Which Star Wars Character Are You Most Like Based On Your Favorite Movie?

The main characters of Star Wars wouldn’t have had much time for movies while saving (or destroying) the galaxy, but a person’s favorite movie would connect them to these 12 characters. The Star Wars movies have revealed quite a bit of information about the franchise’s main characters and their personalities. From the nobility of the most powerful Jedi in Star Wars to the villainy of the most powerful Sith Lords in Star Wars, there seems to be a character for everyone. There also 12 characters who perfectly fit some common favorite movies.

Star Wars characters can be assigned to fans in a number of ways. From the Jedi who fit each Zodiac sign to the stormtrooper types assorted by Zodiac signs, there are quite a few ways to connect to the franchise’s characters on a personal level. It turns out that a person’s favorite movie can also connect them to particular Star Wars characters, and these 12 have strong ties to some of the best movies out there.


The 15 Best Star Wars Characters

Star Wars has a decades-long legacy, and with that comes a number of incredibly popular characters—these 15 are the very best in the whole franchise.

12 Julius Caesar – Padmé Amidala

For fans of Julius Caesar, be it the Charlton Heston version, the Marlon Brando version, or any other version, Padmé Amidala is the perfect Star Wars character. Like Padmé, those who enjoy Julius Caesar are likely to enjoy politics, government, patriotism, and the question of what it means to be a good citizen. Julius Caesar also deals heavily with themes of the price of liberty, the death of democracy by popular vote, the manipulation of the masses, and the rise of tyranny, which are all major facets of Padmé’s story.

  • Natalie Portman as Padme Amidala in Star Wars Revenge of the Sith

    Padmé Amidala

    The elected Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala won galactic acclaim for her heroism when she led her people against the Trade Federation. She became an influential member of the Republic Senate, but her life changed forever when she fell in love with Anakin Skywalker. Padmé Amidala found herself torn between her love for Anakin and her belief in the principles of the Republic, especially when Anakin became Darth Vader. She was brutally attacked by Anakin on Mustafar, and died in childbirth.

The Star Wars prequel trilogy was heavily influenced by classic literature like Shakespeare, and Padmé Amidala is probably the most closely tied to the story of Julius Caesar. By the time of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, Padmé had fully taken on the role of Brutus, albeit with much less murder and betrayal. She laments the fall of the Galactic Republic, she tries to oust the would-be emperor, and her famous line – “S o this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause,” – sounds like it came straight from Shakespeare’s quill.

Alternative Movies For Padmé Amidala



12 Angry Men

A story about justice, the rule of law, and helping others arrive at a merciful decision could be Padmé’s favorite film.

11 Whiplash – Anakin Skywalker

Obsession is a major component in the story of Anakin Skywalker, and no film illustrates that concept better than Whiplash. In Whiplash, Andrew (Miles Teller) begins with a dream of becoming a great drummer, but after his teacher, Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) has gotten through with him, that dream becomes a nightmare. Throughout the movie, Andrew’s loved ones have begged him to see where the end of his obsession leads, and his dreams of becoming a drummer have alienated him from all of them. Andrew becomes a great drummer, but Whiplash asks if it was worth the price.

  • Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader Split By a Lightning Bolt

    Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

    Conceived by the will of the Force itself, Anakin Skywalker was the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring the Force into balance. Anakin struggled to balance competing attachments to the Jedi Order and his wife Padmé Amidala, and ultimately fell to the dark side, becoming Darth Vader. For years he served as Palpatine’s right hand man, but he was ultimately redeemed by the faith of his son, Luke Skywalker. Now a Force Ghost, Anakin continues to act as an agent of balance.

The similarities between Andrew in Whiplash and Anakin in Star Wars run extremely deep; only the terms need to be changed. Anakin wanted to be a powerful Jedi instead of a great drummer, his wife and mentor tried to bring him back from the edge instead of his father, and he killed his loved ones instead of alienating them. They even share the same negative influence: Anakin was manipulated by Chancellor Palpatine, while Andrew was abused by Fletcher. They’re perfect modern adaptations of the tragic hero trope, and Whiplash is a perfect fit for Anakin.

Alternative Movies For Anakin Skywalker



Dune: Part Two

Anakin is very similar to Paul Atreides: they both fall from grace to become the very thing they swore to destroy: a despot and a villain.


Shakespeare’s Macbeth serves as the blueprint for Anakin’s fall to the dark side.

