stalking Aemond through the halls of the castle. Only later was it revealed that the vision was projecting Daemon, wearing Aemond’s clothes and eyepatch, and pushing their visual likeness under a spotlight.

3 Daemon & Aemond Have Very Similar Names

George R. R. Martin Drew A Clear Line Between The Prince & His Uncle

Image showing Aemond Targaryen wearing an eyepatch, and Daemon Targaryen in red and black, in House of the Dragon

One of the admittedly sillier, but nonetheless prevalent, similarities between Daemon and Aemond comes from George R. R. Martin himself. Naturally, Martin outlined many of Daemon and Aemond’s character traits when they were created for Fire and Blood, the prequel to the A Song of Ice and Fire book series that details the Targaryen history shown in House of the Dragon. Upon the initial creation of the characters, one similarity was born.

Both Daemon and Aemond have incredibly similar names. Aemond is simply the word Daemon, only with the first letter switched to the end. This is both indicative of House Targaryen using almost identical names, or straight up reusing names endlessly, and draws comparisons between Daemon and Aemond.

2 Daemon & Aemond Both Have Relationship Troubles

Neither Man Has Particularly Happy Romantic Connections

It is not only Daemon and Aemond’s familial relationships that are troubled, but their romantic ones too. Aemond has never been shown to have a strong romantic connection in House of the Dragon, instead reverting to hiring the same sex worker repeatedly. As alluded to, this sex worker acts more motherly than one would think, proving Aemond to have underlying relationship issues that go hand-in-hand with his familial connections.

A common theory has been that Aemond also has sexual relations with his sister Helaena, as Aegon does, though this has not been proven.

While Daemon has been shown to have numerous romantic relationships, none of them seem particularly versed in, well, romance. Daemon killed his first wife, Rhea Royce, before moving on to Laena Velaryon. When asked if he loved Laena, Daemon states “We were happy enough.” After Laena’s death, Daemon married Rhaenyra, a relationship that is shown as strained more often than not. While Daemon may have more outright relationships than Aemond, it is safe to say they are similar in that neither have particularly happy romantic connections.

The following section contains major spoilers for Fire and Blood, and thus, House of the Dragon’s future seasons.


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Following their shocking confrontation in House of the Dragon’s season 1 finale, Daemon & Rhaenyra’s romance will continue to worsen in the future.

1 Daemon & Aemond Both Die In The Same Battle

House Of The Dragon Rhaenyra Daemon Aemond

All of these similarities between Daemon and Aemond naturally raise the question of what it all means. In a world like Westeros, so filled with destiny, prophecy, and fate, House of the Dragon‘s Daemon and Aemond set-up foreshadows their ultimate battle. Near the tail end of the Dance of Dragons, Aemond and Daemon’s unspoken rivalry comes to a head in the Battle Above the Gods Eye. The duo meet in the sky above Westeros’ large lake, Daemon aboard Caraxes and Aemond riding Vhagar.

The battle is described as one of the more impressive in terms of sheer spectacle in Fire and Blood, due to two of the most powerful dragons in the realm clashing with one another. After a battle in the skies, the two dragons are severely wounded and begin falling to Earth. Daemon jumps from his mount, stabbing Aemond through his other eye, killing the prince. As the dragons crash to the ground, Daemon is also killed, tying him and Aemond together, not only in life as proven by House of the Dragon‘s glaring similarities, but also in death.
