Which Court Of Thorns & Roses Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

Fans of Sarah J. Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses book may identify with a member of the main cast based on which zodiac sign is most likely theirs. A Court of Thorns and Roses uniquely features a lot of seasonal and astrological symbolism in its aesthetics and themes, as the fae country of Prythian is divided into seven courts associated with spring, autumn, winter, summer, day, dawn, and night. It is no coincidence that Feyre, the High Lady of the Night Court, was born on the longest night of the year.


Release date

A Court of Thorns and Roses


A Court of Mist and Fury


A Court of Wings and Ruin


A Court of Frost and Starlight (novella)


A Court of Silver Flames


A Court of Thorns and Roses book #6


While the Throne of Glass characters’ potential zodiac signs help readers understand the characters, the themes of A Court of Thorns and Roses make this discussion especially unique. Much of Maas’ writing celebrates supposedly undesirable traits seen in some of the signs, like anger, stubbornness, and solitude, especially in the female characters. However, the full spectrum of kind and vicious personality traits and how they manifest in each character will be important for the A Court of Thorns and Roses TV show to understand, and they may consider the characters’ possible signs to better understand them.

12 Aries – Nesta

March 21 – April 19

Art by @h.art.j

Nesta demonstrates the worst of being an Aries, but that has only made her a more complex and beloved character. Feyre has always associated her eldest sister with flames, prophesizing Nesta stealing a power of silver fire and death from the Cauldron itself. A classic Aries trait, Nesta has a fiery temper, struggling with her anger towards everyone in her family except for Elain for years. However, also exemplary of being an Aries, Nesta is passionate and never backs down from a fight.

Feyre has always associated her eldest sister with flames, prophesizing Nesta stealing a power of silver fire and death from the Cauldron itself.

While she might cause strife for her family, she would end anyone else who thinks of doing the same. Nesta is especially protective of Elain, and when she latches on to an idea like exploring the world on her own or training to become a Valkyrie, she commits to it. She is also very passionate about music and spicy literature. Overall, Nesta has such a strong, tumultuous personality that people will immediately identify her as an Aries; it will also be a challenge for the person cast as Nesta to portray.

11 Taurus – Cassian

April 20 – May 20

Taurus is stubborn, loyal, and focused, much like Cassian, Nesta’s mate and the adoptive brother of the High Lord of the Night Court. Taurus is described as “inflexible or unyielding,” aligning with Cassian’s position as a steadfast general (via Allure). There is loyalty to go around in the dynamic between Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel, another key Taurus trait. However, Taurus is more likely to be drawn to another sign associated with stability, rather than the volatile Aries.

Yet Cassian and Nesta’s dynamic of constantly frustrating each other almost suggests them having conflicting signs, but they are determined to make it work anyway. On the other hand, Taurus is supposedly the “most sensual of the zodiac […] enchanted by any physical manifestation of comfort and luxury.” Cassian more subtly exhibits this trait but certainly enjoys lying around drinking with his family, seeking out thoughtful gifts for Nesta, or dancing the night away.

10 Gemini – Gwyn

May 21 – June 20

Fan art of Gwyn from acotar
Art by @mftfernandez

It is well-known that Gemini’s symbol is twins, and Gwyneth “Gwyn” Berdara is, ironically, a twin. Gemini is said to be social, seeking companionship, as well as adaptable. Before her first appearance in A Court of Silver Flames, Gwyn tragically lost her twin sister and was assaulted when Hybern attacked their temple. Her arc shows her gradually finding new strength and friendships in her life, as she works as a librarian Velaris, and trains with Nesta and Emerie. The book also hints at her forming a bond with Azriel, the resident introvert of the Night Court.

9 Cancer – Elain

June 21 – July 22

Elain Archeron in ACOTAR
Art by @acotarfan001

Cancer is said to be nurturing, emotional, and unexpectedly strong. Cancer has the “ability to exist in both emotional and material realms […] are highly intuitive,” and possess “psychic abilities [that] manifest in tangible spaces” (via Allure). Elain, the middle Archeron sister, is seen as the gentlest and most soft-spoken one. She is so sweet that she gets along even with Nesta; she endures cuts and bruises for her passion for cultivating flowers and loves easily. The last trait leads her to a devastating heartbreak when her human fiancé breaks off their engagement after her transformation into a fae.

However, PEOPLE warns: “Don’t mistake this sign for a pushover.” The books repeatedly hint at Elain’s growing power and hidden strength, leaning into all the psychic mysteries surrounding Cancer. The sign’s description suggests someone simultaneously emotional, physical, and immaterial. Elain is a seer whose abilities have not been fully tested; she seeks love and belonging; she heals herself and others and sees the world in a completely different way than her sisters, something Feyre remarks on and sees as an even greater strength.

8 Leo – Helion

July 23 – August 22

Aelin is the most powerful character in Throne of Glass and its decided Leo, due to her charisma, confidence, theatricality, and leadership skills. The only character in A Court of Thorns and Roses who can match her in this regard is Helion, the High Lord of the Day Court. The sun rules Leo, making the sunshine and summer connection to Day obvious. However, Helion is truly a Leo because of how dramatic he is, always making a grand entrance and ruling his court with a kind of brashness; he gets along very well with the unconventional Night Court.

7 Virgo – Emerie

August 23 – September 22

Fan art of Emerie from acotar
Art by @mftfernandez

Virgo is known to be diligent and hardworking, always taking it upon themselves to learn and perfect new skills, also described as a “fixer” when it comes to other people (PEOPLE). However, they may also be hard on themselves and must “learn that flaws are not defects” (via Allure). A lot of Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie’s storyline together is about overcoming self-doubt through their friendship; Nesta is the least social of the group, while Gwyn and Emerie both represent signs that are associated with being supportive friends.

