The Umbrella Academy's 16 Hargreeves Siblings Ranked By Power


  • The Hargreeves siblings’ powers define their story, with new abilities and upgrades in season 4.
  • Some, like Viktor and Allison, have powerful abilities, while others like Jayme and Alphonso face limitations.
  • New introductions like Phil and Fei bring unique powers to the mix, showcasing the diverse range within the siblings.

Between The Umbrella Academy‘s various timelines and apocalypses, there are many different versions of the Hargreeves siblings and their superpowers. Whether it was Allison struggling with the consequences of her rumor power or Viktor feeling isolated because he supposedly did not have any powers, these abilities or lack thereof have defined much of the siblings’ story since season 1. This has continued to be the case as more Hargreeves siblings, including those of the Sparrow and Phoenix Academies, were introduced through other timelines in later seasons.

The final season proved to be particularly game-changing in a timeline where the Hargreeves siblings gained new powers after spending six years without any abilities. Overall, the titular group of characters become more powerful than ever before, with many of their unique strengths receiving a significant upgrade after consuming marigold in The Umbrella Academy season 4. While all the Hargreeves children are powerful, some of their abilities are naturally ranked as far more formidable than others.


Subtle The Umbrella Academy Detail Gives Away A Major Season 4 Twist In The Opening Minutes

The Umbrella Academy season 4, episode 1’s opening minutes actually reveal the massive twist that plays out in the Netflix show’s series finale.

16 Phil

Played By: Armaan Jawandha

Armaan Jawandha as Phil Hargreeves conjuring fire in The Umbrella Academy.

In one of the many timelines that Five and Lila travel to via the multiversal subway in season 4, one of the worlds includes a Phoenix Academy instead of an Umbrella or Sparrow Academy. While different and younger versions of familiar characters like Luther, Diego, and Klaus are part of the Phoenix Academy, there is also an entirely new character named Phil. His superpower is pyrokinesis as he conjures a fireball when he encounters Five and Lila.

Phoenix Academy Member


Luther Hargreeves


Diego Hargreeves

Projectile manipulation

Alphonso Hargreeves

Damage reflection

Klaus Hargreeves

Spirit conjuring & immortality

Fei Hargreeves

Crow manifestation

Phil Hargreeves




In fairness to Phil, his limited screentime means he does not get to significantly showcase his superpower. Nevertheless, the ability to conjure and throw fireballs pales compared to many of the other Hargreeves siblings, whose abilities to travel through time and space, be immortal, or manipulate sound are far more useful. His power also seems weaker compared to the other Hargreeves children within the Phoenix Academy.

15 Alphonso

Played By: Jake Epstein

Promo image for Alphonso Hargreeves in the Umbrella Academy season 3, showing his deformed face

While Reginald Hargreeves may believe the Sparrow Academy to be superior to the Umbrella Academy, the Sparrows’ Alphonso is the weakest out of both groups. He can hurt others by having his own body harmed, as whatever pain befalls his body is inflicted upon others instead of on him. For example, when Allison punches him in season 3, she feels the effect of the punch instead of Alphonso, which is why he goaded her into hurting him in the first place.

Although it is never explicitly confirmed, Alphonso’s appearance is suggested to be the result of the toll that constantly hurting himself takes on his body, making his power more of a curse than a gift in many ways. His powers also do not afford him any protection against sonic attacks, as Viktor’s energy blast caused Alphonso to go flying, and he was later killed by Harlan Cooper’s attack. Alphonso’s powers are the least useful compared to his Umbrella and Sparrow Academy siblings.

14 Jayme

Played By: Cazzie David

Cazzie David as Jayme screaming in the Umbrella Academy

Jayme’s superpower is her ability to spit venom that causes others to hallucinate when it hits their faces. This most famously results in the Footloose-inspired dance-off between the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies season 3. The hallucinations caused by her venom can help distract and temporarily incapacitate the opponents she and her Sparrow Academy siblings face, allowing them to get the upper hand when fighting.

The temporary effects of her venom are a significant drawback as well, making her abilities better-equipped to support her more powerful siblings as she can only do so much by herself.

Despite this, Jayme’s power has a severe disadvantage as it can only work at certain distances, as she needs to be close enough to her targets for her venom to make contact with their faces. The temporary effects of her venom are a significant drawback as well, making her abilities better-equipped to support her more powerful siblings as she can only do so much by herself. Her powers also do not afford her any protection from sonic attacks, as one from Harlan easily kills her.

13 Marcus

Played By: Justin Cornwell

Marcus touches the Kugelblitz in The Umbrella Academy season 3

Marcus is the Sparrow Academy’s equivalent of Luther, a leader possessing super strength, who was dubbed Number One by Reginald. When Marcus and Luther first fight, they seem evenly matched, but Marcus is ultimately able to outperform him. This poised Marcus to potentially be more powerful than not only Luther but some of the other Umbrella Academy siblings, with his leadership being another advantage towards his abilities.