10 Spider-Man – Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Jedi are Star Wars‘ version of superheroes, and no superhero film fits Obi-Wan Kenobi better than Spider-Man. Tobey Maguire’s debut as Peter Parker dealt heavily with some of the character’s most prominent themes, such as responsibility and self-sacrifice. Peter had to watch Uncle Ben die before he could learn what it means to be a hero, and by the end of the first film, he had even let Mary Jane go to keep her safe while he continued to be Spider-Man. Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man is a character study into a hero who’s willing to sacrifice anything to do the right thing, and so is Obi-Wan.

  • Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan in Obi Wan Kenobi TV show

    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    The Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi became a Jedi Knight after his master’s death. Obi-Wan trained Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi, with his own apprentice knighted after the Battle of Geonosis. The Jedi Master became a key player in the Jedi during the Clone Wars, and was heartbroken when Anakin turned to the dark side; Obi-Wan critically wounded Anakin before taking to the shadows, watching over the young Luke and Leia for years. He sacrificed himself for his two charges, becoming a Force Ghost and continuing to mentor them.

Like Peter, Obi-Wan’s story in Star Wars is filled with tragedy. He had to watch Qui-Gon Jinn die, he had to give up his love for Satine Kryze so he could continue to be a Jedi, and he had to fight his own student and brother three times, sacrificing his own life in the end. Obi-Wan’s story is one that’s filled with pain, yet through it all, he remains committed to the light side and doing what he can to save the galaxy. Both Peter Parker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are selfless heroes, and Spider-Man is the perfect complement to Obi-Wan.

Alternative Movies For Obi-Wan Kenobi



Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Another movie about sacrifice: Obi-Wan would almost certainly agree with Spock that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few.

War for the Planet of the Apes

Obi-Wan bears a striking resemblance to Caesar, and both of their stories end at the same point, with the hero’s death and an unfinished job.

9 Falling Down – Count Dooku

Count Dooku was tragic and misunderstood, but he was still a villain, and Falling Down reflects that dichotomy perfectly. Falling Down follows Bill “D-Fens” Foster (Michael Douglas), a normal office worker who notices the various problems in society and tries to do something about them. Unfortunately, Bill chooses to address those problems through violence, and he becomes a vigilante. By the end of the film, it’s no longer clear whether he cared more about righting wrongs or killing for his own pleasure, as he targets increasingly benign problems and even threatens his own family.

  • Christopher Lee as Count Dooku Holding a Lightsaber and Standing By A Clone Trooper

    Count Dooku

    The apprentice of Master Yoda, Count Dooku’s interest in prophecy and ancient Jedi texts led him inexorably to the dark side. He somehow discovered the existence of the Sith, and became Palpatine’s apprentice after the death of Darth Maul. Dooku’s inherited title as Count of Serenno gave him vast political influence, which he used as leader of the Separatist movement during the Clone Wars. He was ultimately killed by Anakin Skywalker, realizing too late that Palpatine had tricked him.

Dooku’s fall to the dark side is quite like Bill’s in Falling Down. Dooku began as a good Jedi, one who was especially concerned for the plight of common people and especially aware of how both the Order and the Republic were failing those people. Those concerns led him to leaving the Order entirely, but his good intentions were quickly wiped away in favor of villainy. Throughout the Clone Wars, Dooku committed countless killings and atrocities, and he lost sight of why he was fighting after being seduced by the dark side’s power. Falling Down simply tells his story on a smaller scale.

Alternative Movies For Count Dooku



Death Wish

Another story of a man who turns to violence in an attempt to right the world’s wrongs.

Primal Fear

A story about a man with good intentions who was manipulated into protecting a villain.

8 The Hobbit/The Lord Of The Rings – Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is the prototypical hero of Star Wars, and it’s only fitting that he be paired with the greatest iterations of the hero’s journey ever put to film: the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. Bilbo Baggins matches Luke in the original trilogy: both were young men who were eager for adventure and a way out of their sleepy villages. The adventure they go on utterly changes their lives and the world around them, and they go from their humble beginnings to being unlikely heroes. Bilbo and Luke also both showed incredible mercy – Bilbo to Gollum and Luke to Darth Vader.

  • The Lord of the Rings Franchise Poster with Gold Words Resembling a Ring

    The Lord of the Rings

    The Lord of the Rings is a multimedia franchise consisting of several movies and a TV show released by Amazon titled The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The franchise is based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s book series that began in 1954 with The Fellowship of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings saw mainstream popularity with Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.

  • Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker In Star Wars Return of the Jedi

    Luke Skywalker

    The son of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Luke was brought up on the desert planet Tatooine. Initially mentored by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke fired the fateful shot that destroyed the Death Star, and he became a rebel hero. Despite the fears of Obi-Wan and Yoda, Luke’s faith in his father was proved well-founded when Vader returned to the light. With the Emperor defeated, Luke dedicated himself to bringing back the Jedi; his first attempt ended in tragedy due to Palpatine’s manipulations, but Luke’s legacy lives on in Rey.

Frodo Baggins more closely matches Luke’s characterization in the sequel trilogy. Frodo wasn’t nearly as fond of adventure as Bilbo was, but when the call to action came, he answered it, just as Luke eventually did in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Frodo’s story was also far more tragic than Bilbo’s, as he was permanently scarred by his time as the ring bearer and the Shire payed for his heroics. Similarly, Luke had to pay for his own heroics in the sequels. Those who enjoy the movies based on Tolkien’s work are sure to love Luke Skywalker.

Alternative Movies For Luke Skywalker




Both Clark Kent and Luke Skywalker are ideal heroes, ones who exemplify the best nature of humanity.

7 Casablanca – Leia Organa

Those who call Casablanca their favorite film have a strong love for the classics, and there are few Star Wars characters more classic than Leia Organa. Casablanca is often considered one of the best movies of all time, and for good reason. It tells the story of Rick (Humphrey Bogart) and Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) as they reconnect in Morocco during World War II. Both Rick and Ilsa rebel against the Nazis in their own way – Ilsa by helping her fugitive husband escape their search, and Rick by protecting both him and Ilsa.

  • Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa in Star Wars

    Leia Organa

    The daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Leia inherited her mother’s political skills and her father’s Force power. She was raised on Alderaan as a member of the royal family, and followed in her father’s footsteps by becoming a senator who secretly worked alongside the Rebel Alliance. Alderaan’s destruction changed everything, and Leia became a leader in both the Rebel Alliance and its successor government, the New Republic. She served there for decades, eventually leaving to found the First Order when she sensed its darkness growing. Leia gave much for her ideals, but eventually gave her life to redeem her son Ben.

Fans of Casablanca should love Leia because she shares so many similarities with Ilsa. Both Leia and Ilsa were strong and independent in their own right: Leia became a major military leader and Ilsa wasn’t afraid to put herself in danger and use a gun. They also both had fiery personalities and an innate sense of stubbornness, and they both fell in love with men who seemed like ornery criminals yet turned out to be brave heroes. The biggest reason Casablanca is tied to Leia, however, is because it’s absolutely timeless, just as she is.

Alternative Movies For Leia Organa




Ripley and Leia are two peas in a pod: strong female leads in iconic sci-fi movies who prove they’re more than capable of protecting themselves.

6 The Princess Bride – Han Solo

There’s a lot to love about The Princess Bride, and the same great qualities of that movie apply to Han Solo. In The Princess Bride, Wesley (Cary Elwes) has quite a bit of character development that matches up with Han. He begins as a gentle lover and loyal partner to Buttercup (Robin Wright), but after he’s abducted by pirates, he becomes one himself. Eventually, he reunites with Buttercup, reestablishes their love, and gives up his piracy to be with her. While Wesley never truly became a scoundrel, it does connect him to Star Wars‘ favorite nerf-herder.

  • hansolo

    Han Solo

    Hailing from Corellia, Han Solo deserted the Empire to become a smuggler, and he spent years working for the Hutts as a spice runner. Han’s life changed forever when he agreed to transport Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to Alderaan from Tatooine, and he soon became an important member of the Rebel Alliance. Han’s romance with Leia Organa became the stuff of legend, and they married shortly after the Battle of Endor. Sadly, their relationship ended in tragedy when their son Ben fell to the dark side – eventually killing Han. Still, memories of Han helped bring Ben back to the light.

Han Solo’s character arc was very similar to Wesley’s in The Princess Bride, albeit with a few key differences. He began as a loyal partner to Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and it was only after he reconnected with her and realized she didn’t love him anymore that he doubled down on becoming a smuggler. Eventually, though, Han would give up his scoundrel ways to be with Leia Organa, just as Wesley stopped being a pirate for Buttercup. Han Solo is also a character who’s defined by his sense of adventure and romance, two things The Princess Bride is best known for.

