Ronaldo y David Beckham liderarán la selección india en el Mundial de ciclismo

Seis ciclistas indios han participado en la Copa del Mundo de ciclismo, entre ellos los velocistas Ronaldo Singh y David Beckham.

A total of six Indian riders have qualified for the upcoming World Track Cycling Championships in Denmark. The event is set to take place from 16th to 20th October at the Ballerup Super Arena.

Ronaldo and Beckham in sprinting

The Indian team will consist of four sprinters, including Ronaldo Singh, Esow Alben, Rojit Singh, and David Beckham. The other two cyclists Harshveer Sekhon and Meenakshi will compete in the endurance events. This is the first time India will have representation in the endurance category.

Beckham and Ronaldo: Two promising Cyclists

David Beckham is a talented Indian cyclist. The 20-year-old from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands made history at the Asian Games by becoming the first Indian to reach the quarter-finals of the men’s individual sprint event. He was also a key member of the Indian team in the Team Sprint event, where they set a new national record, finishing in under 45 seconds for the first time since 2019.

Ronaldo Singh, also known as Ronaldo Laitonjam, has achieved considerable success in recent years. The 22-year-old from Imphal clinched the gold at the 2019 Junior World Championships. He remains a promising athlete, securing two silver and two bronze medals at the Asian Cycling Championships in 2022 and 2023.

Difference Between Sprint and Endurance in Track Cycling

In track cycling, sprint and endurance events focus on different skills and strategies, much like in track and field. Endurance races require cyclists to maintain high speeds over several laps, while sprint events are shorter, covering distances between 200m and 1000m. Both categories feature individual and team competitions.

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