10 Most Shocking Moments From Netflix's Skywalkers Documentary


  • Rooftopping in Skywalkers showed the dangers as participants do not use safety harnesses.
  • Legal consequences were showcased as Angela and Vanya were arrested for their actions.
  • Female rooftoppers are rare, but Angela stood out with her creativity and connection with Vanya.

The Netflix documentary Skywalkers: A Love Story was filled with countless shocking moments that left viewers feeling woozy due to the death-defying endeavors depicted on screen. Skywalkers told the story of the Russian couple Angela Nikolau and Ivan ‘Vanya’ Beerkus, who practice an intense daredevil feat known as rooftopping. Rooftopping involved participants illegally gaining access to dangerously high places and taking some of the most impressive photographs humans have ever captured.

While Skywalkers was an incredible documentary about a daredevil couple, it was also a powerful love story about two perfectly compatible people. Skywalkers was filled with shocking moments that included extraordinary stunts, highly emotional exchanges, and even an illegal scheme to rooftop on one of the largest buildings in the world. Many of these shocking moments would need to be seen to be believed, as Angela and Vanya gave themselves an almost impossible task and have lived to tell the tale.

10 Rooftoppers Don’t Use Safety Harnesses

Skywalkers highlighted the dangers of rooftopping

The Netflix documentary Skywalkers: A Love Story introduced viewers to the death-defying world of rooftopping and told the story of the Russian couple Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus. Rooftopping is an extraordinary endeavor that involves people scaling rooftops, cranes, antennas, and other tall structures while often illegally gaining access to incredibly hard-to-reach areas. While rooftoppers often take selfies and share their accomplishments on social media, one of the most shocking moments in Skywalkers was when it was revealed they do not wear safety harnesses.

Rooftopping is an insanely dangerous hobby, and despite the high chances of an accident occurring, rooftoppers do this without any safety equipment protecting them from a potential fall. While the heights that Angela and Vanya reached in the Skywalkers documentary showcased the most extreme examples of this process, it was shocking to learn how rooftoppers worldwide were putting their lives in danger.

9 Angela and Vanya Have Been Arrested For Their Actions

Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

Many of the instances of rooftopping seen in Skywalkers: A Love Story were highly illegal acts that could have landed Angela and Vanya in serious trouble with the law. While this daredevil couple used many cunning tactics that meant authorities rarely caught them, it was fascinating to see that they occasionally did find themselves on the receiving end of legal action. Early in Skywalkers, Angela revealed that they had been arrested for rooftopping.

Angela and Vanya’s trouble with the law was later caught on camera as the pair were apprehended trying to flee the back alley of a building they had trespassed on. The pair got into a foot chase with police officers, and after Angela had been caught, Vanya rushed back and tried to take the blame. This saw both rooftoppers being detained for trespassing and spending the night in jail.

8 Female Rooftoppers Are Rare

Skywalkers revealed that rooftopping was most a male endeavor

Angela Nikolau rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

In Skywalkers: A Love Story, Angela Nikolau revealed that she was one of the rare female rooftoppers and that this was an endeavor primarily pursued by young men. However, Angela had a history of circus performing in her family and felt drawn to the exciting world of rooftopping. With a focus on acrobatics and aesthetics in her social media posts, Angela quickly built up an online following as people all over the world were shocked to witness her fearless skywalking.

As a highly creative blogger, Angela found a way to make her posts stand out among all the other rooftoppers making content online. This connected her with Vanya Beerkus, and as a boy-girl rooftopping duo, they possessed a quality unlike anybody else doing this type of work. Although Angela’s role as a female rooftopper was usual, she used her unique qualities to stand out among the crowd.

7 Many Skywalkers Have Fallen To Their Deaths

Skywalkers highlighted those who lost their lives rooftopping

Angela Nikolau rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

The first thing viewers would notice when watching Skywalkers: A Love Story was just how dangerous the act of rooftopping was. While learning that rooftoppers did not use safety harnesses was an incredibly shocking moment, this was later compounded by the knowledge of just how many rooftoppers had fallen to their deaths. One moment in particular in Skywalkers that would have many viewers covering their eyes was when it showcased the death of a rooftopper being caught on video as they lost their balance and fell to their death.

Many rooftopping careers end in tragedy, and although the story of Angela and Vanya was a truly compelling one, it was hard not to envisage the heartbreak that would occur if one of them died in the act. Rooftopping was certainly not for the faint of heart, and Angela can be heard learning just how many of her colleagues had died when discussing plans over the phone in Skywalkers. Although rooftopping looks like a highly thrilling endeavor, Skywalkers shockingly showed the reality that many lives were cut short by this extremely risky practice.

6 The Pair Of Skywalkers Fell In Love

Skywalkers was just as much a love story as a rooftopping documentary

Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

As much as Skywalkers: A Love Story outlined Angela and Vanya’s goal to claim achievements that had never previously been accomplished in the world of rooftopping, it was also a heartwarming love story. It was truly impressive to see just how much Angela and Vanya cared for one another and witnessed their journey from being friendly rivals to romantic partners. Although some viewers might disagree with how recklessly the couple put their lives in danger, nobody could deny their incredible compatibility with each other.

It was shocking to witness the depth of their connection, as Vanya went above and beyond to ensure Angela’s safety during their life-threatening climbs. While the couple’s determination to achieve their goals often led to conflict between them, Skywalkers never shied away from showing how deep their love for one another ran. Appropriately, Skywalkers walked the fine line between being a thrilling documentary and a heartwarming love story.