Alternative Movies For Han Solo



Raiders of the Lost Ark

Han Solo and Indiana Jones are very similar (even discounting their actor). Both are charming, crafty, and roguish adventurers who learn to do the right thing.

5 Good Will Hunting – Yoda

Anyone who was deeply moved by the teacher-student relationship in Good Will Hunting will enjoy the ultimate teacher in Star Wars: Master Yoda. In Good Will Hunting, Sean (Robin Williams) takes Will (Matt Damon), a young man with an incredible mind for mathematics, as his therapy client and student. By the end of Good Will Hunting, Sean was able to teach Will about how to live his life, how to live up to his potential, and how to overcome his past trauma. It’s an intensely emotional movie, and one of the greatest student-teacher dynamics ever put to film.

  • Yoda Holding his Cane in Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back


    The aged Jedi Master had trained Jedi for 800 years by the time he met Luke Skywalker on the planet Dagobah. One of the most famed and revered Jedi, Yoda served as Grand Master of the Jedi Order for centuries; he was powerful enough to duel Darth Sidious himself, although he was defeated. Yoda exiled himself to Dagobah, where he learned how to become a Force Ghost and offered guidance to Luke Skywalker.

The Star Wars version of Sean from Good Will Hunting is Master Yoda. One of his most notable duties as a leader of the Jedi Order was to train younglings to be the next generation of Jedi. Yoda also offered wisdom and guidance to any older Jedi who needed it, such as Anakin Skywalker. Sean was essentially the teacher Yoda strived to be: a person who could show young minds the path towards enlightenment and the fulfillment of their potential. Anyone who liked Good Will Hunting should be able to identify with Yoda.

Alternative Movies For Yoda




A story about passing on a better future for the next generation and accepting an inevitable end, a lesson Yoda displayed well.

4 Terminator 2: Judgment Day – Rey Skywalker

If you liked Terminator 2: Judgment Day because of how it changed the T-800, then Rey Skywalker is the perfect character for you. Terminator 2 wasn’t terribly different from the original in terms of plot, as both films showed someone from the future protecting some important people from the past from a killer robot. Where Terminator 2 differed from the original, however, was in that protector. The T-800 went from the villain of the first film to the hero of the second, and Terminator 2 was able to tell a compelling story about a character overcoming their evil nature to be a good person.

  • Daisy Ridley as Rey Skywalker in Star Wars the Rise of Skywalker

    Rey Skywalker

    Daughter of a “failed” Palpatine clone, Rey became part of a mysterious phenomenon known as the Force Dyad – a vergence in the Force that bound her to Kylo Ren. Trained by both Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, Rey fought against the First Order as an ally of the Resistance. She ultimately triumphed against Palpatine himself, channelling the full power of all Jedi.

A major part of Rey’s characterization, particularly in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, was her familial connection to Emperor Palpatine. Rey was related to Palpatine because she was the daughter of one of his clones, which he had created to give himself eternal life. In a way, Rey was designed to be the ultimate weapon for evil: a way to bring Palpatine back to his full power. Despite her origins as part of an evil plan, however, and quite like the T-800, Rey overcame her nature and emphatically chose the light.

Alternative Movies For Rey Skywalker




An alien turns against his own kind to save humanity after learning more about his host.

3 Blade Runner 2049 – Finn

Viewers who liked Blade Runner 2049‘s story about a corrupt organization’s tool learning to think for himself and fight against them are just like Finn. In Blade Runner 2049, K (Ryan Gosling) began as a replicant who served as a Blade Runner and hunted down his fellow replicants. After hearing a story that gave him hope for the future of replicants, however, K broke away from the Blade Runners and helped bring Deckard (Harrison Ford) to his daughter. Blade Runner 2049 is all about a character breaking free of the chains in their mind and learning to think for themselves.

  • John Boyega as Finn in Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker


    Brainwashed as a stormtrooper for the First Order, Finn was able to resist his conditioning – likely due to his Force-sensitivity. Initially unwilling to ally with the Resistance, he nonetheless eventually chose to side with them, and became a good friend to both Rey and Poe Dameron. Finn led a squad of ex-stormtroopers during the fateful Battle of Exegol, a conflict that saw him finally embrace the Force.

