20 Children of Wolverine Who Were Just As Deadly


  • Wolverine’s many children have inherited his deadly skills, with some of them even proving to be just as deadly, if not deadlier.
  • The combination of powers from their father with iconic heroes or villains make them formidable threats, or heroes in their own right.
  • Born in different realities, children like Wild Thing, Raze, and Rien show how Wolverine’s powers can be upgraded beyond belief.

The world famous Wolverine may be famous as a loner, a drifter, and a man better off without romance, but the many children of Logan prove his deadly skills are too good to limit to just one generation. Especially when Wolverine’s children turn out to be just as deadly, if not even deadlier than the X-Man.

Across the Marvel multiverse of alternate timelines and realities, Wolverine has fathered dozens of children with both heroes and villains. Some of those Logan children have risen to become heroes, X-Men, Avengers, and world famous themselves. But only a select few of Wolverine’s sons and daughters have done the impossible, and combined the abilities of their father and mother to prove Logan’s healing, claws, and metal skeleton still have room for improvement.


Just How Many Children Does Marvel’s Wolverine Actually Have?

Having lived for centuries, Wolverine has fathered more children than he can count. It’s just too bad that most of them want him dead.

20 Torrent (AKA Kendall Logan)


Torrent from Marvel comics.



First Appearance

Created by


Healing factor, flight, weather manipulation

What If…? #114 (1998)

Jay Faerber, Gregg Schigiel

Jean Grey may be known as Wolverine’s most famous case of ‘unrequited love,’ but true Marvel fans knows that the romance between Wolverine and Storm is too powerful to actually come true (at least not in the main Marvel reality). Proving what kind of mutant child could be produced from two X-Men heavyweights, Kendall Logan, also known as Torrent, unleashed the powers of her mother and father in the alternate reality Earth-9811.

Blessed with both her mother Storm’s weather manipulation powers, combined with the heightened senses and healing factor of her father, Torrent has also unlocked an entirely new mutation: a psychic bond with Earth itself. The double serving of powers Torrent possesses from both superpowered parents makes her a formidable threat.

19 Wolverine, Jr. (AKA Raze Darkhölme)




First Appearance

Created by


The powers of Wolverine, shape-shifting

All-New X-Men #17 (2013)

Brian Michael Bendis, Arthur Adams

Proving that powers like Wolverine’s are enough to corrupt anybody, the Earth-13729 reality is home to Raze, Wolverine’s son with Mystique. Possessing the powers of his heightened-human father and his shape-shifting mother, Raze is a true wild card. And apparently, rumored to have even more impressive and limitless shape-shifting skills than his mother, Raven.

Raze uses his powers for bad, though, as he becomes affiliated with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants along with Charles Xavier II, his half-brother. Raze becomes a mastermind of a massive plan to get rid of all humans in order to create a mutant paradise filled with all the persecuted mutants from the multiverse. Mystique and Destiny may be a fan-favorite X-Men couple, but the pairing of Wolverine with Mystique created an extremely terrifying villain.

18 Erista (AKA Erista)


Erista The Son Of Wolverine As A Baby



First Appearance

Created by


None currently known

Wolverine: The Jungle Adventure #1 (1989)

Walter Simonson and Mike Mignola

Wolverine has traveled the world, and he’s been alive for a long time. Naturally, he’s fallen in love with plenty of different women and sired tons of kids. One of which is Erista. While trying to uncover the person who tried to assassinate him, Wolverine ends up traveling to the Savage Lands, where he meets the Tribe of Fire. When Wolverine first arrived, he was challenged to a duel by Gahck, the leader of the Tribe of Fire. The two fought, with Wolverine being the victor. This apparently spiked Gahck’s interest, because she would later sleep with Wolverine and became pregnant with his son, Erista.

17 Wild Thing (AKA Rina Logan)




First Appearance

Created by


The powers of Wolverine, psychic claws

J2 #5 (1998)

Tom DeFalco, Ron Lim

Rina Logan isn’t the most iconic demonstration of a female Wolverine, but she did arrive long before X-23 ever existed. Bearing the codename ‘Wild Thing’ when debuting as a hero in Earth-982, Rina is as close as it gets to her father’s abilities. And exhibiting gymnastic, acrobatic, and combat proficiency in fights against alternate versions of multiple Marvel icons, she does her father proud. Not to mention her mother, the deadly assassin Elektra.

