All Playstyles In FC 25 (& How They Work)

PlayStyles have returned to EA Sports FC 25 this year, with a new category added to the game. Optimized by Opta data, these PlayStyles go beyond the overall rating of the player, giving them abilities based on their real-life ability. This is to create a more authentic gameplay experience. Each PlayStyle aims to make players feel more special and unique, with PlayStyles + taking this further and enhancing those abilities to a world-class standard.

PlayStyles are available in FC 25 game modes, Ultimate Team, Rush, Career-mode, and Club modes. These PlayStyles span over six categories. These categories are scoring, passing, defending, ball control, physical, and the newly added goalkeeping. For the new release, more players have been given additional PlayStyles, like Phil Foden receiving the Technical + trait. Here is the complete list of PlayStyles in EA Sports FC 25 and some notes on the best PlayStyles to look out for to match specific playing preferences.

How Scoring Works In FC 25

Precision and Power in Front of Goal


Player Profile


PlayStyle +

Power Shot

A player who is known for taking powerful shots from outside the box.

Performs power shots faster and with increased speed.

Performs power shots much faster and with a significant increase in speed.

Dead Ball

A player who is known for being a specialist at taking set pieces.

Set pieces are delivered with increased speed, curve, and accuracy. The ball trajectory preview line is longer.

Set pieces are delivered with exceptional speed, curve, and accuracy. The ball trajectory preview line is at maximum length.

Chip Shot

A player who is known to often try and chip the goalkeeper when shooting.

Performs chip shots faster and with greater accuracy.

Performs chip shots more quickly with exceptional accuracy.

Finesse Shot

A player that is known to place the ball when shooting.

Performs finesse shots faster with additional curve and improved accuracy.

Performs finesse shots significantly faster with maximum cure and exceptional accuracy.

Power Header

A player who is known to strike with power when heading the ball towards goal.

Performs headers with increased power and accuracy.

Performs headers with maximum power and accuracy.

The scoring PlayStyles remain unchanged from FC 24, and Power Shots remain one of the most important in this year’s game. As usual, Finesse Shot is the other pick of the PlayStyles, and is a particularly useful skill for longer ranger shots from the edge of the box. Combine the two, and you’re well on the way to an overpowered striker.

How Passing Works In FC 25

From Long Balls to Through Passes

Playstyle passing Icons on an FC25 pitch background


Player Profile


PlayStyle +

Pinged Pass

A player who is known for making defense-splitting passes for a teammate to run onto.

Through passes are more accurate, swerve passes are delivered with more curve, and precision passes travel faster to the destination.

Through passes are far more accurate, swerve passes are delivered with maximum curve, and precision passes travel at top speed to the destination.

Incisive Pass

A player who is known for making high-speed ground passes.

Passes travel faster along the ground without impacting the trapping difficulty of the receiver.

Passes travel much faster along the ground without impacting the trapping difficulty of the receiver.

Long Ball Pass

A player who is known for performing lobbed long passes to teammates.

Lob and lofted through passes are more accurate, travel faster, and are more difficult to intercept.

Lob and lofted through passes are even more accurate, travel faster, and are far more difficult to intercept.

Tiki Taka

A player that is known for making first-time accurate and short passes.

Executes difficult first-time ground passes with high accuracy, using backheels when contextually appropriate. Short distance ground passes are highly accurate.

Executes difficult first-time ground passes with even greater accuracy, using backheels when contextually appropriate. Short distance ground passes are exceptionally accurate.

Whipped Pass

A player who is known for making high-speed whipped crosses into the box.

All crosses are highly accurate, travel faster, and with more curve.

All crosses are highly accurate, travel faster, and with more curve. Performs driven crosses with exceptional power.

Given the improvements in realism, and the rise in the need to adapt to looser pass reception, the Pinged Pass PlayStyle is increasingly important in FC 25. Inevitably, Whipped Pass is essential for wingers, and Long Ball Pass is an asset for getting pacy strikers in behind. Tiki Taka, as ever, is a strong alternative to dribbling, and can help midfielders and attackers unlock defenses when on the counter.

How Ball Control Works In FC 25

Players Who Control the Tempo

Playstyle Ball Control Icons on a background of an FC25 pitch


Player Profile


PlayStyle +

First Touch

A player who is known for accurate first touch control in difficult situations.

Has reduced error when trapping the ball and is able to transition to dribbling faster with greater control.

Has minimal error when trapping the ball and is able to transition to dribbling much faster with greater control.


A player who is known to try flamboyant moves (traps, passes, and shots).

Fancy passes and shots are performed with improved accuracy. Performs Flair animations when contextually appropriate.

Fancy passes and shots are performed with even greater accuracy. Performs Flair animations when contextually appropriate.

Press Proven

A player who is known for keeping possession under physical pressure from the opponent.

Keeps close control of the ball while dribbling at jog speed and can shield the ball more effectively from stronger opponents.

Keeps exceptionally close control of the ball while dribbling at job speed and an shield the ball much more effectively from stronger opponents.


A player who is known to use speed and knock the ball ahead of their opponent to beat them whilst dribbling.

Reaches a higher sprint speed while dribbling and has reduced chance of an error when sprinting or performing knock-ons.

Reaches even higher sprint speed while dribbling and has greatly reduced chance of an error when sprinting or performing knock-ons.


A player who regularly tries to beat an opponent by using technical dribbling ability (with little or no use of skill moves or little or no physical contact).

Reaches a higher speed when performing controlled sprints and performs wide turns while dribbling with more precision.

Reaches an even higher speed when performing controlled sprints and performs wide turns while dribbling with greater precision.


A player who is known for being able to perform skill moves in 1v1 situations.

