Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith: All Deleted & Alternate Scenes In Chronological Order

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith had a shocking number of deleted scenes, alternate scenes, and various other changes before the Star Wars movie premiered—here’s every single deleted scene and alternate scene from the movie in chronological order. Revenge of the Sith is one of Star Wars’ best movies, and its popularity has only grown over the years. While the prequel trilogy was initially met with very harsh criticism, much of it directed toward the dialogue and the prequel trilogy actors, that era has now become beloved in the Star Wars timeline.

Star Wars movies and TV shows have even revisited this era and what followed soon after it multiple times since Revenge of the Sith was released, including in some of Star Wars’ best TV shows, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Star Wars: The Bad Batch included, to name just a few. Despite the movie’s popularity, Revenge of the Sith went through a number of alterations before it was released. The following reflects every cut or alternate scene that was at one point included in the movie.

35 General Grievous Kills Shaak Ti

Obi-Wan Kenobi And Anakin Skywalker Originally Watched Shaak Ti Die

Jedi Master Shaak Ti was originally going to be brutally slain by General Grievous in front of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith. This would have taken place toward the beginning of the movie, when Obi-Wan and Anakin infiltrated Grievous’ ship to ‘rescue’ Chancellor Palpatine (who, of course, wasn’t really taken captive but rather had orchestrated the entire operation). In the end, this death was removed not only from the movie but also from canon, as Shaak Ti appeared again later.

This also led to a running joke in the fandom about how badly George Lucas wanted Shaak Ti to die. This scene was cut, but yet another version of her death, this time with Anakin as her killer, was also removed from Revenge of the Sith. Shaak Ti also died in multiple Star Wars video games and in the non-canon show Star Wars Clone Wars, which predates The Clone Wars.

34 The Battle Of Coruscant Was Much Longer

The Final Cut Of The Battle Was Surprisingly Short

Coinciding with the fact that Shaak Ti’s death almost took place at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith was the intention for a much longer Battle of Coruscant, during which Obi-Wan and Anakin were sent to rescue Palpatine. It was somewhat surprising that the Battle of Coruscant wasn’t longer, given how important this event was to Revenge of the Sith. This is likely due to the sheer amount of ground that the movie had to cover, which was substantial. This was a defining moment in the Clone Wars, but many other defining moments were still to come.

33 Count Dooku, Obi-Wan, And Anakin Had An Extended Fight

Revenge Of The Sith’s First Jedi Versus Sith Battle Was Originally More Detailed

The fight between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Count Dooku in the beginning of Revenge of the Sith that ends in Dooku’s death was also originally longer. Among other changes, this longer cut would have included Anakin punching Count Dooku in the face, which admittedly would have been delightful to see. Dooku’s death is a satisfying one because he had long been so boastful, but getting to see Anakin briefly sidestep the Force and simply punch someone would have been a welcome surprise.

32 Obi-Wan Kenobi And Anakin Skywalker Have A Code Language

This Deleted Scene Reveals How Close Obi-Wan And Anakin Really Were

One of the best scenes cut from Revenge of the Sith would have proven just how close Obi-Wan and Anakin had gotten between Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan and Anakin had a funny dynamic, but that was largely to do with Anakin having a terrible, at times even petulant attitude and Obi-Wan being quite sick of his behavior. In the years that passed between the movies, though, the two had grown to have a genuine love and respect for each other.

This also would have served to make Anakin’s fall that much more painful, as it revealed just how much the two of them lost in the end.

In the deleted scene, Anakin and Obi-Wan use a kind of code language to communicate with one another, touching various parts of their faces to signal particular plans. Clearly, the two had worked this language out quite some time ago, as neither missed a beat. This was a charming, funny moment, and it’s truly a shame it wasn’t included in the movie. This also would have served to make Anakin’s fall that much more painful, as it revealed just how much the two of them lost in the end.

31 Anakin Skywalker Speaks Droid

One Of Anakin’s Funniest Scenes Didn’t Make The Final Cut

In yet another hilarious Anakin and Obi-Wan scene that was cut, Anakin reveals that he knows how to speak droid. This deleted scene had the same comedic energy as the scene in which Anakin and Obi-Wan communicate in code, but it makes sense that this scene was removed. It was definitely a moment that would have earned a laugh, but its tone simply wasn’t in keeping with Revenge of the Sith. The movie has its laugh lines, but this scene would have been silly and felt out of place (although it is good fun to watch the clip now).

30 Anakin And Obi-Wan Go For A Swim

Anakin And Obi-Wan’s Escape From Grievous Puts Them In A Tough Spot

In one cut scene, Obi-Wan and Anakin had an alternate form of escape from General Grievous and his droids, wherein they landed in a body of water with electricity crackling all around them. It led to some funny quips between the two, particularly Obi-Wan joking that Anakin’s idea of safety was quite distinct from his own. Outside the added banter, though, this scene didn’t add all that much to the narrative. In a movie that had to see the fall of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Order, and the Republic, it makes sense that this scene didn’t make the final cut.

