Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Best Johnny Silverhand Quotes Of All Time


  • Johnny Silverhand delivers some of the most memorable lines in
    Cyberpunk 2077
    with a perfect mix of humor and emotion.
  • Despite his significant role, Silverhand originally was planned as a cameo, but ended up with a lot of dialogue.
  • Silverhand has plenty of poignant lines throughout the game, many of which not only speak to his own character development, but V’s arc as well.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a very quotable game, thanks to its cast of well-written characters, such as V, Panam, Judy, and Johnny Silverhand. By far, the character with the best lines is Johnny, as he manages to balance crass humor and genuinely heartfelt moments, creating some of the most memorable lines in Cyberpunk 2077. Johnny’s dialogue would be nothing without the fantastic line delivery by Keanu Reeves, who flawlessly brings out the character’s humanity and deep-rooted anger.

Despite being the most consequential character to 2077‘s story, Johnny Silverhand actually has the second most dialogue in the entire game. Originally, Silverhand was planned as more of a cameo, but his role was expanded significantly, resulting in over 15 days of voice recording for Keanu Reeves. With that many lines of amazing dialogue, it’s no surprise that Johnny Silverhand is one of the best things about Cyberpunk 2077.


10 Things That Make No Sense In Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 has an ambitious narrative and impressive game world, but there are certain things about it and its gameplay that don’t really add up.

10 “To Bring An End To The Madness You Wreak.”

Johnny Silverhand’s Final Words

In Cyberpunk 2077, just before Johnny Silverhand is turned into a biochip destined for V’s head, he meets Saburo Arasaka, the head of the Arasaka corporation. The doctor who is transferring Johnny’s consciousness to the chip asks him why he did what he did. His response is, “To bring an end to the madness you wreak.”

It is a powerful quote, one that perfectly summarizes both his deep hatred for Arasaka and corpos in general, as well as his general mission statement. It also shows his utter lack of sympathy for anyone outside his cause, as well as further reinforces his tunnel-visioned warpath that influences much of V’s character growth throughout Cyberpunk 2077. “The madness you wreak” certainly applies to the Arasaka corporation, but it could easily be said of Johnny and his once erratic and explosive ways.

9 “Only Two Willing To Spread Their Legs For You? Sad.”

Johnny Chastising V In Clouds

During the mission “Automatic Love” in Cyberpunk 2077, V heads to Megabuilding H8 to try and find information about Evelyn’s whereabouts. However, in order to do so, they need to infiltrate Clouds, a place where people go to have wild and unpredictable experiences with Dolls, a Cyberpunk slang term for people whose job requires personality-altering doll-chips, most commonly sex workers. The receptionist gives V the option between two Dolls, Skye and Angel, which prompts Johnny to tease them.

Contrary to Johnny’s joke, the meeting with either Skye or Angel is not particularly explicit, and no one ”
spreads their legs
.” However, it does lead to some interesting character development for V.

This quote may not have a lasting impression on players in Cyberpunk 2077, but it’s emblematic of V and Johnny’s early relationship, lightly teasing one another to get a rise out of them. It’s also a fun way to defuse some tension. Clouds itself is a relatively seedy place covered in dangerous Tyger Claw members who’ll shoot before asking questions.

8 “F**k V. I’ve Been Dead The Last Half Century.”

A Vulnerable Moment For Johnny

Johnny Silverhand rarely has a vulnerable moment in Cyberpunk 2077, often choosing to put on a brave face and bat away any attempts at discussing his feelings. This changes throughout the course of Cyberpunk 2077, as he gradually becomes more like V. One such vulnerable moment is when he lashes out at V, saying, “F**k V. I’ve been dead the last half century. Sorry if I’m unable to hand you all the answers on a chrome f**king platter when you snap your fingers.”

How V responds to Johnny Silverhand’s more vulnerable moments is actually one of the decisions that impact Cyberpunk 2077’s many endings. V is often clueless and relies on Johnny a lot to fill in the gaps, but here, it’s clear that Johnny is often just as much in the dark as V is. It is a sobering moment, one that manages to actually bring the two closer together in the long run.

7 “Know What? You’re Starting To Remind Me Of Me.”

Johnny And V Are One And The Same

During the mission “Lightning Breaks” in Cyberpunk 2077, while driving with Panam, Johnny appears in the backseat. He remarks on how V is becoming more and more like him, largely due to V’s growing rebellious and anti-corporation attitude. Johnny compliments V on this, albeit a little crassly, by saying, “Know what? You’re starting to remind me of me… fifty years back. Minus the charisma… and impressive c*ck.”

Johnny Silverhand is certainly not one for complimenting others, so it’s refreshing to see him praise V. While it’s certainly done in a very Silverhand way, the quote sticks as being memorable thanks to its crass humor and importance in V and Silverhand’s development. Players can always tweak their character’s appearance if they feel a little insecure about his comments.


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6 “Doesn’t Matter How Good You Are In Night City. On Your Own, You’re F**ked.”

