Star Wars: Every Lightsaber Crystal In Canon & Legends Explained (Not Just Kyber)

At the heart of every one of Star Wars‘ lightsabers is a powerful crystal, usually kyber, but there have been many other alternatives in canon and Legends. The lightsaber is the iconic weapon of both Jedi and Sith, but surprisingly the name wasn’t created by George Lucas himself; he originally called them “lazerswords” in his first drafts, but wanted to avoid anything that sounded too scientifically accurate. The word “lightsaber” was actually created by novelist Alan Dean Foster, who helped Lucas on the script for the first Star Wars movie.

Lucas considered Star Wars to be fantasy first and foremost, which meant he didn’t want people to think too much about how lightsabers worked. He underestimated how popular Star Wars would become, and over the decades, a whole pseudoscience has emerged explaining just that. In both canon and Legends, a lightsaber’s power is channeled through a Force-attuned crystal, one to which a Jedi or Sith bonds. But what kind of crystals are used in lightsabers?

18 Kyber Crystal

The most important power-source in both canon and Legends

Kyber is the most famous crystal used in lightsabers. Living crystals attuned to the Force, they were found across the galaxy, although the Jedi of the prequels tended to retrieve theirs from the sacred planet Ilum. Natural kyber are a pearlescent white, although they tend to change color when they bond with a Jedi. Sith turn kyber to the dark side (“bleeding” them) by pouring their own anger, fear, and hatred into the crystal.

Kyber crystals were never common across the galaxy, but they’re even rarer by the end of the Skywalker saga. As seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the scientist Galen Erso realized kyber could be used to focus the energy required to create devastating superweapons like the Death Star. The Empire essentially ransacked the entire galaxy for kyber; the planet Ilum itself was eventually converted into Starkiller Base, the superweapon in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

17 Adegan Crystals

Five types of crystal found only in the Adega system, these are Force-sensitive and can be imbued with a portion of a Jedi’s power; they don’t seem to have the same durability as Ilum kyber, however. There are five types of Adegan crystal, and they are:

  • Mephite and Pontite variants, which have a similar internal structure to Ilum kyber and thus produce the best blades
  • Kathracite, relacite and Danite, which don’t focus energy as well and are thus often used to power training sabers

In Legends, the Sith learned how to use Adegan crystals to power stealth ships. This technology may well still be in use in canon, explaining why Palpatine had access to steath-equipped vessels of an unusually small design – such as Darth Maul’s Sith Interceptor.

16 Allya’s Exile & Allya’s Redemption

Named after the Exile in KOTOR

Meetra Surik from Star Wars: The Old Republic in the center of artowrk for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: The High Republic.

Named after the Jedi Exile, the unique crystal known as Allya’s Exile granted a lightsaber additional burn damage. Meanwhile, Allya’s Redemption is a green gem with an acidic effect. The Exile is officially canon, so it’s possible the gems are as well. If so, there could well be similar gemstones out there, of unknown provenance.

15 Ankarres Sapphire

One of KOTOR’s most intriguing gems is still canon

star wars meetra surik kotor

The Ankarres Sapphire was a legendary healing gem in KOTOR, but it can also be used to refract the energy of lightsabers. Although only one Ankarres Sapphire is mentioned in KOTOR, where it is found by Meetra Surik, canon has hinted there are many such gems. It remains to be seen whether they can be used in lightsabers in canon.

14 Corusca Gems

Precious and valuable gems found in gas giants

Considered some of the most precious and valuable gems in the Star Wars galaxy, corusca gems are formed deep within the cores of gas giants like Yavin. They are incredibly hard but have “shatterpoints” that can be used to break them. In canon, they’re as sought after as other substances like beskar, and are hugely profitable for smugglers. In Legends, two Jedi – Ganner Rhysode and Jacen Solo – both powered their lightsabers with corusca gems.

13 Dahgee Crystals

An unusual type of crystal from Star Wars Legends

Dahgee Jedi in Star Wars

In Star Wars Legends, the Jedi of the planet Dahgee were noted for their unusual lightsaber blades; they had a zigzagging pattern, a dark core and a strange, silver glow. These came from the use of Dahgee crystals in the lightsaber, which presumably refracted power in slightly different ways to kyber.

