Which Lightsaber Color Would You Have Based On Your Zodiac Sign?


  • The iconic blue lightsaber is perfect for the brave Aries.
  • The Darksaber symbolizes power and leadership, making it ideal for the determined Taurus.
  • Charming Geminis would wield a rare magenta lightsaber, symbolizing compassion and intelligence.

Of all the lightsaber colors in Star Wars, these 12 perfectly match each of the Zodiac signs. Lightsabers have been the weapon of choice for Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi throughout all of Star Wars’ movies and TV shows. However, earlier in the Star Wars timeline, lightsaber colors and designs were quite limited, with only red, blue, and green appearing in the original trilogy.

However, since Return of the Jedi, lightsaber colors and their meanings have expanded considerably in Star Wars. Following Darth Maul’s double-bladed lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and Mace Windu’s purple saber in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, it has truly begun to feel like options are limitless for the franchise’s sabers. Based on all of these expanded colors—in Star Wars Legends and canon—here is the Zodiac sign best suited to each lightsaber color.


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The Brave Aries Would Wield A Blue Lightsaber

Anakin’s Blue Lightsaber Is Iconic In The Franchise

Blue is arguably the most iconic lightsaber color in Star Wars, especially because it was the first color shown in the franchise. Specifically, Luke wielded a blue saber in A New Hope that ended up being his father’s. Because blue was Anakin’s lightsaber color, and Anakin’s saber has been so pivotal throughout Star Wars, this color carries great meaning. As denoted by the characters who have wielded a blue lightsaber—not only Luke and Anakin but also Obi-Wan Kenobi—this color is linked with bravery and a strong connection to the Force.

This color is therefore the perfect fit for the Aries Zodiac sign, which is associated with boldness, determination, and bravery.

This color is therefore the perfect fit for the Aries Zodiac sign, which is associated with boldness, determination, and bravery. In fact, the more negative qualities of an Aries can include aggression, impatience, and even a bit of selfishness at times. If Anakin is any indication, this means that even the possible flaws of an Aries suit this lightsaber color.

The Darksaber Is Perfect For A Determined, Tenacious Taurus

The Darksaber Is An Incredibly Unique Saber In Star Wars

The Mandalorian Darksaber is truly unique in Star Wars. Not only was this the lightsaber of the very first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla, but it also has a massive cultural and political significance in Mandalorian history. In fact, if the Darksaber is won in battle, the champion of the fight is thought to have a reasonable claim to the throne of Mandalore. The Darksaber is also simply a stunning weapon, with a deep black blade surrounded by a white outline.

Clearly, the Darksaber is a symbol of power and leadership, perfect for a Taurus. The Taurus Zodiac sign is perhaps best known for its stubbornness, as its symbol, the bull, suggests. However, this is also an astrological sign well known for grit and determination. Given what it takes to simply wield the Darksaber, this saber is surely befitting a Taurus.

Charming Geminis Would Have Magenta Lightsabers

Mara Jade Wielded A Magenta Saber In Legends

Magenta lightsabers are extremely rare in Star Wars, and, in canon, they have only been shown in the video game series Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. However, they had major significance in Legends, as none other than Mara Jade, ex-dark side assassin for Emperor Palpatine and the eventual wife of Luke Skywalker, wielded one. While Mara Jade is sadly not part of Star Wars canon, and is very likely to be added now in light of Luke’s arc in the sequel trilogy, Legends revealed plenty about her character.

Although Mara Jade had a complicated history, in the end, she was revealed to be a very compassionate person, and the magenta color is a symbol of that compassion and spirit. This color is therefore perfect for a Gemini. Geminis are well-known for being empathetic, but they are also charming and intelligent—both traits Mara Jade also exhibited.

The Protective Nature Of A Cancer Is Perfect For Yellow Sabers

Yellow Lightsabers Have Become Much More Common In Star Wars

Yellow lightsabers have grown in prominence exponentially in Star Wars. Although they were initially linked with the Temple Guards of the Jedi Order and then with Rey in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, they have since appeared in both Star Wars: The Bad Batch and The Acolyte. In The Bad Batch, Ventress shocked viewers not only by returning but also by using a yellow lightsaber, suggesting she had switched from the dark side to the light side. In The Acolyte, multiple Jedi wield a yellow saber, suggesting it used to be even more common.

