Fallout: London Traits Tier List

With so many fans excited about the new release of Fallout: 4‘s mod, Fallout: London, you will have noticed upon starting that a new feature has been introduced to character customization, known as Traits. Those eager to explore the new environment of London’s wasteland and eerie Underground stations must choose two out of 12 traits to boost particular skills and abilities for exploration, combat, or practically.

While each trait enhances your performance, they all have a catch, making it tricky to choose the right one, as you will have obstacles to consider. The tier list below breaks down the good, the bad, and the ugly for each trait, placing them in a ranking based on how much the pros outweigh the cons and how they will hinder you or help you ‘mind the gap’ in Fallout: London.


10 Biggest Fallout: London Changes & Differences

Fallout: London is a total conversion mod that has changed almost everything in Fallout 4 to give players the closest thing they can get to a sequel.

All Fallout: London Traits Tier List

Ranked D – S

The table below organizes all traits in Fallout: London within the traditional tier list from D, the worst, to S, the best. While all of them have some form of utility and uniqueness, most only serve specific playstyles and builds in Fallout: London.

Those within the A and S-tier categories are more widely usable, offering versatility and some form of customization, and can often be paired together to make you perform optimally. ZerkaaPlays on YouTube vouches for Hoarder due to its practical uses, selecting it as his first trait option, alongside Sleep Walker, purely out of interest for the narrative depth it provides:

S (Best Traits)


A (Excellent Traits)



B (Good Traits)

Chem Head

Four Eyes

Heavy Handed


C (Niche Traits)



Night Owl

D (Outclassed Traits)



D Tier Traits


Numbskull Trait in Fallout London.

The Traits within the D Tier don’t offer any utility worth bringing to London’s wasteland, so they are placed at the very bottom of the list. These traits could potentially only make players worse off.

While the +1 to Strength, Endurance, and Luck is a good bonus for the Numbskull trait, never being able to exceed Intelligence to higher than 3 is a harsh price to pay. Not only will this completely lock you out of certain builds, but you won’t be able to use or even modify weapons in Fallout: London that you find while exploring.

Considering that players can earn three levels very quickly organically, it isn’t worth it for such little gain.


Claustrophobic Trait in Fallout London.

Moreover, Claustrophobic belongs in the D Tier category, as all your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats in Fallout: London are decreased by -1 when exploring indoors. While the +1 bonus to these stats is useful when outside, most of Fallout: Londonrevolves around exploring London’s famed Underground stations and vaults, among other iconic buildings, making it a terrible trade-off, especially when you enter combat in these indoor danger zones.

C Tier Traits

Sleep Walker

Sleepwalker Trait in Fallout London.

Traits in C-Tier are slightly better than those in D-Tier, where they could be useful in some instances. However, they are still considered to be outclassed and won’t help you improve.

Sleep Walker is a more intriguing and fun trait, causing you to wake up in mysterious places after sleeping. Utilizing this trait could add a lot of depth to the story of Fallout: London, allowing you to discover and explore new places and go on unexpected adventures in Fallout: London.

As fun as it may be, this can be extremely dangerous, as you never know if you’ll wake up in a dangerous place or one that you’re not quite prepared for.

This trait doesn’t give you any direct benefits compared to the other traits, and it doesn’t give you any debuffs. It’s entirely up to your playstyle, but it has a few benefits and utility.


Gifted Trait in Fallout London.

The Gifted Trait in Fallout: London seems better than it is, but it does prove useful in the early game, where leveling up can be challenging. While you get +6 across all your stats (+1 bonus for each stat), you must let go of -15% of your XP in Fallout: London.

This may seem like a marginal amount on the surface, but hypothetically, gaining enough XP to get to level 100 would have you at 85 instead, as you’d be effectively trading 6 points for 15 points. Not having the XP debuff will mean you can make up the six levels in the ‘ordinary’ amount of time, but having the trait would make that nine instead.

If you really want the extra six stats, you could potentially offset this penalty by leveling up your Intelligence stat, as this increases your XP earned.

Night Owl

Night Owl Trait in Fallout London.

Night Owl is another stat that is extremely selective about when you receive particular buffs. It gives you +1 to Intelligence and Perception only during the night, but the opposite is true, so you’d be at a disadvantage when exploring in daylight.

While you can opt to only explore in the dark, it would be a shame not to adventure through the new environment introduced by Fallout: London when you can see things clearly, given that we have never seen the world of Fallout outside the US. Even in an apocalyptic world, the city’s beauty and remarkable buildings and landscape can still be appreciated if viewed under the bright sun.


Can You Play Fallout: London Without Fallout 4?

Fallout: London is practically its own game with all the content that it includes, but it is still a conversion mod.

B Tier Traits

Four Eyes

Four Eyes Trait in Fallout London.

Four traits are within the B-tier category, as they have good potential and can be advantageous to particular playstyles in Fallout: London. Their ranking can also move depending on how you use them. While they are generally great choices, they are limited to players of certain builds in Fallout: London, making them less inclusive. Otherwise, some of them may branch towards the A-tier.

The Four Eyes trait borders the C-tier, as it has a fairly small benefit while being very situational. Players receive a mere +1 to Perception but lose -1 after removing them. This limits you, as you will never be able to equip protective helmets or other accessories that could provide useful, better enhancements.