12 Dantari Crystal

A classic crystal from KOTOR

Star Wars Old Republic Jedi Meetra Surik

Hailing from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dantari Crystals – which come in a range of different colors – were popular with the Jedi before the discovery of Ilum. They’re commonly associated with KOTOR‘s Meetra Surik, who found a crystal from the eggs of the Kinrath on Dantooine. The Star Wars: Force & Destiny sourcebook Gadgets & Gear canonized them as a variant of kyber.

11 Dragite Gems

Unusual gems that produced unique lightsabers

Star Wars River of Chaos cover

A dull and brittle kyber variant found in the D’olop mountain range on the planet M’haeli, these are notoriously difficult to work with a lightsaber. They are known, however, for producing some fantastic and useful weapons; lightsabers that produce shockwaves on impact, disorienting, stunning, or harming targets. They first appeared in the Star Wars: River of Chaos miniseries by Louise Simonson and June Brigman, but have been mentioned in canon since.

10 Durindfire Gem

An unusual lightsaber crystal actually found on Tatooine

According to Legends, the Durindfire Gem – a crystal found in the sands of Tatooine – can be used to power lightsabers with a distinctive silver sheen. Traditionally used by Jawas to make lenses that protected their eyes from Tatooine’s harsh sunlight, the Durindfire Gems were sought after by the Empire – and the Rebel Alliance monitored shipments of them to identify Imperial research projects. They’re quite a cool addition to Tatooine lore.

9 Ghostfire Crystals

Rare gems that generate absolutely silent lightsabers

Star Wars Endless Vigil sourcebook cover

Introduced in the Star Wars: Force & Destiny sourcebook Endless Vigil, Ghostfire crystals are rare and expensive, found on only a handful of Outer Rim worlds. They produce lightsaber blades that are absolutely silent – and almost translucent, making them very difficult to see. They appear to manipulate the Force around enemies, meaning they create strange, almost hallucinatory effects that make them difficult t track.

8 Hurrikan Crystal

Mace Windu’s crystal in Legends

Jedi Master Mace Windu is well known for his purple lightsaber, and in Legends purple lightsabers are associated with use of a rare Hurrikan Crystal (sometimes also spelled Hurrikaine). Known for their beauty, Hurrikan Crystals generate lightsaber blades capable of penetrating some of the strongest armors. They also appear in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

7 Kohlen Crystals

The kyber that is not kyber…

Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan are the focus of Master and Apprentice

Introduced in Claudia Gray’s Master & Apprentice, the kohlen crystal is found only on the moon of Pijal. It can be used to power lightsabers, giving them a distinct orange blade. Unusually, the kohlen crystals are actually associated with an ancient Jedi prophecy; Qui-Gon Jinn recognized the discovery of these crystals as a hint the coming of the Chosen One was near.

6 Krayt Dragon Pearl

A unique legacy from Tatooine

A powerful beast found in the desert wastes of Tatooine, the Krayt Dragon is seen in all its glory in both The Mandalorian season 2 and Star Wars: Outlaws. This included the canon debut of the Krayt Dragon’s pearl, which – in Legends – has similar refractive properties to a kyber crystal. It could even be used to power lightsabers.

5 Lava Crystal

A dangerous channel of the Force that comes from Mustafar

Mustafar is a powerful dark side vergence, so it makes sense that certain lava crystals from the fireworld are conduits of the Force. In Star Wars Galaxies, a lava crystal from Mustafar generated a unique blade that looked rather like lava itself. They’ve been name-dropped in canon as well.

4 Lignan Ore

A powerful substance steeped in the dark side

Sought after by Legends Sith Lords such as Naga Sadow, Lignan Ore – which originates in the Ligna System, as well as on the moon of Phaegon III – is steeped in the dark side of the Force. Although it can power lightsabers, it can also be used to amplify the power of Sith in dangerous rituals. It was used by one Lost Tribe of the Sith.