Such a promising beginning did not amount to much else, as it was not long after this that Marcus touched the Kugelblitz and was killed. Being killed by the Kugelblitz does not make him weak, as it was an apocalyptic force that destroyed an entire timeline, but his early demise prevented him from demonstrating the full depth of his abilities. While he did well against Luther, his super strength would not do much good against the likes of Viktor or Five.

12 Fei

Played By: Britne Oldford

Fei's eyes are shut in The Umbrella Academy Season 3

Fei has the unique ability to manifest and control crows, even being able to see through their eyes, and can use them to harm her enemies. This allows Fei to attack and observe at an extensive distance, which gives her a major advantage over Alphonso, Jayme, and Marcus, given that their powers are only effective at a certain range. In addition to being useful during a fight, seeing through the crows’ eyes also gives her the ability to spy on others.

Having to rely on the crows to channel her powers does put Fei at some disadvantages, though, making her dependent on them in a way that does not apply to the other Hargreeves. While she survived longer than some of her other siblings, Fei was also claimed by the Kugelblitz, and was not able to illustrate the full potential of her powers. Based on what she did show, she is superior to several of her siblings, but far from being among the most powerful Hargreeves.

11 Christopher

The Umbrella Academy season 3 Christopher the cube from the Sparrow Academy

The Umbrella Academy‘s Christopher is the only Hargreeves child who does not have the form of a human and is instead a telekinetic cube. While little is known about Christopher, his origins, or what exactly he is saying to his Sparrow Academy siblings, Christopher is able to fly, emit blasts of electricity, manipulate the temperature of a space by making it colder, and paralyze others through fear itself. He was even able to contain the Kugelblitz for a short time.

Even though he is one of the stronger members of the Sparrow Academy, Christopher was only able to contain the Kugelblitz for so long and was destroyed by it. His lack of a human form has a number of drawbacks that are not an issue for the other Hargreeves siblings. He may not be the most powerful, but he stood out from his siblings, with the bizarre nature of his very existence putting him in a class of his own compared to the others.

10 Sloane

Played By: Genesis Rodriguez

Except for Ben, Sloane is the only member of the Sparrow Academy to survive the Kugelblitz, a point in her favor over many of her siblings. In terms of her actual powers, Sloane is able to manipulate gravity, not only for herself but for others as well, which makes her flying more impressive than that of Christopher. She was also shown to be remarkably intelligent, a strength that some of the Hargreeves do not have despite their other powers.

Sloane’s absence during The Umbrella Academy season 4 makes it unclear what happened to her, other than the fact she was never brought into the timeline reset by Reginald. Without knowing her exact fate, it is difficult to fairly assess the culmination of her powers compared to her siblings. Based on season 3, she is more powerful than most of the Sparrows, but is not on the same level as the members of the Umbrella Academy.

9 Diego

Played By: David Castañeda

Diego is able to manipulate the trajectory of objects, which he primarily uses when throwing his array of knives at his opponents. He can also protect himself and others by changing the trajectory of bullets, which he did in season 4 and in prior seasons. Compared to his other siblings, Diego’s powers did not receive a significant upgrade after consuming marigold in season 4, with his abilities seemingly remaining the same as before.

Having spent years as a vigilante, with Five even having compared his brother to an inferior version of Batman, Diego’s vigilantism is helped by his superpowers. Diego is one of the most proficient fighters when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, but this has less to do with his superpowers and more to do with his training and dedicating his life to fighting crime. His powers are useful, but are the weakest out of the Umbrella Academy, especially in season 4.

8 Lila

Played By: Ritu Arya

Out of all the characters, Lila received one of the most significant upgrades after drinking marigold in season 4. In the past, Lila’s power was the ability to mimic the abilities of others in her proximity, which was useful, but also had its limitations. In season 4, Lila has laser eyes, which she struggles to control, but she is able to slice an individual in half and cause damage inside the dilapidated mansion in which Luther is living.


WTF Was The Umbrella Academy Thinking With Five & Lila’s Story In Season 4?!

The Umbrella Academy season 4 serves as a somewhat disappointing send-off for the show, and Lila and Five’s baffling story makes it even worse.

Lila’s laser eyes had enormous potential, as this is one of the main abilities that The Boys‘ Homelander and Superman himself possess, but she does not receive much of an opportunity to wield or better control these powers. Much of her season 4 story is spent traveling to various timelines with Five via the multiversal subway over the course of seven years before joining in on the Hargreeves’ ultimate sacrifice to save the universe. Lila was always formidable, and under different circumstances, could have been among the most formidable of her family.

7 Luther

Played By: Tom Hopper

Luther’s super strength and physical resilience make it difficult for any of the Umbrella Academy’s enemies to defeat him. In season 1, a chandelier was dropped on him while fighting the Commission’s Hazel and Cha-Cha, but he walked away entirely unscathed. He has also been shown to withstand bullets and explosions, including when a united Umbrella Academy was shown making their final stand before a nuclear apocalypse in The Umbrella Academy season 2’s opening.

In season 4, Luther did not become more powerful than he was in the previous seasons, as he simply regained his super strength and physical resilience, along with his simian-like body. Luther can physically withstand more than many of the other Hargreeves, but like some of the others, he is limited by distance, as his powers are only useful when directly hitting an enemy or when he is physically hit. He took his role as Number One very seriously, but was definitely not the most powerful individual within the Umbrella Academy.