Grants the ability to perform unique flick skill moves.

Grants the ability to perform more unique ground and flick skill moves. Is significantly more agile when strafe dribbling.

The press in FC 25 feels more urgent, so Press Proven is an invaluable PlayStyle across the entire team. First Touch is a game-changer for strikers, particularly where Power Shot isn’t on the table: creating the space and time to take a shot away from the close attention of defenders can be the difference between a goal and quickly losing the ball. Trickster can give attackers an added edge, and is hugely valuable for wingers.


Tackling, Intercepting, and Stopping Attacks

Playstyle defending Icons on an FC25 Pitch background


​​​​​​​Player Profile


PlayStyle +


A player who is known for performing elastic and overreaching blocks.

Increased reach when performing blocks and improved ability to make a successful block.

Even greater reach when performing blocks and improved ability to make a successful block.


A player who is known for winning possession by physical imposition.

Greater strength when performing physical tackles.

Even greater strength when performing physical tackles.


A player who is known for performing interceptions and keeping ball possession.

Increased reach and improved chance of retaining possession of the ball when performing interceptions.

Even greater reach and improved chance of retaining possession of the ball when performing interceptions.


A player who is known for being successful in 1v1 situations.

Increased max speed of sprint jockey and improved transition speed from jockey to sprint.

Increased max speed of sprint jockey and greatly improved transition speed from jockey to sprint.

Slide Tackle

A player who is known for often performing slide tackles.

Grants the ability to stop the ball directly at their feet when performing a slide tackle.

Greatly improved slide tackle coverage. Grants the ability to stop the ball directly at their feet when performing a slide tackle.


A player who is known for having a high success rate of getting ball possession on tackles with a low fouling rate.

Improved chances of standing tackle success and grants the ability to stop the ball directly at their feet when performing a standing tackle.

Significantly improved chances of standing tackle success and grants the ability to stop the ball directly at their feet when performing a standing tackle.

Jockey is a must for facing players who like to dribble, and particularly for full backs, just as it is in the real world. Even in the increasingly technical game, Slide Tackle feels like an old school, no-nonsense solution to dealing with attackers and retaining possession, which is great for starting quick counters. With longer balls over the top, Intercept is an important counter for full-backs.


Dominating the Physical Battles

Playstyle physical Icons on an FC25 background


​​​​​​​Player Profile


PlayStyle +


A player who tends to perform acrobatic passes, clearances, and shots.

Performs volleys with improved accuracy and has access to acrobatic volley animations.

Performs volleys with significant accuracy and has access to unique acrobatic volley animations.


A player who is known for having a high success rate, winning aerial offense and defense.

Performs higher jumps and has improved aerial physical presence.

Performs even higher jumps and has greatly improved aerial physical presence.


A player who is known for passing, crossing, and shooting with the outside of the foot.

Contextually triggers “outside of the foot” passes and shots.

Contextually triggers “outside of the foot” passes and shots. Reduced error on “outside the foot” passes.


A player who is known for covering a greater area of the field compared to other players in the same position.

Reduces fatigue loss during play and increases fatigue recovery during halftime.

Greatly reduces the long-term fatigue effects on attributes, reaction time, and defensive awareness. Reduces fatigue loss during play and increases fatigue recovery during halftime.


A player who is known to have a quick burst of speed when accelerating on and off the ball.

Accelerates faster during explosive sprints.

Accelerates significantly faster during explosive sprints.

Long Throw

A player who is known to throw the ball further than the average player.

Performs throw-ins with increased power to cover a greater distance.

Performs throw-ins with more power to cover maximum distance.

Trivela is a great PlayStyle for strikers, particularly if you like to shoot from the edge of the box, and add a touch of flair to finishing. Combined with First Touch and Technical, it will be more effective. Aerial is important for center-backs to thwart long balls over the top, and Quick Step is great for wingers if you prefer to carry the ball out wide.


The Art of Goalkeeping in FC25

Playstyle Goalkeeping Icons on an FC25 pitch background


Player Profile


PlayStyle +

Far Throw

A goalkeeper who is known for starting counter attacks with long throws.

Able to perform throws with increased speed and distance.

Able to perform throws with greater speed and distance.


A goalkeeper who is known for using their feet to make difficult saves.

Performs foot saves faster and with extended reach.

Performs foot saves more quickly with even greater reach.

Cross Claimer

A goalkeeper who is known to often come off the line to claim high balls from dangerous areas.

Comes out to claim crosses with increased pace, increased awareness of the ball trajectory, and further punch reach with increased power.

Comes out to claim crosses with greater pace, greater awareness of the ball trajectory, increased punch reach with greater power.

Rush Out

A goalkeeper who is known to often challenge attackers head-on in 1v1 situations.

Rush speed is increased and has an improved reaction speed to shots in rushing situations.

Rush speed is greatly increased and has a faster reaction speed to shots in rushing situations.

Far Reach

A goalkeeper who is known for the ability to cover the net and extend their reach to save challenging shots.

Performs diving saves with improved reach and has access to extended reach animations.

Performs diving saves with greater reach and has access to extended reach animations.


A goalkeeper who is known for having great deflection control to safer spaces.

Performs deflection saves into safer areas with increased ball speed control.

Performs deflection saves into safer areas or towards free teammates with greater ball speed control.

The Deflector PlayStyle is new to FC 25, replacing last year’s Quick Reflexes, and is important thanks to the higher number of goals that will come from rebounds (again, thanks to the game’s greater focus on realism). Footwork is good for improved saving with feet, obviously, but there’s less control on deflections. If you’re playing against more pacy strikers, Rush Out is a good thing to have as part of your goalkeeping armory. Likewise Far Reach is good for facing players who tend to shoot from distance.