In much the same way the Blade Runners used K, Finn was a tool of the First Order. He went through heavy indoctrination and training from his early childhood, and he served them into his early adulthood. Also, like K, Finn broke free from his conditioning and decided to join the Resistance to help stop the tyranny of his former masters. Finn also shares some similarities to Deckard, as they were both able to open their eyes to the tyranny they were part of after being forced to hunt down innocent people.

Alternative Movies For Finn



The Matrix

Neo learns to free his mind from the Matrix and then becomes a prominent fighter against the enslavement of humanity, just like Finn did.

2 I, Tonya – Ben Solo/Kylo Ren

Fans of I, Tonya and its exploration of the weight of expectations definitely share some similarities with Kylo Ren, also known as Ben Solo. I, Tonya is, at its core, a story about a woman who needs to win not for herself, but for the expectations that have been placed upon her. It is also a movie that heavily examines just what the weight of expectations can drive a person to do, and the evils that people are capable of in search of validation and acceptance. Through it all, though, it’s a devastatingly tragic look at Tonya Harding and her story.

  • Adam Driver as Ben Solo Kylo Ren in Star Wars

    Ben Solo/Kylo Ren

    The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben was manipulated by Palpatine through the Force for most of his life, influenced toward the dark side of the Force. A misstep by Luke Skywalker ultimately left Ben feeling he had no choice but to embrace the dark side, and he became Kylo Ren, a key figure in the First Order. Kylo Ren’s heart remained deeply divided, however, even after he ascended to become Supreme Leader of the First Order. He was ultimately redeemed by Rey, with whom he shared a remarkable Force bond, and by the love of his parents.

Kylo Ren’s story before and during the Star Wars sequel trilogy matches I, Tonya quite well. Ben Solo grew up at Luke Skywalker’s Jedi temple on Ossus, and his parents – Leia and Han – didn’t have much involvement in his childhood. He had also inherited a tremendous legacy from his parents, uncle, and grandfather Anakin, and the pressure of that legacy weighed on him. Eventually, the expectation that he would become a great Jedi weighed too heavily on Kylo Ren, and he fell to the dark side. I, Tonya is Kylo Ren’s fall told as a true story.

Alternative Movies For Ben Solo/Kylo Ren



Inside Llewyn Davis

A story about a man who cannot overcome his worst demons, and all the talent in the world can’t save him from himself.


A gunslinger tries to outrun his past, but the temptation proves too much for him, and he returns to his violent ways.

1 Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith – Sheev Palpatine

Viewers who loved to watch Emperor Palpatine win in Revenge of the Sith share a common trait with the Sith Lord: he also loved to watch himself win. Palpatine was essentially the physical manifestation of evil, and because of that, he had quite a few negative character traits. One of those traits was his arrogance: the Emperor loved to revel in his victories, taunt his defeated enemies, and boast his achievements. It makes sense, then, that Revenge of the Sith would be his favorite movie, as it depicts his crowning achievement: the takeover of the Galactic Republic and the destruction of the Jedi Order.

  • Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars Return of the Jedi

    Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious

    The senator for Naboo, Palpatine rose to power and influence during the dying days of the Republic. In reality, his public persona was just a mask; he was really Darth Sidious, greatest of the Sith Lords, and he used his political skills and Machiavellian cunning to bring down both the Republic and the Jedi. Palpatine ruled his Galactic Empire for decades, until he was betrayed by his apprentice, Darth Vader. Even this wasn’t enough to stop the Emperor, however, as he was resurrected by his followers – only to be defeated once again.

Aside from the fact that Palpatine would love to watch his greatest exploits play out on film, Revenge of the Sith also ties to him quite well. Revenge of the Sith is a movie that heavily focuses on manipulation, deceit, corruption, and the birth of tyrants, all things that describe Palpatine. It’s also one of the few Star Wars stories where the villain wins, a subversion Palpatine would definitely appreciate even if it wasn’t him who was winning. On top of that, Revenge of the Sith is a decidedly dark movie in the franchise, a tone that seems particularly fitting for the darkest character in Star Wars.

Alternative Movies For Sheev Palpatine




Palpatine would see himself in John Doe: both are vicious, sadistic villains with a grand plan, a knack for psychological manipulation, and a desire to live in infamy.

The Silence of the Lambs

Palpatine would love a movie about a sadistic killer who toys with his enemies before outsmarting them.
