George Sheldon Sr.'s 10 Best Moments In Young Sheldon

By detailing the Coopers’ family life, Young Sheldon guaranteed a focus on the family patriarch George, who was ill-treated in the parent series The Big Bang Theory but frequently shone brightly in Young Sheldon. Sheldon’s peculiarities were already a source of problems or misunderstandings in The Big Bang Theory, but Young Sheldon showing a young version of the socially inept genius ensured it would be easier to empathize with Sheldon’s struggles, for viewers and characters alike. Indeed, despite Sheldon’s bluntness, all those close to him showed him kindness, trying to help him navigate high school, with George often offering support.

Sheldon and Mary didn’t spare George Sr. any kindness when talking about him in The Big Bang Theory, with the two either describing him as good-for-nothing or attributing some of the most offensive comments to him. George’s portrayal in Young Sheldon entirely contradicts the character description Mary and Sheldon gave in Big Bang Theory and his decency filtered through George’s every interaction in Young Sheldon, with his good intentions highlighted even when his delivery misfired. Whether with family friends or parenting his and Mary’s children, some of George’s best moments in Young Sheldon let all shine through his good character.

11 George Stands Up For Sheldon With Dr. Hodges

Season 1, Episode 6, “A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac”

George’s inability to connect with Sheldon is a major theme in Young Sheldon season 1, because of their different interests and divergent approach in exploring them. While Young Sheldon season 1 includes various moments of connection between the young genius and the Cooper patriarch, the first time George can be seen standing up for Sheldon is against NASA engineer Dr. Hodges in Young Sheldon season 1, episode 6. Dr. Hodges dismissing Sheldon’s idea to let rockets land instead of having them crash greatly affects Sheldon, pushing him to prove Hodges wrong, but also giving him an ulcer in the process.


Bringing the entire family over to Houston so that Sheldon’s ideas could be heard proves George’s belief in Sheldon and willingness to do what his son needed even if he didn’t understand why, showing George listened to Sheldon’s wishes when it would have been easier to dismiss them. The sweet moment in “A Patch, a Modem, and a Zantac” lets George’s best intentions when parenting Sheldon shine through, proving him able to advocate for Sheldon even when he cannot understand Sheldon nor the reason why he is so consumed by his interaction with Hodges.

9 The Coopers’ Boys Trip To Cape Canaveral

Season 1, Episode 8, “Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger’s Cat, and Cyndi Lauper’s Hair”

Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. and Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper in Young Sheldon season 1, episode 8-1

Sheldon and Mary’s harsh TBBT jokes about George also contrast with another moment in Young Sheldon season 1 that Mary may have prompted but was handled the best way because of George’s insight into Sheldon. Young Sheldon season 1, episode 8, “Cape Canaveral, Schrödinger’s Cat, and Cyndi Lauper’s Hair” sees George bring Georgie and Sheldon away for a boys’ weekend unlike any before, as Sheldon’s idea gets chosen for once so that George and Sheldon can bond over the latter’s interests. Always having wanted to see a rocket launch in real life, Sheldon is super excited by the weekend away.

One the sweetest things George could do for Sheldon, putting him at ease and making him happy thanks to how much he knew him.

George never lets Sheldon lose hope in Young Sheldon season 1, episode 8, despite the pouring rain. When it’s clear that the storm will impede the rocket launch that day, George cheers Sheldon up by asking him about thunders and lightning, knowing Sheldon likes to talk about science. George’s knowledge of his son refocuses Sheldon’s attention away from what upset him, even bringing older Sheldon to deem that as the best trip he ever had, proving one the sweetest things George could do for Sheldon, putting him at ease and making him happy thanks to how much he knew him.