The only real difference between Rina and her father is the upper limits of her super strength, and the absence of Logan’s iconic bone claws. Not to be outdone, Rina instead relies upon a set of psychic claws, focused to not only solid slicers, but strong enough to cut through most material. How she learned to unlock the power is due to her godmother, Psylocke. But how did she create them in the first place? Mainly because it was the ’90s, and the “MC2” Universe didn’t ask for much more.

16 Ultimate Wolverine (AKA James Hudson, Jr.)




First Appearance

Created by

Magda Lensherr

The powers of Wolverine, organic steel-laced skeleton

Ultimate Comics: X #1 (2010)

Jeph Loeb, Arthur Adams

In the Ultimate Marvel reality that shaped the MCU, James Hudson is Wolverine’s son with the Witch aka Magda Lensherr, the ex-wife of Magneto and mother to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. In the Earth-1610 timeline, JImmy initially thought that he was adopted by Wolverine, only to find out that he was actually his biological son. Similar in many ways to Wolverine, Jimmy has a wild and reckless personality as well as regenerative healing and retractable bone claws that are even more powerful than his dad’s.

Unlike his father, Jimmy was born with the natural ability to coat his claws as well as his whole skeleton and teeth in a strong metallic covering that can cut through steel. Jimmy also acquired control over poison physiology after the Earth Poison invasion. As a result, he is able to protect himself against poison while also enhancing and receiving new abilities like the ability to shape-shift his claws and wall-crawling.

15 Hulk, Jr.




First Appearance

Created by


Gamma Radiation Physiology

Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 (2009)

Mark Miller, Steve McNiven

Old Man Logan was one of the darkest futures that Marvel has explored. In this future, the supervillains of the world were able to rise and take over by manipulating both Deadpool and Wolverine to kill off all of their allies. It also didn’t help matters that the Hulk seemed to be driven insane and joined the side of the villains.

Decades after the world fell, the Hulk Gang roamed the ruins of the country, being a massive danger to people. When the Hulk Gang killed Logan’s family, he sought revenge and slaughtered all of them, including Bruce Banner, save for one. Hulk Jr was then adopted by Logan and became his surrogate son.

14 Rancor (AKA Wolverine)




First Appearance

Created by


Same powers as Wolverine

Guardians of the Galaxy #8 (1990)

Jim Valentino

Rancor is the great-great-great granddaughter of Wolverine from Earth-691. She led her own mutant colony on a planet called Haven and was a brutal leader. One of her first acts was carving out the heart of her own father. Her second act was enslaving the entire human population.

She was a consistent villain for the Guardians of the Galaxy, and even managed to capture Yondu at one point. Overall, she was a wild character who seemed to have no problems causing massive amounts of destruction in her lust for power. She even teamed up with Doctor Doom at one point, before quickly betraying him.

13 Sabreclaw (AKA Hudson Logan)




First Appearance

Created by


Healing factor, heightened senses, super strength

J2 #8 (1999)

Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz

Wolverine’s kid Sabreclaw is the half-brother of Rina in Earth-982. The mother of Sabreclaw is unknown, but what readers do know is that this child of Wolverine is a villain who seems to take more after Sabretooth than his own father, which is even reflected in his name (although the most obvious explanation for his Creed-esque qualities is seemingly ruled out).

Sabreclaw/Hudson Logan does have some things in common with his father; namely his inherited powers and his preferred fighting style of street-type brawling bolstered by a skilled background in martial arts. Sabreclaw used these powers against the Avengers when he was part of the villainous group the Revengers. However, he would end up switching to the good side at a later point, using his deadly powers for benevolence instead.

12 X-23 (AKA Kirika Yashida)


Kirika Yashida X-23 and Wolverine in Marvel Comics-2



First Appearance

Created by

Mariko Yashida

The powers of Wolverine, adamantium-laced skeleton

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse #12 (2005)

C.B. Cebulski, Chris Bachalo

Don’t let the codename from another reality fool you: Kirika Yashida is absolutely not a ‘version’ of Laura Kinney, the X-23 of the main Marvel reality. This version hailing from Earth-295 is Wolverine’s daughter with Mariko Yashida, born without Logan having any knowledge of her existence. But in the world of mutant heroes, her name and deployment of bone claws made the source of her powers fairly obvious. After gaining help from Magneto, Kirika’s bone claws and skeleton became bonded with adamantium, just like her father.

