Stephen King's IT: What Happens To The Members Of The Losers Club Explained

Mentions of domestic violence, bullying, abuse, and suicide.


  • The Losers Club united to defeat It, a shapeshifting being that fed on fears, with different fates in the book and movie.
  • Bev faced abuse, Ben had a physical transformation, Eddie struggled with confidence, Stan had a tragic end, and Mike stayed in Derry.
  • Richie and Bill survived, Ben and Bev got married, and Eddie’s fate differed in the book and movie adaptations.

Stephen King’s It introduced the world to the Losers Club, a group of friends who confronted the title shapeshifting creature at two points in their lives, and they all had different fates. In 1986, Stephen King terrorized readers with the novel It, where he introduced them to an evil, shapeshifting creature from a void in the macroverse that many years ago arrived at Earth, specifically to the area that would become Derry, Maine. This creature, simply referred to as “It”, awoke every 27 years to feed, and it fed on the fears of humans, especially children.

In 1957, Georgie Denbrough was killed by It in its preferred form of the clown Pennywise, and a year later, it went after Georgie’s older brother, Bill, and his friends Eddie, Richie, Stan, Mike, Ben, and Bev. The kids called themselves the “Losers Club”, and after temporarily defeating It, they reunited 27 years later to destroy the creature for good. It was adapted into a TV miniseries in 1990 and got the big screen treatment in 2017 and 2019 as it was divided into two parts, but the fates of the Losers are slightly different in the movie and the book.


Why IT Waits 27 Years Between Attacks

IT is known for waiting 27 years between attacks, but what exactly happens during that time and why does it wait so long? Here’s the explanation.

Bill Denbrough

Bill Denbrough Grew Up To Be A Writer

Bill and Audra returned to their normal life, and with time, he forgot about It, the Losers, and everything related to them again.

Bill Denbrough was the leader of the Losers Club and the brother of Georgie. Bill had a speech impediment for which he was bullied at school, leading him to become an outcast along with his friends. A year after Georgie’s death, Bill and his friends encounter It at different places and in different forms, which leads them to meet Bev, Ben, and Mike, forming the Losers Club. 27 years after their temporary defeat of It, Bill became a successful writer and married an actress named Audra Phillips, but like the rest of the Losers, he couldn’t have children.

Stephen King’s IT: Why The Losers Club Can’t Have Children

The Losers Club in Stephen King’s IT weren’t able to have children, but did IT have something to do with that? Here’s what happened.

Bill had no memory of It and his friends once he left Derry, but returned after It awoke and killed Adrian Mellon. In the novel, and thanks to the Ritual of Chud, Bill, with Richie’s help, finally defeated It and rescued Audra, who had followed him to Derry but was captured by It, falling into a catatonic state after seeing its true form (the deadlights). Bill took Audra on his childhood bike and rushed to leave Derry as the town collapsed, which slowly brought Audra out of her paralysis.

Bill and Audra returned to their normal life, and with time, he forgot about It, the Losers, and everything related to them again. In It Chapter Two, Bill was married to Audra, but she didn’t follow him nor did she fall into a catatonic state. However, Bill did return to her at the end of the movie, but he retained his memories of everything that happened with It.

Bev Marsh

Bev Endured Years Of Abuse

After the defeat of It and the collapse of Derry, Bev and Ben left together and married a week later.

Bev Marsh lived with her abusive father throughout most of her childhood, and she found the family she needed in the Losers. Bev’s first encounter with It was in her bathroom when she heard voices coming from the sink. A balloon came out of the sink and exploded, covering the whole bathroom with blood – and to Bev’s horror, her father couldn’t see the blood. After a controversial sexual encounter with her fellow Losers following the temporary defeat of It, Bev finally left Derry and moved with other relatives, finally escaping from her father’s abuse.


Stephen King’s IT: What The Controversial Sewer Scene Really Means

Stephen King’s IT includes a scene in the sewers that has been quite controversial, but it has an important meaning for the book overall.

As an adult, Bev became a fashion designer and married Tom Rogan, who was abusive to her. While she reunited with her friends in Derry and got closer to Ben, Tom traveled to Derry to get her back, and, at one point, kidnapped Audra, who was looking for Bill. It was Tom who brought Audra to It, but unlike her, Tom died as soon as he saw the deadlights. After the defeat of It and the collapse of Derry, Bev and Ben left together and married a week later.

It’s revealed at the end of the novel that Bev got pregnant, so she finally had the family she always wanted. In the movie, Tom didn’t die, but Bev eventually divorced him and broke the abuse cycle she had been involved in pretty much her whole life. Bev and Ben also got married in this adaptation, and just like Bill, Bev kept her memories of Derry, It, and the Losers.


What Does Pennywise Really Look Like In IT?

IT’s preferred form is that of Pennywise the Dancing Clown, but the true form of this shapeshifting entity is much more complex than that.

Eddie Kaspbrak

Eddie Kaspbrak Continued To Struggle With His Confidence

It, in its giant spider form, bit Eddie’s arm off and he bled to death.

Eddie Kaspbrak was one of Bill’s best friends, known for being an asthmatic hypochondriac with an overprotective mother. Just like his friends, Eddie carried a lot of trauma thanks to his mother, which he continued to carry until the end. As an adult, Eddie became the owner of a successful limousine company in New York City and was married, though it was an unhappy marriage. Eddie couldn’t have children, and he eventually realized that his wife was very similar – physically and in personality – to his mother, continuing his trauma pattern.

Since he was a child, Eddie was the one member of the Losers who was seen as weak as he was always scared of something, and that didn’t change as an adult. However, Eddie killed Henry Bowers in self-defense and later, in the final confrontation with It in the sewers, he used his asthma medication to injure It and save Bill and Richie as they performed the Ritual of Chud. Unfortunately, It, in its giant spider form, bit Eddie’s arm off and he bled to death, but his friends had to leave his body in the sewers as the town began to collapse.