5 Angela And Vanya Arguing At The Top Of Buildings

Skywalkers highlighted the conflicts between the couple

Angela Nikolau rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

Skywalkers: A Love Story showcased the deep connection between the rooftoppers Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus, but did not shy away from highlighting the conflict within their relationship. Even though this couple both had the same ambitions and goals when it came to rooftopping, safety concerns occasionally caused them to argue with one another. In Skywalkers, Angela was often seen wanting to push things past Vanya’s point of comfort as he feared for her safety.

While it’s understood that this could cause arguments in their relationship, it was shocking to witness the couple arguing with one another while in the midst of a death-defying rooftopping endeavor. Video footage captured from the top of tall buildings showcased Angela wanting to continue their photoshoot until she was satisfied they had got the perfect shot. However, this caused an argument, as Vanya feared she would lose her balance and fall to her death if they continued for much longer.


How Many Skyscrapers & Large Structures Ivan Beerkus & Angela Nikolau Have Climbed

Ivan Beerkus and Angela Nikolau, from the documentary Skywalkers: A Love Story, climbed several tall buildings and structures during their careers.

4 They Set Their Sights On Merdekam 118 Malaysia

Skywalkers had a primary mission

Merdekam 118 Malaysia in Skywalkers: A Love Story

The main focus of Skywalkers: A Love Story was related to the Merdeka 118, a 118-story megatall skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As the second highest structure in the world, Angela and Vanya wanted them to become the first rooftoppers to gain access to its spire peak and post their accomplishments on online. While viral videos had showcased American trespassers making it toward the top of the building, Angela and Vanya shockingly wanted to reach the absolute summit.

This outrageous endeavor was discussed throughout Skywalkers, and the opening scene of the film even hinted that they would eventually go through with their harrowing plan. With incredibly strict legal ramifications for trespassing in Malaysia, Angela and Vanya prepared for this death-defying feat in Bangkok, Thailand. This shocking plan was the most intense rooftopping endeavor that Angela and Vanya had ever previously attempted.

3 Angela And Vanya Were In Hiding For More Than 30 Hours

Skywalkers showcased a near arrest for the rooftopping couple

Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus hiding in Skywalkers: A Love Story

Angela and Vanya’s plan to make it to the top of the Merdeka 118 seemed to be going very well until they reached floor number 113 and were very nearly caught by security. However, Angela and Vanya quickly hid in what was called the cave in Skywalkers for more than 30 hours. Without much food or water, the couple grew increasingly weak as it seemed their plan to reach the top of the buildings was about to end in arrest and failure.

However, the couple stayed firm and did not get caught, with Vanya even temporarily leaving their hiding place to get water for Angela. When the coast was clear, Angela and Vanya were able to escape their hiding place without being detected by the security. This was among the most heart-racing moments in Skywalkers, as it looked like all their hard work was about to come crumbling down before they had made it to the top of the building.

2 Angela And Vanya Pulled Off Their Extraordinary Mission

Skywalkers saw the rooftoppers achieve their goal

Angela Nikolau and Vanya Beerkus rooftopping ain Skywalkers: A Love Story

After so much build-up, it was truly thrilling to witness Angela and Vanya leave their hiding and finally gain access to the 118th floor of Merdeka 118. However, in a shocking twist, this was not the endpoint for the rooftopping couple as they still had to climb one and a half hours up the spire’s ladder to reach the summit of the building. With shaking arms and legs, caused by exhaustion from hiding out for 30 hours, Angela and Vanya managed to make it to the top.

This extraordinary achievement was made all the more impressive by the footage they captured at the top of the Merdeka. In a stunning showcase of human ingenuity, Vanya held Angela up as she did acrobats. While some viewers may have disagreements about whether or not it was appropriate for Angela and Vanya to attempt this endeavor, nobody could deny that it was extraordinary that they pulled off this mission.

1 They Are Still Skywalkers To This Day

Skywalkers hinted at more dangerous endeavors to come

Angela Nikolau rooftopping in Skywalkers: A Love Story

Although Angela and Vanya’s stunning summit of the Merdeka 118 was presented as the most extreme challenge they had ever pursued, the ending of Skywalkers: A Love Story revealed that this was not the end of these daredevil rooftoppers. Although Vanya had spoken to Angela about their need to retire from rooftopping if they wanted to ensure they did not die young, it appears they still have the motivation to continue. Both Angela and Vanya have remained active on social media, where they highlight their rooftopping endeavors.

While accomplishing the Merdeka challenge would have been an appropriate time to call it a day, at the end of Skywalkers, Angela spoke about love being like heights and that “the fear never goes away.” However, Angela said, “You just get better at facing it,” and hinted toward further rooftopping adventures with her true love, Vanya. While it may shock some to hear they have not retired, Skywalkers highlighted that it was through these death-defying acts this couple found meaning.

Skywalkers A Love Story (2024) - Poster

Skywalkers: A Love Story (2024)

A daring couple, Angela Nikolau and Ivan Beerkus, embark on an ambitious journey to scale the world’s second-highest skyscraper, the Merdeka 118 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As they plan and execute a death-defying acrobatic stunt on the spire, their relationship faces intense challenges, from personal safety concerns to the pressures of their high-stakes profession.

Jeff Zimbalist

Release Date
January 18, 2024

Jeff Zimbalist

Angela Nikolau , Ivan Beerkus