A Difficult Truth

Johnny is good at telling V the hard and difficult truths whenever he runs into a bit of trouble. On many occasions, Johnny sets V straight, pushing them down the right path and keeping them on their quest to be saved. However, there is perhaps no better lesson than when Johnny reminds V that being alone in Night City is a mistake.

V makes a number of friends throughout Cyberpunk 2077, which ultimately helps them overcome the seemingly insurmountable issues facing them. Johnny’s reminder that those who attempt to survive in Night City alone are likely to die is a welcome one, pushing V more towards embracing the help of others. It’s a touching sentiment and one that will likely stick with players as they navigate the complexities of Night City.

5 “Of All The Heads I Could Have Popped Up In, Hella Glad It Was Yours.”

Planning Johnny’s Funeral

There is a tender scene in Cyberpunk 2077 between V and Johnny in which Silverhand asks what V would write on his grave. The player is given a number of options to choose from, including saying that Johnny was a “Relentless Rockerboy” or “The Guy who Saved My Life.” After discussing how much of a legacy Johnny left behind, he tells V, “Of all the heads I could have popped up in, hella glad it was yours.”

While Johnny does compliment V occasionally in the early hours of Cyberpunk 2077, this is by far the nicest thing he says. It’s confirmation that he finally likes and respects V, something which is a far cry from his original attitude of telling V how much he hates being in their head. It’s also fair to say that being complimented by Keanu Reeves is always a heartwarming moment.


There’s A Good Reason Johnny Silverhand Drives A Porsche In Cyberpunk 2077

While one of Johnny Silverhand’s possessions seems to contradict his anti-capitalist views, there’s far more to it than meets the eye.

4 “We’re A Tangled Web, You And Me – One And The Same.”

Johnny And V’s Therapy Session

The more the player progresses through Cyberpunk 2077’s storyline, the more V and Johnny become intrinsically connected. Their minds become synchronized, sharing the same ideals and dreams. That bond is what leads to the moment where Johnny tells V, “if you’re here to tell me somethin’, it’s cause you need to hear it yourself.”

Johnny’s insights into V’s mind in Cyberpunk 2077 help flesh them out as a character, deepen their bond to Silverhand, and get them one step closer to the game’s final decision and multiple endings. This is another extension of that, but it also serves as Johnny giving V the space to figure out their problems. It’s a great moment between them, followed by even more iconic quotes.

3 “It’s The Code You Live By That Defines Who You Are.”

Johnny’s Perspective On Night City

Johnny Silverhand has a strict code he lives by that’s evident throughout all of Cyberpunk 2077. He stands up for what he believes in, will die fighting for his ideals, and will push everyone aside in order to achieve them. Of course, these ideals change somewhat when he becomes influenced by V’s code, but it largely remains the same.

So, when he tells V that people can “swap meat for chrome, live a BD fantasy, whatever – but at the end of it all, it’s the code you live by that defines who you are,” he’s reminding V to stick to his ideals, just like he did all those years before. Night City serves as a good teacher to drive home this lesson, showing V the worst side of people with no beliefs or code, but Johnny really hammers it home in those final moments. It’s a great line and one that perfectly sums up Silverhand and his role in Cyberpunk 2077.

2 “Goodbye, V, And Never Stop Fighting.”

Johnny’s Final Farewell

Johnny Silverhand’s last words to V were always going to be hard to swallow, no matter what they were. However, “never stop fighting” is about as tear-jerkingly powerful as it could get. Watching Johnny disappear as V falls into the void while his final words ring out is a bittersweet moment and one not easily forgotten by Cyberpunk 2077 fans.

Johnny’s last words to V will differ depending on which

Cyberpunk 2077
ending is unlocked
. This is just one of the possible lines Johnny can say to V, but it’s easily the most heartbreaking.

This last line not only shows the expertise of Cyberpunk 2077’s writing team, but also the power of Reeves’ performance as Johnny Silverhand. The line delivery, coupled with the emotions built up across the lengthy story, makes this an incredibly memorable quote. Tissues are definitely advised before watching this scene.


One Obvious Cyberpunk 2077 Storyline Would Be The Perfect Setup For The Sequel

Although there’s already been wild speculation on what the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel should look like, there’s one obvious choice from the first game.

1 “Wake The F**k Up, Samurai! We Have A City To Burn.”

The Quote That Never Was

Johnny Silverhand’s most iconic quote is easily, “Wake the f**k up, Samurai! We have a city to burn.” However, he never actually says it, at least in Cyberpunk 2077. Rather, this line was exclusively said in the legendary E3 2019 cinematic trailer.

It is still definitely an iconic quote, even if it wasn’t actually spoken in the game itself. It encapsulates Johnny Silverhand’s initial animosity toward V as well as his aggressive and violent nature. This line also perfectly sums up V’s progression in Cyberpunk 2077, starting as a nobody and ending up as a legend taking down one of Night City’s most famous corporations.