3 Rainbow Gems

Precious jewels that can also power lightsabers

Tenel Ka in Star Wars

In Star Wars Legends, the Rainbow Gems are beautiful silicon-based lifeforms found on the planet Gallinore; the royalty of Hapes commonly wore them on tiaras. Gallinore Gems have been mentioned in canon, although there’s no evidence they’re used in lightsabers. They are, however, much sought-after by smugglers.

2 Synthetic Sith Crystals

In Legends, Sith crystals were synthesized

In Star Wars Legends, Sith crystals weren’t bled; they were actually created, synthetic duplicates for the Jedi kyber. In fact, there’s actually one occasion where Luke Skywalker himself used a red lightsaber, a secondary shoto blade he forged to help him battle against the aspiring Sith Lumiya and her dangerous lightwhip. Like the Sith, Luke synthesized his crystal, explaining the shoto blade’s red color.

1 Other Lightsaber Crystals

Lesser-known lightsaber crystals that have only been mentioned in deep lore

In addition, the following crystals and gems either appeared in games (of debatable canonicity) or have only received the briefest mention:

  • Baa’s Wisdom Crystal – a unique crystal from Star Wars Galaxies, this creates a lightsaber blade that causes frostbite as opposed to heat damage.
  • Barab Ingots – an ore found on the radioactive planet Barab I, these ingots – mentioned in both Legends and canon – create blades that are slightly radioactive.
  • Blackwing Crystal – an unusual type of crystal found in Star Wars: Galaxies, the Blackwind Crystal is created from contact with a Sith bioweapon. It creates a lightsaber blade that issues a dark, ash-like smoke.
  • Damind Crystal – a variant of kyber found only on the planet Daminia, these gems create wider and longer blades that make it easier to deflect blaster-fire. They were commonly used by Sith.
  • Eralam Crystals – a KOTOR crystal that produced a clear and powerful lightsaber beam, these originated from the third moon of the planet Erai. They were very rare due to Sith orbital bombardment.
  • The Heart of the Guardian Crystal – a mysterious gem associated with Darth Revan, it is placed alongside other crystals to subtly alter their properties; it makes a lightsaber far more dangerous.
  • Katak Crystals – seen in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, these are used by dark siders and drain the lives of enemies.
  • Lambent Gems – used by the Yuuzhan Vong as part of their unique biotechnology in Legends, these could also be installed within lightsabers.
  • Lorridan Gems – Another KOTOR gem, these gems were imbued with special properties by the enslaved Lorridans and grant a lightsaber-wielder a stronger degree of precognition. They’ve been name-dropped in canon.
  • Luxum Crystals – introduced in KOTOR, these gems were found on the planet Ambria, a planet rich in the dark side of the Force. They generated blades that were particularly effective against droids, because they imparted an ion effect to the lightsaber.
  • Mantle of the Force – another crystal found in KOTOR, this could be placed alongside other crystals in a lightsaber to amplify their properties.
  • Opila Crystal – another KOTOR crystal, mined from an asteroid field in the Fyrth system; their blades can cut through materials more easily than standard lightsabers.
  • Permafrost Crystals – a rare gem from Star Wars Galaxies, only found on Hoth; causes cold damage.
  • Qixoni Crystals – created from an ancient supernova in the Qixoni Nebula, these crystals are said to enhance the Force powers of those who use them. They’re another KOTOR crystal, but have been name-dropped in canon too.
  • Rubat Crystals – another variant of kyber found in both KOTOR and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, these gems sharpen the blade and allow for faster attack. They’re only found on the planet Phemis.
  • Sigil Crystals – Expensive KOTOR gems that produce powerful, more damaging blades.
  • Stygium Crystals – like Adega Crystals, these could also be used to power cloaking – although typically on larger vessels.
  • Ultima-pearls – lustrous pearls found on the ocean floor of Dac, they could be installed within lightsabers with the greatest of care.
  • Velmorite Crystals – found on the planet Velmor, these appear in KOTOR and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. They generate thin blades that are ideal for dueling.
  • Vexxtal Crystals – seen in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, these crystals are associated with the dark side.