Yellow lightsabers have grown in prominence exponentially in
Star Wars

While the exact meaning hasn’t been identified in Star Wars, these characters suggest that yellow is symbolic of someone who protects others. Not only was this obviously true for the Temple Guards, but it is also reinforced by the natures of Rey and Ventress. This color is therefore perfect for Cancers, who are known to be incredibly protective of and caring towards those they love. After all, this is why the crab is the ideal symbol for them—this hard shell of a crab reflects a Cancer’s protective nature.

Short-Tempered Leos Would Have Red Lightsabers

The Iconic Sith Sabers Perfectly Suit Leos

Leos might be best known for their passion, ego, and loyalty—all symbolized by the lion representing the sign—but they are also known to have quite a temper. This makes sense, as Leos are one of the fire signs. However, even among the fire signs, Leos can be particularly hot-headed, especially when someone challenges them on their leadership or insults their abilities.

Leos can be particularly hot-headed, especially when someone challenges them on their leadership or insults their abilities.

In light of that, red is quite clearly the best lightsaber color for Leos. Just like Leos, the Sith tend to struggle with flashes of anger, and they clearly have the arrogance required to try to take over the galaxy. However, it isn’t all bad. Star Wars’ most powerful Sith are also some of Star Wars’ best characters, and that’s in part because, in addition to their strength, they are very charismatic. Nevertheless, red lightsabers are also perfect for Leos.

The Service-Minded Virgo Would Have A Green Lightsaber

Green Lightsabers Have Belonged To Some Of Star Wars’ Greatest Jedi

Green is easily the second most common Jedi lightsaber color following blue, and it has been the color of multiple incredibly powerful Jedi. Most notably, this was the color of Master Yoda’s lightsaber, one of the strongest and most important Jedi in the entire franchise. It was also the color of Luke Skywalker’s brand-new lightsaber in Return of the Jedi. Unsurprisingly, based on these two examples alone (although there are many others), it’s clear that green is a lightsaber color reflective of service to others.

Both Yoda and Luke were incredibly self-sacrificial and determined to help others. Like these Jedi, Virgos are known for being hard-working, faithful, and always wanting to help. Indeed, the kind and supportive nature of Virgos is perfect for green lightsabers. This is also applicable to many Jedi, perhaps suggesting why green is such a common color.

The kind and supportive nature of Virgos is perfect for green lightsabers.

Cyan Lightsabers Match The Adventurous Sagittarius

These Canon Lightsabers Are Not Quite Blue

Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, introduced a number of creative colors and lightsaber designs to canon, including magenta, cyan, and indigo. While each of these colors is similar to a previously established lightsaber color in Star Wars canon, there are distinctions. For example, while blue lightsabers reflect bravery and strength in the Force, cyan, although a derivative of blue, is thought to represent calm and serenity in the Force. Presumably, this is a combination of the blue and green symbolism.

However, the Sagittarius Zodiac sign is also known for having a strong moral compass and sense of justice, just as Cal Kestis—who wields a cyan saber in the game—does. In light of this, it’s clear that cyan is an ideal lightsaber color for a Sagittarius. In fact, given the adventurous spirit of a Sagittarius, this unique lightsaber color makes even more sense.

Ambitious Scorpios Would Wield The Dark Jedi’s Orange Saber

Orange Lightsabers Were Brought To Live-Action In Ahsoka

Although orange lightsabers existed in Star Wars prior to Ahsoka, Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati are certainly the most prominent examples of characters who wield an orange lightsaber in canon. As these characters suggest, orange lightsabers are associated with ‘Gray Jedi,’ ‘Dark Jedi,’ or, essentially, Jedi who maintain both a light side and a dark side connection. This was clear in Baylan most of all, as he was clearly using the dark side of the Force and was comfortable working with other dark side Force-users, but he also had respect and even admiration for the Jedi.


What Orange Lightsabers Mean: Star Wars Canon, Legends History & Ahsoka’s Villains

Star Wars features a wide array of lightsaber colors each with different meanings. What do orange lightsabers signify, and who has used one in canon?

Given the somewhat mysterious nature of Force-users who wield orange lightsabers, this color is perfect for Scorpios. As the symbol of the sign—a scorpion— suggests, Scorpios tend to be a bit secretive and difficult to fully understand. This is certainly the case for Dark Jedi, who seem to defy the binaries of the light and the dark side and have quite a different definition of balance than the Jedi. However, Scorpios are also ambitious and intuitive, traits clearly exhibited by Baylan and Shin.