8 George & Missy’s Lobster Dinner

Season 1, Episode 21, “Summer Sausage, a Pocket Poncho, and Tony Danza”

Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. and Raegan Revord as Missy Cooper in Young Sheldon season 1, episode 21-1

While George’s best moments often included his rapport with Sheldon because connecting with him was more difficult for the Cooper patriarch, his relationship with his other children also brought out the best of him. One memorable moment that returned throughout Young Sheldon, a cornerstone of George Sr. and Missy’s relationship, is their dinner at Red Lobster by themselves. Prompted by Sheldon’s inability to see George Sr. as a role model, Mary suggests George ask what Missy wishes to do and follow through.

Missy’s wish to have dinner at the “fanciest restaurant in Texas” being granted not only makes her feel heard by George but also makes possible one of the sweetest moments between them in Young Sheldon. Bonding over their love for lobsters makes Missy feel appreciated and closer to George, as she wishes for him to sit with her, but it also shows George that he can find things in common with Missy. George will continue to do so throughout Young Sheldon, teaching and finding her more receptive than Georgie and Sheldon ever were.

7 George’s Pep Talk To Sheldon Before His Campaign Speech

Season 2, Episode 19, “A Political Campaign and a Candy Land Cheater”

Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. in Young Sheldon season 2, episode 19-1

George and Sheldon’s interests cannot be more different, but Sheldon can find comfort in his father’s words in Young Sheldon season 2, episode 19, “A Political Campaign and a Candy Land Cheater.” George and Sheldon’s differences make it more difficult for the two to find common ground, but Sheldon’s nomination in the impending class president election makes it once again possible for George to be helpful to Sheldon.

Indeed, an insurmountable issue Sheldon finds in running the campaign for his election is public speaking in front of the entire student body.

Public speaking scaring Sheldon prompts George’s pep talk about Sheldon’s bravery in attending high school already and not overestimating his public of teenagers, which eventually convinces Sheldon he can give a speech. By inviting Sheldon to consider another perspective, George convinces him of how strong Sheldon already is, boosting his confidence and making it possible for him to be elected, as Sheldon’s speech proved necessary to turn the student body against Nell Cavanaugh.

6 Missy & George Bond Over Baseball & George Helps Her With Heartbreak

Season 3, Episode 4, “Hobbitses, Physicses and a Ball with Zip”

Raegan Revord as Missy Cooper and Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. in Young Sheldon season 3, episode 4-1

Her maturity and empathy often confirmed Missy as the best Young Sheldon sibling, but her being there for others often meant few were able to be there for her when she had issues. George Sr. proves himself as one of the few who can in Young Sheldon season 3, episode 4, as he helps Missy bond with her crush over baseball, the basics of which George teaches her.

Although their bonding over baseball already shows how helpful can George Sr. be to his children, it’s his behavior when Missy is crying because the boy she has a crush on likes someone else that is commendable. Indeed, George listens to Missy’s problems, he acknowledges her heartbreak, and he manages to take her mind off of it because of her continuing interest in baseball. That it eventually turns into a sport Missy enjoys only adds to George’s ability, as by teaching her the basics, George Sr. leaves Missy something she will always remember him by.

5 George Realizes His Mistakes & Invites Dr. Sturgis Over

Season 3, Episode 9, “A Party Invitation, Football Grapes and an Earth Chicken”

Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. and Zoe Perry as Mary Cooper in Young Sheldon season 3, episode 9

After John Sturgis and Connie’s breakup, John longs for male friendship, even more so as he isn’t sure about the choice he made to break up with her, wanting to spare her his crises. While it’s initially Mary who suggests George should bring John to the bar so that he wouldn’t talk with the kids about his breakup with their grandmother, John and George’s friendship eventually evolves, as John wishes not to be alone after the breakup.

John’s repeated requests to see George are met with refusals in Young Sheldon season 3, episode 9, leading him to think the Cooper patriarch doesn’t want anything to do with him. Although George denies that, seeing Mary doing everything in her power to socialize Sheldon with his peers shows George that her worries about Sheldon being aloof as an adult aren’t that dissimilar from John Sturgis and his existing loneliness. This prompts George to right the wrong and invite John to see a football match with him, showing his kindness even to characters who couldn’t be more different from him.