It can be great for Stealth-based or long-ranged builds that don’t require as much protection, but players will very quickly make up one level that they can put into Perception as soon as they level up. Overall, there is little gain for quite a significant drawback, and you could always find gear that gives you the same bonus, if not more, without penalizing you for removing it.

Chem Head

Chem Head Trait in Fallout London.

Chem Head is only beneficial to those who rely on using Chems in Fallout: London, giving you -1 to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats if you are not under their influence. Its main advantage is that it makes Chems last four times longer than usual, giving players even more reason to select this trait. This is an excellent buff for Chem builds, but a terrible penalty to pay if you don’t plan to use them frequently.

Be mindful when using Chems, as players who repeatedly use substances will eventually suffer from addiction and withdrawal symptoms, which can cause you to lose +1 to particular stats anyway, negating the boost this trait has. You can offset this penalty with consumables such as Addictol.

Heavy Handed

Heavy Handed Trait in Fallout London.

Similar to the Chem Head trait, Heavy Handed is very circumstantial and based entirely on player builds. Those utilizing a melee build in Fallout: London will find this especially appealing, especially if they aren’t fans of Power Attacks and prefer to hit fast. Melee damage and Unarmed damage are increased by 20%, which is quite a huge boost. However, the catch is that it makes Power Attacks useless.

This isn’t such a terrible drawback if you don’t plan to use this skillset, especially since Power Attacks are generally quite slow and can easily be interrupted by enemies. This wouldn’t be the trait to pick for anyone who doesn’t utilize melee weaponry.


Puritan Trait in Fallout London.

The final B-tier trait is another build-based bonus, applying +1 to Strength and Endurance alongside more HP. However, this only applies as long as you aren’t under the influence of Chemicals, so if you are planning to choose this trait, make sure you’re okay with limiting yourself from these substances and their powerful effects.

Don’t worry about healing-based consumables, as the trait excludes Stimpacks, Rad-X, and Radaway, used to alleviate injuries and
radiation in
Fallout: London


If you’re fine with never using Chems, then choose this trait for a Strength-based tanky build. The buff in these stats and extra HP will give you better survivability against tough enemies in Fallout: London. Moreover, your carry capacity will also increase, allowing you to hold weightier items and use heavy armor to complement your bulky build.

A Tier Traits


Acrobat Trait in Fallout London.

Traits in the A-tier category closely rival S-tier options, offering significantly powerful bonuses worth investing in. They make great overall choices and are useful for most build and playstyles in Fallout: London.

Acrobat is one of the best Traits as an increase in movement speed of +10% is quite significant in an adventure game where over-stamina usage can result in death. This is especially helpful if you wield melee weapons, allowing you to move around in combat easily.

The decrease in carry capacity may not be worthwhile if you’re a heavy melee user, but you can always find places to dump your excess weight as you progress the game. As you gain new companions in Fallout: London, you will also gain access to their inventory, which will allow you to better manage your storage.


Kamikaze Trait in Fallout London.

While seemingly dangerous, kamikaze is one of the best traits for experienced Fallout players or those skilled in Stealth and long-ranged playstyles. Action Points are vital to consider if you use firearms, as they are spent when firing or reloading a weapon, attacking in V.A.T.S. in Fallout: London, and holding your breath for accuracy with a scope.

With so many factors involved, replenishing your Action Points is key to dealing damage and being effective in combat. While a 20% increase in weapon damage intake can be crippling, if you’re a skilled player who can dodge attacks and use defensive methods, which most Fallout players should aim to do anyway, this shouldn’t affect you too much.

Stealth or long-ranged players, such as those using a
sniper build in

: London,

may not find this threatening and can mitigate this risk, as they wouldn’t necessarily be in weapon-damage vicinity of enemies.

S Tier Traits


Hoarder Trait in Fallout London.

S-tier traits offer players unparalleled enhancements to their experience, making them more efficient in their gameplay. These traits are considered to be the best of the best, offering high advantages with very low penalty costs.

Hoarder is the only trait deserving of the S-tier title due to its versatility. It should always be the number one choice, as it can apply to any build in Fallout: London. After prioritizing this trait, you can select your second trait, which can be specifically tailored to your playstyle.

The extra carry capacity means that you don’t have to worry so much about letting go of items you’re reluctant to part with, and you can easily use heavy weapons or wear heavy armor. While losing your movement speed entirely when encumbered is frustrating, it’s not really a trade-off.

In most traditional RPG settings, including those within Bethesda games,
player speed dramatically drops when encumbered anyway
, forcing players to organize and declutter their inventory regardless.

You should either be more stringent about what you pick up, which is a good practice or find external sources to store your extra baggage. Moreover, you can make extra Bottle Caps in Fallout: London by selling excess items to vendors.

To offset this minor drawback, this trait excellently synergizes with Acrobatics, where you lose 50 lb of carry capacity but gain +10% movement speed. By combining it with Hoarder, which gives you 75 lb of carry capacity, players will gain 25 lb of carry capacity and extra movement speed. Together, these traits lose their penalties and provide optimal bonuses in the

Fallout 4


Source: ZerkaaPlays/YouTube