Libra’s Interest In Balance Is Represented In The Purple Lightsaber

Samuel L. Jackson Introduced This Color To Star Wars Canon

Samuel L. Jackson famously brought the purple lightsaber color to Star Wars simply by requesting that Mace Windu have that color in the prequel trilogy. While it’s clear that Jackson’s status as a major celebrity and excellent actor gave him the pull necessary to create an entire lightsaber color, purple lightsabers have since become even more important to the franchise. In fact, Vernestra Rwoh, most recently seen in The Acolyte, not only wields a purple lightsaber but a purple lightwhip—an even more creative lightsaber.

As Mace Windu and Vernestra Rwoh both suggest, purple lightsabers represent a quest for balance in the Force. Interestingly, this doesn’t mean Jedi who wield purple lightsabers have obtained balance; both Vern and Mace Windu clearly show signs of moral ambiguity that isn’t aligned with true balance. However, this makes a purple saber perfect for Libras, who also constantly seek justice and harmony but also struggle with indecision.

This makes a purple saber perfect for Libras, who also constantly seek justice and harmony but also struggle with indecision.

Intelligent Aquarians Would Wield The Rare Indigo Lightsaber

This Unique Saber Is Thought To Represent Wisdom

Like cyan and magenta, indigo lightsabers were introduced to Star Wars canon in the Jedi: Fallen Order series. They are also similarly a bit of an enigma in the franchise, as their exact meaning is yet to be defined. However, the colors they combine reveal what these lightsabers very likely symbolize. As a lightsaber bringing together both blue and purple, indigo lightsabers seem to represent a mix of wisdom and righteousness.

This lightsaber is therefore perfect for the Aquarius Zodiac sign. Aquarians are known most prominently for their intelligence, which clearly aligns with the wisdom already associated with purple lightsabers. However, unlike the uncertainty that can also come along with purple sabers, indigo sabers reflect the righteous convictions seen in Jedi who wield a blue lightsaber. Moreover, the fact that this color is a bit of a mystery is perfect for Aquarians, as they are known for being a bit difficult to fully understand.

Loyal Capricorns Would Opt For A Bronze Lightsaber

This Rare Lightsaber Color Has Interesting Familial Ties In Star Wars

Bronze lightsabers are incredibly rare in Star Wars, but one character with deep familial connections in the franchise’s history wielded such a saber in Legends. Specifically, Lowbacca was the nephew of none other than Chewbacca. Surprisingly, given George Lucas’ stance on the subject, Lowbacca was a Force-sensitive Wookiee, and he trained in Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Temple in Legends. Interestingly, Lowbacca seems to have picked this color specifically because of his family; he was said to have chosen it to honor his Wookiee heritage.

Bronze lightsabers would therefore be an ideal choice for Capricorns, as they are incredibly loyal and would certainly understand the desire to have a lightsaber that reflects family connections. Moreover, though, the bronze (nearly brown) color of the saber is reminiscent of nature. This again aligns with Capricorn, a sign which is one of three earth signs.

The Empathetic And Positive Pisces Would Wield White Lightsabers

Like Ahsoka’s Dual White Sabers, This Lightsaber Color Represents Purity And Peace

Finally, white lightsabers are absolutely perfect for Pisces. White lightsabers are most closely associated with Ahsoka Tano, who has wielded them in both animation and live-action. However, in the Ahsoka show, Ahsoka took this transformation one step further, finally embracing the identity of a Jedi and therefore donning her ‘Ahsoka the White’ outfit. Like this outfit, Ahsoka’s white sabers represent peace, purity, and empathy.

White lightsabers are therefore ideal for the deeply empathetic and spiritual Pisces.

White lightsabers are therefore ideal for the deeply empathetic and spiritual Pisces. Like Ahsoka, this sign is well-known for intuition and generosity. While these are theoretically traits that all Jedi should possess, Ahsoka certainly exhibits them more than most, hence giving her the white lightsabers most recently seen in Ahsoka. As Ahsoka’s white lightsabers make clear, Star Wars’ lightsaber colors truly do have great meaning, and each color connects clearly with a unique Zodiac sign.