In a movie that had to see the fall of Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Order, and the Republic, it makes sense that this scene didn’t make the final cut.

29 Anakin And Obi-Wan Make A “Roger, Roger” Joke

Obi-Wan And Anakin Mock The Droids’ Most Repeated Line

The Battle of Coruscant was seemingly longer not only because of additional action sequences but also because Anakin and Obi-Wan’s friendship had significantly more development. In yet another funny scene between the two, they concluded their battle with the droids in an elevator by each saying “Roger” in the same tone the droids always do. The best part of this scene was the affectionate smile they shared afterward, which again highlights how close their bond had become. It would have been nice for this small moment to be added, particularly to add context to Anakin’s fall.

28 Anakin And Obi-Wan Must Fight Magnaguards On Their Rescue Mission

Anakin And Obi-Wan Faced Several Obstacles On Their Way To Save Palpatine

On their mission to rescue Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Anakin were met with a number of obstacles, some that appeared in the final cut of Revenge of the Sith and others that did not. Among the cuts from this part of the movie was a confrontation between Obi-Wan, Anakin, and a pair of Magnaguards. Although the guards were removed from these scenes, they did appear later in the movie during Obi-Wan’s battle with General Grievous on Utapau.

27 R2-D2’s Fight With Battle Droids Was Initially Extended

R2 Initially Hid From The Battle Droids For Much Longer

R2-D2 had a very stressful few scenes early in Revenge of the Sith, first because Anakin and Obi-Wan were attacked by buzz droids as they attempted to approach General Grievous’ ship and then because he was trying to save Anakin and Obi-Wan while battle droids were patrolling. It was ultimately Obi-Wan’s (rather loud) commands that gave R2-D2 away, leading battle droids right to him. Originally, these scenes were extended, with R2 hiding from the droids for much longer. Cutting these moments was undoubtedly the right choice; this wasn’t the focus, and additional time on the encounter was unnecessary.

26 Droids Nearly Kill Obi-Wan, Anakin, And Palpatine

The Trio Nearly Died On Grievous’ Ship Even After The Rescue

Anakin and Obi-Wan didn’t have an easy time escaping with Palpatine even after they had killed Count Dooku, as some of the deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith make clear. After surviving that encounter, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine get stuck searching for a way off Grievous’ ship only to be attacked by droids. In the end, the trio instead go down—albeit safely—with the ship, with Anakin at the helm. These scenes added a fair bit of action and would have revealed more of Palpatine and Anakin’s dynamic, but ultimately, they weren’t necessary beyond that.

25 Padmé, Bail Organa, And Mon Mothma Form The Rebel Alliance

Several Senators Tried To Intervene Before It Was Too Late

The most disappointing cuts in Revenge of the Sith were made to Padmé’s scenes, particularly those with Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and other senators who were working to stop Palpatine’s rise to power. In fact, deleted scenes from the movie reveal Padmé’s pivotal role in establishing the Rebel Alliance. She, along with other dissenting senators, met to discuss their concerns about the future of the Republic under Palpatine’s ever-growing control.

Deleted scenes from the movie reveal Padmé’s pivotal role in establishing the Rebel Alliance.

This small group ended up sowing the seeds of the Rebellion, meaning that, although she was not alive at the time, Padmé directly influenced the Rebel Alliance, which ultimately did bring about the end of Palpatine’s reign. It is truly devastating that these scenes were not included in the final cut of Revenge of the Sith because they revealed how important Padmé really was. Without these scenes, Padmé’s arc in the movie was seriously diminished, leaving her as little more than a sad wife and mother who loses her will to live.

24 Yoda, Mace Windu, Anakin, And Obi-Wan Meet Privately About Palpatine

The Jedi Suspected Palpatine Was Targeting The Jedi

Deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith also reveal that the Jedi were not as foolish as they seem in the final cut of the movie. Mace Windu, Master Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Anakin meet to express their concerns about Palpatine in a cut scene, including their suspicion that Palpatine is looking to control the Jedi Council (which is exactly what he was doing). This scene interestingly saw Yoda and Mace Windu agree that it wasn’t yet time to bring this before the entire Council, suggesting the two were more strategic than they often seemed, even within the Council itself.

23 Padmé Agrees Not To Tell Anyone About The Senators’ Plan—Including Anakin

The Delegation Of 2000 Was A Secret Even From Anakin

In addition to Padmé’s crucial part in the formation of the Rebellion being cut from Revenge of the Sith, her growing wariness of Anakin was sadly removed. In the final version of Revenge of the Sith, Padmé comes across as someone who is somewhat deluded by love, in denial that Anakin could have killed younglings and betrayed the Jedi, even though she knows full well he had already massacred countless men, women, and children years before at the Tusken Raider camp. Deleted scenes from the movie reveal that, initially, that wasn’t true.