6 Umbrella Ben

Played By: Justin H. Min

Blue lights flow out of Ben Hargreeves as he moves on from being a ghost in The Umbrella Academy Season 2

The original version of Ben was able to take on multiple opponents at once through the tentacles that sprang out of his back. Due to Ben’s tragic death during the Jennifer Incident, he did not get to utilize his full potential while still alive. As a ghost, he remained powerful, though, and with help from Klaus’ abilities, was even able to use his tentacles against the living, which proved to be particularly useful when being hunted by agents of the Commission in the season 1 finale.

As a ghost who could only be seen by Klaus, Ben was also powerful in the sense that he could help Klaus and give him information and other advantages that Klaus could not have on his own. While he was able to accomplish a great deal as a ghost, his ghostly powers were largely dependent on Klaus, making it difficult for him to be on the same level as his siblings. Had he lived longer, Ben likely would have rivaled more of his siblings.

5 Allison

Played By: Emmy Raver-Lampman

Allison previously had the ability to control others by stating, “I heard a rumor…” and then have the rest of the message be what she wanted the listener to do. Her enemies could turn on each other, or she could simply get her daughter, Claire, to go to sleep, the latter of which she deeply regretted doing. In season 3, she no longer needed to preface her commands with “I heard a rumor…” and after drinking the marigold in season 4, she no longer even needed to open her mouth.

Allison wordlessly made Reginald’s soldiers in New Grumpson hurt each other instead of the Hargreeves and even used her new powers to hold Quinn in the air during her rescue of Klaus. Allison’s ability to manipulate reality substantially increased throughout the series and was unparalleled in season 4. The new abilities she gained made distance no longer an issue as she no longer had to be close enough for her target to hear “I heard a rumor…” and could do what she intended purely through her mind.

4 Sparrow Ben

Played By: Justin H. Min

Much like the Umbrella Academy’s version of Ben, the Sparrow Academy’s Ben can produce tentacles out of his body that allow him to confront and defeat numerous enemies at once. He singlehandedly slaughters Dr. Gene and Dr. Jean Thibedeau’s well-armed security force simply with his tentacles. As a living adult, he was able to wield this power to an extent that the Umbrellas’ Ben, tragically, was never able to achieve.

More importantly, Ben’s marigold and the durango within Jennifer made him part of the apocalyptic monster known in The Umbrella Academy season 4 as the Cleanse. While the Hargreeves siblings’ actions led to multiple broken timelines and apocalypses, Ben is one of the few whose powers directly caused the apocalypse within a timeline. His powers were not the sole cause, as Viktor’s were in an earlier timeline, but it still places Ben above many of his siblings in terms of power levels.

3 Klaus

Played By: Robert Sheehan

When Klaus spoke with his deceased father in season 1, Reginald shared how disappointed he was that Klaus barely scratched the surface of his potential. Reginald was correct about Klaus’ potential going far beyond his ability to communicate with the dead, as Klaus later learned how to control these spirits as physical entities, like he does with Ben’s powers in The Umbrella Academy season 1 finale, and even became immortal.

His powers become further amplified in season 4 as he adds levitation and short-range flight to his repertoire. His control over the dead, his immortality, and flight are arguably the most impressive combination of powers that all the Hargreeves possess, proving Reginald was correct about Klaus’ untapped potential. What keeps Klaus from being the most powerful Hargreeves is that he still does not fully use his abilities, including how he wastes them for much of season 4.

2 Five

Played By: Aidan Gallagher

After he learns to master his powers, Five is able to teleport to a desired location, providing an advantage over his siblings limited by physical space. Five’s powers allowed the Umbrella Academy to survive the apocalypse Viktor caused and brought them to the 1960s, and he later rewinds time to save his siblings again. When he gets his powers back in season 4, he has less mastery than before, with all his teleporting leading to the multiversal subway for much of the season.

Despite this downgrade, Five having as much control as he does over time and space automatically makes him more powerful than most of the Hargreeves, whose powers rely solely on the physical realm. Being the one to ultimately realize the only solution to saving the universe and putting an end to all the broken timelines and apocalypses is its own kind of power as well. While many of the series’ problems would not have happened without Five’s powers, the Hargreeves would not have been able to fix things without him either.

1 Viktor

Played By: Elliot Page

Season 1 made it abundantly clear that Viktor was the most powerful of the Hargreeves siblings, and that this was why Reginald made him believe he did not have any powers, as Viktor’s abilities could become apocalyptic. Reginald’s cause for concern proved to be warranted as it was Viktor’s power that caused the apocalypse in season 1. Viktor later learned how to better control his powers, with season 4 showing his greatest control yet of his abilities.

Unlike the limitations that many of his siblings have, distance is never an obstacle for Viktor. With sound manipulation being the basis of his powers, he can always tap into this as there is always some kind of sound that he can manipulate, regardless of the setting he may be in. Some of the other Hargreeves’ powers are matched by one another, but no one can match Viktor’s powers throughout the entirety of The Umbrella Academy.