11 Cameron Howlett (AKA Cameron Pryde)




First Appearance

Created by

Kitty Pryde

Merging. Enters something and can exit from the same genetic material

Years of Future Past #1 (2015)

Marguerite Bennett, Mike Nortonl

The son of Colossus and Kitty Pryde, Cameron was given to Logan to keep safe outside the walls of the Mutant Internment camps the US Government had set up. While not Wolverine’s biological son, Logan did raise Cameron as best he could. He taught Cameron how to survive in this brutal world, and most importantly, how to fight.

It seems that Cameron inherited Logan’s killer instinct, as he quickly killed the Blob when he began threatening civilians. This was easily done as Cameron’s power allowed him to enter and exit things at will, combined with his penchant for carrying a blade, and Cameron was a brutal fighter.

Cameron eventually discovered the truth about his parents.

10 William Downing (AKA Gunhawk)


Wolverine's Son William Downing



First Appearance

Created by

Dolores Downing

Expert Leader, Master Assassin, Master Marksmen

Wolverine #1 (2010)

Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes

William Downing was the leader of the Mongrels, a team made up entirely of Wolverine’s abandoned children. He was a master assassin and his weapons of choice were two pistols that had blades on them, which he used to great effect. Gunhawk was the final member of the Mongrels to die, fighting against his father among the corpses of his siblings. It’s unclear if Gunhawk was even aware of the tragedy of his situation, since it’s never stated if he knew about his relation to Wolverine and the rest of the Mongrels. Either way, Gunhawk’s fate is one of the darkest of Wolverine’s children.

Earth-616Cannon Foot Mongrel Wolverine



First Appearance

Created by


Animal like physical abilities. Enhanced strength, smell, speed, as well as having fangs and claws.

Wolverine #1 (2010)

Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes

Cannon Foot was the son of Wolverine and an unknown woman. He seemed to have no care for his father at all, and he was eventually found by Daken. Daken then handed Cannon Foot over to the The Red Right Hand, a powerful criminal organization. It was here that Cannon Foot went through intense training, and he took on the name Cannon Foot due to his ability to kick rocks like cannonballs.

Eventually, he’d join the group known as The Mongrels, a task force built specifically for killing Wolverine’s friends, family, and lovers. He was the first member of the Mongrels to face off against Wolverine and was killed by him, only for Wolverine to later learn that Cannon Foot was his own child.

8 Fire Knives (AKA Fire Knives)


Fire Knives Wolverines Daughter in Daken's Right Hand Gang



First Appearance

Created by


Enhanced Agility

Wolverine #1 (2010)

Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes

Much like her brother Cannon Foot, Fire Knives was also recruited by Daken and brought into The Red Right Hand to be trained. She took her name from her weapon of choice, a pair of knives that seemed to be perpetually on fire. Fire Knives was the daughter of Wolverine, but it’s unclear if she knew of her familial connection to either Dakon or Logan.

In the end, just like all of her other siblings, Fire Knives took her own life after failing to defeat Wolverine. When Logan learned that she had been his daughter, horrified, he buried her along with the rest of her siblings.

7 Saw Fist (AKA Saw Fist)


Wolverine's Son Sawfist



First Appearance

Created by


Chainsaw for a hand

Wolverine #1 (2010)

Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes

A member of the Mongrel’s, Saw Fist was the son of Wolverine and an unnamed woman from Mexico. Found by his half-brother Daken, Saw Fist was brought into the Red Right Hand group where he was trained to be a killer. He took on the name Saw Fist due to his preferred weapon being a chainsaw strapped to his hand. He also began wearing a Lucha Libre mask and screaming his battle cries in his native language of Spanish. Unfortunately, he ended up being killed by Wolverine, just like all of his other siblings.

6 Shadowstrike (AKA Shadowstrike)


Shadowstriker, The Daughter Of Wolverine



First Appearance

Created by


Enhanced Agility

Wolverine #1 (2010)

Jason Aaron, Renato Guedes

Just like her siblings Fire Knives and Cannon Foot, Shadowstrike was another child of Wolverine. Just like her siblings, Shadowstrike was recruited by Daken into The Red Right Hand to train for her eventual battle against Wolverine.

Shadowstrike seemed to be a sadist and greatly enjoyed hurting her opponents. Her weapons of choice were two spiked balls in her hair, which she used like flails and gloves that were covered in sharp spikes. She used these spikes to cut Wolverine’s face, even flirting with him afterward, which strongly implies she was unaware of him being her father, just as he was unaware of her being his daughter.