Emerie may also be the most hardworking of the trio. In addition to dedicating herself to learning combat skills like the other two, she is fighting to run the business she inherited from her father in the Illyrian mountains. The Illyrians treat their women as secondary citizens, but Emerie is determined to make it as a business owner anyway. She must be practical and hardworking to succeed, like any good Virgo.

6 Libra – Lucien

September 23 – October 22

Born in the autumn, Libra seeks balance and harmony, symbolized by the scales. They want to be a force for good, although they sometimes struggle to escape their “people-pleasing habit” and indecisiveness (PEOPLE). Lucien, originally of the Autumn Court, wants to keep the peace and is characterized as the clever fox, adept at making valuable alliances. He wants to peacefully resolve Feyre and Tamlin’s problematic relationship when the only way that storyline was going to end was in chaotic recompense. Even after the fallout, Lucien tries to maintain his friendship with Tamlin, caught between him and Feyre.

5 Scorpio – Rhys

October 23 – November 21

Fan art of Rhysand from acotar
Art by Anna Shoemaker

Rhysand, usually known as Rhys, has a confirmed birth date: November 20, just at the end of Scorpio season. Rhys is a Scorpio who knows that he is a Scorpio, embracing all the dark drama that goes along with the sign. Scorpio is intense, mysterious, possessing unknown powers, and associated with destruction and transformation. They are also one of the signs said to have some psychic abilities, fitting in perfectly with Rhys’ telepathic power that he teaches Feyre. However, they are also called the “most misunderstood signs of the zodiac,” (Allure) and Rhys is certainly misunderstood by most of Prythian.

Rhys is referred to as the most powerful High Lord of Prythian. His whole court and power are a mystery in the first book, one that Feyre is pulled into in the second installment. He has the most amazingly dark and dramatic moments of the series, like revealing his wings to Feyre for the first time and crashing her wedding in a cloud of black smoke. However, Feyre discovers that Rhys has been playing a careful game for centuries of maintaining a face of fear to protect his family and his court’s hidden city.

4 Sagittarius – Feyre

November 22 – December 21

Art of Feyre from A Court of Silver Flames by Charlie Bowater.
Art by Charlie Bowater

To some degree, she always wanted to do and see more than what the world envisioned for her.

Feyre’s birthday is also confirmed to be December 21, making her a Sagittarius. As a bonus, Sagittarius’ symbol is the archer, and Feyre has always been characterized as a steely huntress. She begins the story as a human huntress, tracking game to feed her family. Sagittarius is adventurous, philosophical, and independent; throughout the series, Feyre goes further than she ever imagined. Despite her initial commitment to Tamlin, she is left perturbed when he says that she cannot be a High Lady. To some degree, she always wanted to do and see more than what the world envisioned for her.

3 Capricorn – Amren

December 22 – January 19

Fan art of Amren from Acotar
Art by @bethgilbert_art

Capricorn is brutal, hardworking, and committed. Their greatest weakness is that they might be harsh to their friends and family. However, Allure says: “What is the most valuable resource? For Capricorn, the answer is clear: Time.”Amren is easily the scariest member of the Night Court and the most powerful character in A Court of Thorns Roses when she is at her full strength. As far as time goes, Amren is also the oldest character in the series. Thousands of years alive have served her well; she is a living trove of information and wisdom.

She also gives the impression of having learned to manage her cruel instincts with time and be better to her found family. Amren is also the biggest “workaholic” of the group, as she is constantly researching ancient treasures and beings for the Night Court’s next endeavor. Amren is harsh, but no one contributes more than her. Capricorn “knows that patience, perseverance, and dedication is the only way to scale,” and as old as she is, Amren has a bigger perspective on the world than most.

2 Aquarius – Azriel

January 20 – February 18

Aquarius is characterized as a kind of outsider, which aligns with Azriel’s demeanor. Azriel is the least social of the Night Court’s inner circle; he is dark and mysterious but far more introverted than Rhys. He serves as the Night Court’s spymaster, utilizing his shadowsinging abilities to collect information. When discussing their holiday celebrations, his family says that Azriel would rather no one get him presents so he doesn’t have to be watched opening them. Yet Azriel’s keen insights and strategic thinking make him a valuable Aquarius to the Night Court.

According to PEOPLE, Aquarius is “really good at … being on the outskirts of society, so they can look in and understand the system […] [and] they have this eccentricity about them, and they have this very keen sense of humor.”This aptly describes Azriel’s role, drifting around the edges of the group and the conflict in general, picking up on things no one else can see. However, he does have a sharp sense of humor that comes up at surprising times — such as every time Elain gifts him something hilarious for the Winter Solstice.

1 Pisces – Mor

February 19 – March 20

Morrigan “Mor” is Rhys and Feyre’s fierce third in command; she is a skilled warrior and politician and as brave as anyone can be. However, the aspect of her personality that comes across the most when she is talking with her family is how loving and emotional she is. Like Pisces, the “most romantic sign of all” (PEOPLE), Mor has loved and lost, but everyone can tell that she is destined to find love again. She reaches out to Feyre when she arrives in the Night Court and does the same (more carefully) with Nesta.

Mor is certainly in love with all the art and beauty in the city of Velaris, appreciating fine clothes and a good night out. She is Feyre’s best friend and a protective aunt of the family’s newest addition. Mor embodies the idea that “Pisces has absorbed every lesson — the joys and the pain, the hopes and the fears — learned by all of the other signs” (Allure). She is arguably the loveliest and the strongest character in A Court of Thorns and Roses because of the ways she is a classic Pisces.

Source: allure.com (main article and full sign personality profiles), PEOPLE
