La actualización PUBG Mobile 3.4 trae un nuevo modo Zombie Uprising a Metro Royale

La actualización PUBG Mobile 3.4 ya está disponible. Trae un nuevo modo Zombie Uprising a Metro Royale con actualizaciones de niveles personalizadas.

Level Infinite the publisher of PUBGM started rolling out the PUBG Mobile 3.4 Update earlier today. The 3.4 update bring new Metro Royale Update featuring new Zombie Uprising More gameplay. Check out the detailed information below:

PUBG Mobile 3.4 Update: Metro Royale Updates

Update Period: 2024/9/12 at 1:00–2024/11/10 at 00:00 (UTC+0)

New Zombie Uprising Mode Gameplay: When night falls, use Transformation Salve to turn into a Wolf Warrior or Vampiric Fiend and gain special abilities. Added Treasure Specters to the Misty Port and Arctic Base maps.

Basic Feature Improvements: Players can now choose whether to view your teammates’ outfits in the Lobby and during matches. Auto Pick Up can now be disabled for only Metro Royale via Settings. Added the option to hide Advanced Helmets.

Custom Parameters: Removed the “Copy Owner Equipment” and “Delay Return Point Availability” parameters. Added “Copy Owner Equipment & Talents”, “Match Duration”, and “Return Point Ready Duration”. Improved how custom parameters are displayed on the Room screen. Added Return Point information to the Spectator map.


Classic Map Updates Self AED: Self AEDs now spawn on the ground in Classic Mode’s solo, duo, and squad matches after the PUBG Mobile 3.4 Update. Players carrying this item can recover from the knocked down state without any help from teammates. As long as one player on the team possesses this item, the team will not be eliminated even if all four members get knocked down.

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