5 Daken (AKA Akihiro)




First Appearance

Created by


The powers of Wolverine, pheromone control

Wolverine: Origins #5 (2006)

Daniel Way, Steve Dillon

Wolverine’s son with Itsu in the Earth-616 timeline, Daken, also known as Akihiro was not raised by either of his parents. This is because his mother Itsu was killed by the Winter Soldier and Daken was stolen by Romulus. The villain Romulus raised Daken to be a cold-blooded killer, which he used to dismantle his father’s heroic legacy.

Daken masqueraded as Wolverine in the Dark Avengers and tried to lead a criminal empire. He was aided by his exceptional powers, some of which were gained from his father, like the trademark bone claws. Other powers are all his own such as his ability to manipulate emotions through pheromone control, an ability that allows him to mask his own scent so powerfully that even Wolverine can’t track him down. In addition to having physical prowess, Daken is also incredibly manipulative and intelligent, shown in his manipulations of the uber-brainy Norman Osborn and Reed Richards.

Daken has consistently been Wolverine’s most dangerous child.

4 Amiko Kobayashi (AKA Amiko)


Amiko Kobayashi



First Appearance

Created by


Limited martial arts, potential for mystic abilities.

Uncanny X-Men #181 (1984)

Chris Claremont and John Romita Jr

Amiko’s mother was an unnamed woman who was killed when a giant dragon began rampaging through Tokyo. She, for some reason, used her dying breath to ask Wolverine to take care of her daughter. As Wolverine felt responsible for the dragon arriving in Tokyo due to Battleworld events, Wolverine solemnly accepted the duty of raising and protecting Amiko. Despite Wolverine accepting the dying wish of this woman, he rarely actually saw Amiko when she was a child. Instead, leaving the raising and day-to-day care of Amik to his fiancé, Mariko Yashida.

3 Wolverine (AKA Laura Kinney)




First Appearance

Created by

Dr. Sarah Kinney

The powers of Wolverine

NYX #3 (2004)

Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost

Since Laura has been genetically engineered from the DNA of her father, her first origin story implied Laura was a direct clone.

Created by ‘The Facility’ in the Earth-616 timeline, the X-Force member Laura Kinney was created when geneticist Sarah Kinney used her own genetic material along with Wolverine’s to create a supreme assassin. Laura Kinney first sought out Wolverine to kill him as she wanted to put an end to all the human weapon experiments. However, Wolverine opted to help her instead, and she became enrolled at Xavier Institute and would become a highly regarded hero.

Since Laura has been genetically engineered from the DNA of her father, her first origin story implied Laura was a direct clone. More recently, the science has been fully unlocked, revealing Laura is a true genetic daughter of Wolverine, making Laura’s official claiming of the Wolverine mantle an entirely different form of ‘keeping it in the family.’

2 Scout (AKA Gabby Kinney)




First Appearance

Created by

Dr. Sarah Kinney

The powers of Wolverine

NYX #3 (2004)

Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost

The mutant clone of Laura, Scout aka Gabby Kinney may seem innocent, but she’s one tough cookie. Trained to be a lethal weapon, much like her genetic template and sister, Laura, Scout has the deadly qualities of Wolverine mixed with an insensitivity to pain. A fan-favorite member of Wolverine’s family, Gabby also has body armor and an armored mask along with her natural powers and fight training which makes her a heavy hitter. Having a strong moral compass and a reservoir of empathy, Honey Badg–make that ‘Scout’ is now almost exclusively using her powers for good.

1 Rien (AKA ‘Queen of Nothing’)




First Appearance

Created by

Sylvie D’Arqueness

The powers of Wolverine, sorcery, magical bone claws

Marvel Comics Presents #1 (2019)

Charles Soule, Paulo Siqueira

Wolverine’s sorceress daughter, ‘Riene Du Rien’ is among the most recent and most overpowered children of Wolverine, born to the sorceress Sylvie D’Arqueness, which explains where she got her magical abilities. Having mutant heritage along with sorcery capabilities and portal creation, Rien is a fighter capable of slaying powerful demons.

Rien was conceived purposely so the Clan D’Arqueness could have a member who possessed the magical abilities of the clan along with Logan’s healing factor. They hoped to use the powerful Marvel magic user Rien against a demon known as the Truth, which turned out to be a successful plan as Rien did just that. In turn, she got her freedom and was finally able to form a close relationship with her father.