4 Sheldon & George Visit Pasadena Together

Season 3, Episode 16, “Pasadena”

Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper and Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. in Young Sheldon season 3, episode 16

Young Sheldon season 3, episode 16 shows George and Sheldon on opposite sides over Sheldon’s wish to go to Caltech to see Stephen Hawking’s lecture there, but the episode eventually unites the two more than ever. Although focusing also on Mary and Georgie’s fight about Jana, “Pasadena” mostly puts a spotlight on Sheldon’s insistence on going to Caltech to see Hawking’s lecture. Once East Texas Tech offers to pay for Sheldon and George’s trip, George has no good reason to object, leading to their long-distance trip to Sheldon’s TBBT university.

While Sheldon’s idea to ask George first to go together already speaks volumes about their closer bond, it’s what happens between George and Sheldon on their flight to Pasadena in Young Sheldon that can count among George’s best moments. Indeed, George manages to coax Sheldon back to his seat and even offers him support by acting as Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, effectively calming him and bringing him to see the university that is Sheldon’s home in The Big Bang Theory for the first time.

3 George’s Speech Convincing Sheldon To Face The Federal Auditor

Season 4, Episode 14, “Mitch’s Son and the Unconditional Approval of a Government Agency”

Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper and Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. in Young Sheldon season 4, episode 14

Sheldon and George fight even in Young Sheldon season 4, episode 14 when Sheldon sees the request from the IRS to send four dollars and fights their assessment, knowing he didn’t make a mistake. Sheldon eventually goes against George’s request, writing to the IRS and getting an audit, which backfires as the agent eventually asks them much more than what they originally wanted.

George’s pep talk proves successfull, not only getting Sheldon back to the meeting but inspiring him to be confidente enought to beat the agent.

Despite the very real possibility of Sheldon’s decision costing them much more money, George ends up being supportive of Sheldon when he runs away from the meeting, understanding how foolish of him it was not to admit a mistake when challenging the IRS got them there. George’s pep talk proves successful, not only getting Sheldon back to the meeting but inspiring him to be confident enough to beat the agent, proving once again how much he always understood Sheldon despite their differences.

2 George & Missy Survive The Tornado

Season 6, Episode 22, “A Tornado, a Ten-Hour Flight and a Darn Fine Ring”

Raegan Revord as Missy Cooper and Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. in Young Sheldon season 6, episode 22

Young Sheldon season 6 includes the first time Missy properly rebels against her family, feeling ignored by them with their focus shifting between Georgie and Mandy’s daughter and Sheldon. Between her joyride with Paige and the sneaking out with Tonya, Missy builds a wall between her feelings and her family, even refusing to properly say goodbye to Mary and Sheldon as they leave for Germany.

However, the tornado in Young Sheldon season 6’s finale changes things completely for Missy and George. Seeing it coming, having to leave the car to protect themselves and finally surviving it lets Missy admit how she doesn’t know why she was behaving that way, loving Mary and George and not really hating Sheldon. George’s compassion in handling the situation and belief when Missy promises not to misbehave like that anymore cements him as the most understanding among the Coopers, easily making that one of season 6’s best George Sr. moments.

1 George’s Last Playful, Supportive Conversation With Georgie

Season 7, Episode 12, “A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture”

Lance Barber as George Cooper Sr. and Montana Jordan as Georgie Cooper in Young Sheldon season 7, episode 12

George Sr.’s death hangs over Young Sheldon season 7, tinting George’s every scene with the Coopers with sadness, as it could be their last. George dying in Young Sheldon season 7, episode 12 nonetheless makes it possible for Georgie to have one last scene with George Sr. that still maintains their playful relationship.

When Georgie sees George Sr. checking the roof after the estate agent’s visit he playfully asks whether it was sensible of George to be that high, to which George replies he’ll do the same when he owns a house. Georgie’s speech about planning to be rich and paying someone to do that and George barely believing him encapsulates their playful relationship, letting their last moment together before George’s death in Young Sheldon season 7 be simultaneously about George teasing Georgie and secretly believing in him.