In the movie, Eddie became a successful risk analyst for an insurance firm in New York City and married a woman similar to his mother. Eddie’s death in It Chapter Two was different from the book, as he was impaled by It while saving Richie, who was made catatonic by the deadlights. Eddie died in Richie’s arms, and the Losers had to leave his body behind.

Ben Hanscom

Ben Hascom Became An Architect

Ben and Bev left together, got married shortly after, and had a child.

Ben Hansom was the new kid in town who was bullied by Henry Bowers and his friends, who made fun of Ben’s weight. Ben had a secret crush on Bev, but he didn’t say anything as she liked Bill. 27 years later, Ben was the one who went through the biggest physical transformation, as he lost weight and his friends almost didn’t recognize him, and he became a successful architect. Unlike Bill, Bev, and Eddie, Ben wasn’t married, and he was quite lonely.

Back in Derry with his friends, Ben and Bev got closer. While in the sewers for the final encounter with it, Bill, Richie, and Ben found that It had laid eggs, and while Bill and Richie performed the ritual, Ben stayed behind to destroy the eggs. After defeating It, Ben and Bev left together and, as mentioned above, got married shortly after and had a child. In the movie, Ben and Bev also left Derry together, and he kept his memories.

Richie Tozier

Richie Tozier’s Story Changed A Lot In The Movie

A couple of days after It’s defeat, Richie returned to California.

Richie Tozier was one of Bill’s best friends, and he was the jokester of the group. Richie was known for his foul-mouthed and sarcastic personality, which didn’t change when he became an adult. Richie became a famous radio DJ, and though he wasn’t married, he supposedly had a couple of failed relationships. In the final battle at the sewers, Richie and Bill entered It’s mind through the Ritual of Chud, which was key to its defeat but led to them getting lost there. Eddie was key to Bill and Richie’s survival, but he died as a result.

Richie insisted they couldn’t leave Eddie’s body behind, as he was his best friend and Eddie would have been too scared to stay there alone. Richie kissed Eddie on the cheek before following the rest of the Losers out, and a couple of days later, he returned to California. In the movie, Eddie died saving Richie, and it was revealed that Richie was in love with Eddie. Richie returned to his normal life, with his memories intact.


Is Richie From IT Gay In The Book?

With IT Chapter Two now in theaters, we examine the big change to the character of Richie Tozier (Finn Wolfhard/Bill Hader) from book to screen.

Mike Hanlon

Mike Hanlon Was The Only One Who Stayed In Derry

Mike stayed in Derry, and his memories were erased.

Mike Hanlon became part of the Losers Club after the rest saved him while being chased by Henry Bowers and sharing with them his encounter with It. Mike was key to the story as, thanks to him, the Losers learned more about It and how it could be defeated. After the temporary defeat of the creature, Mike was the only one of the group who stayed in Derry. As such, he was the one who called the rest 27 years later after It killed Adrian Mellon.

Mike became Derry’s librarian, and his knowledge was key to the defeat of It. However, prior to the final battle at the sewers, Mike was attacked by a possessed Henry Bowers at the library and was so injured that he was taken to the hospital, where an also possessed nurse tried to kill him. Mike didn’t take part in the final battle, but he knew It had been defeated when Derry began to collapse. Mike stayed in Derry, and his memories were erased.

In the movie, Mike was part of the final confrontation, and it was he who ripped out It’s heart, after which he and the rest crushed it, killing the creature. At the end of It Chapter Two, Mike moved out of Derry, but he revealed some time later that Stan wrote letters to the Losers before his death. Like the rest, Mike kept his memories.

Stanley Uris

Stan Uris Had A Tragic Fate

Stan killed himself in the bathtub, cutting his wrists and writing “IT” with his own blood on the bathroom wall.

Stan Uris was one of Bill’s closest friends, but he’s the only one who didn’t return to Derry 27 years later. As an adult, Stan became a wealthy accountant and married a woman named Patricia. Like Bill, Bev, and Eddie, Stan couldn’t have children, and lived a pretty normal and happy life. When Mike called him after It’s awakening, Stan had trouble comprehending how It had returned. Stan’s memories rushed back, unlike the rest, who gradually remembered everything. After hanging up with Mike, Stan told Patricia he was going to take a bath.

Minutes later, Patricia realized it was odd that Stan was taking a bath so late and went to check on him. Sadly, Stan killed himself in the bathtub, cutting his wrists and writing “IT” with his own blood on the bathroom wall. Mike learned of Stan’s death when he called his home after he didn’t show up in Derry, and his friends didn’t forget about him in their final confrontation with It. In the movie, Stan had the same fate, but he left letters for his friends before killing himself.

  • It (2017)

    It Chapter One is a supernatural horror film based on the book by Stephen King where several children, including the younger brother of one of the film’s protagonists, have gone missing. A group of kids called “The Loser’s Club” decide to investigate the cause and hopefully save the others. However, they realize they may be in over their head when they discover their foe is an evil clown known as Pennywise, a being that preys on fear and has been the rumored cause of murders in the town of Derry for centuries. 

    Andy Muschietti

    Release Date
    September 8, 2017

    135 Minutes

  • It Chapter Two

    Every 27 years, evil revisits the town of Derry, Maine. It: Chapter Two brings the characters—who have long since gone their separate ways—back together as adults, nearly three decades after the events of the first film. Together, the reunited Losers Club might have a chance to stop Pennywise once and for all.

    Andres Muschietti

    Release Date
    September 6, 2019

    169 minutes