When the senators meet to discuss forming the Delegation of 2000, the group that was opposing Palpatine’s power grab, they all agree that no one can know about their plan, including their families, and Padmé agrees. This means that she knew she could not trust Anakin with the information the senators were discussing. Given how intelligent Padmé had always been, this characterization makes so much more sense than what is ultimately seen in Revenge of the Sith.

22 Padmé Wants Obi-Wan’s Advice, Not Anakin’s, About The Alliance

When Padmé Mentions A Jedi She Trusts, She Doesn’t Mean Anakin

Padmé’s wariness about Anakin was made even clearer in a deleted scene in which she expressed a desire to consult a Jedi she trusted—and she didn’t mean Anakin. This moment is downright shocking, as Padmé’s insistence that she and the other senators can trust Obi-Wan is phrased in a way that suggests he is the only Jedi they can trust. This reveals that, however deep down, Padmé knew that Anakin was a threat to the future of the Republic, especially when it came to his relationship with Palpatine.

She expressed a desire to consult a Jedi she trusted—and she didn’t mean Anakin.

21 The Delegation Of 2,000 Confront Palpatine With Anakin Present

This Meeting Feeds Anakin’s Sense Of Paranoia

One of the more unfortunate decisions the Delegation of 2000 makes in Revenge of the Sith also took place in a deleted scene. The group confronts Palpatine directly, visiting his office and stating their case. What makes this a particularly thorny moment is that Anakin is present, and he bears witness to Padmé and the other senators subverting Palpatine’s power.

The senators are unquestionably doing this for all the right reasons, but to Anakin’s already very manipulated mind, this seems like traitorous behavior. With very little push from Palpatine, this causes Anakin to grow suspicious of the senators, his own wife included. This would have added crucial context to Anakin’s outburst on Mustafar later in the movie. It would have been much easier for Anakin to believe Padmé brought Obi-Wan to Mustafar to kill him if he already suspected that Padmé was betraying the Chancellor and, by extension (in his mind), the Republic.

20 Palpatine Reveals His Plan To Take Over The Jedi Council

Palpatine Shockingly Told Anakin Of His Plans

Perhaps because the Delegation of 2000 had given him enough of a window of opportunity, Palpatine shockingly lays out his plan to take over the Jedi Council to Anakin in a deleted scene from Revenge of the Sith. What makes this particularly surprising is Anakin’s fairly minimal reaction to the revelation. One might expect Anakin, a Jedi, to be bewildered or even angered by such a plot, but he instead takes it in stride. This would have been important context, as it’s clear that Anakin already doubted the Jedi enough that he considered this possibility with a subdued response.

19 Obi-Wan Visited Padmé To Discuss His Concerns About Anakin

This Choice Would Have Shed A Much Different Light Upon Obi-Wan and Padmé

It seems many of the scenes cut from Revenge of the Sith were conversations, which would make sense from the perspective of those looking for action sequences, but, in truth, most of these conversations were incredibly important. This is certainly true of the conversation between Obi-Wan and Padmé that was cut from the movie, wherein Obi-Wan expressed concern about Anakin. Yet again, this would have shone a much more positive light on Obi-Wan and Padmé, as it would have meant that they were both aware Anakin’s behavior was concerning and wanted to do something about it.

18 Palpatine Thanks Jar Jar Binks For Putting Him In Power

Jar Jar’s Complicity In Palpatine’s Power Grab Would Have Been Highlighted

One of the most chilling concepts removed from Revenge of the Sith before the final cut was Palpatine thanking Jar Jar Binks for helping him obtain additional power in the Senate. This would have been funny, on the one hand, because it would have fed into the Darth Jar Jar theory, but this also would have been deeply unsettling. This was one of many ways Palpatine had insidiously manipulated those around him to get what he wanted, and thanking Jar Jar would have been a great reminder of that.

17 Obi-Wan And General Grievous Had An Epic Chase Scene

Obi-Wan And Grievous’ Showdown Was Almost Considerably Longer

The fight between Obi-Wan and General Grievous is one of the most iconic aspects of Revenge of the Sith. This was partially because it included some of Obi-Wan’s most popular lines, such as “so uncivilized” as he tossed Grievous’ blaster aside. This scene was almost significantly longer, however, with deleted scene footage exceeding 10 minutes. The scenes would have included additional fighting and an elaborate chase sequence. While Grievous and Obi-Wan are both brilliant characters and more screen time would have been entertaining, it’s likely best Revenge of the Sith didn’t keep this in, as it was simply too long.

16 Obi-Wan Almost Ripped Out General Grievous’ Organs

This Would Have Been A Much Darker End For General Grievous

In addition to a longer fight between Obi-Wan and Grievous, alternate scenes from Revenge of the Sith reveal a much more brutal end to General Grievous’ life. The alternate ending for General Grievous would have seen Obi-Wan reaching into Grievous’ body, ripping out his organs, and tossing them aside. This would have been an incredibly dark death for Grievous, but it also would have been a bit too cruel for Obi-Wan. Such a vicious attack would have been out of character, to say the least, so it’s likely for the best this was changed.
