Big Brother 26: 10 Worst Moves Of The Season

Big Brother 26 has been full of thrilling competition wins and brilliant strategy, but there were some moves that were mistakes, and, ultimately, cost a few of the houseguests their games. Big Brother 26 has an A.I. theme, which brought the BB A.I. Arena twist to the pre-jury phase of the game. Each week, the Head of Household (HOH) had to nominate three houseguests for eviction instead of two. After the Power of Veto competition and ceremony, the three remaining houseguests battled it out in the BB A.I. Arena on live eviction night.

This Big Brother 26 twist made the live evictions so much more exciting because the final two nominees weren’t determined until moments before the houseguests had to cast their votes. The houseguests had to be flexible and thoughtful with their decisions in order to continue on in the game. As the houseguests navigated through Big Brother 26, some of them made better choices than others. Alliances shifted constantly, and changed from week to week. Here are the ten worst Big Brother 26 game moves so far.

1 Angela Murray Attacks Matt Hardeman In Front Of The Entire House

Angela Proved Herself To Be Untrustworthy During Week One

When Angela won the Big Brother 26 week 1 HOH competition, she became paranoid. She watched her fellow houseguests on the screen in the HOH bedroom, and imagined that they were plotting against her. She even called out her Collective alliance in front of everyone, telling them that they were like actors in a low-budget movie when they spoke to her the night before. However, it was her attack on Matt Hardeman that changed many houseguests’ and viewers’ opinions of her.


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When Angela became HOH, Matt told her that if she targeted him that week, then he’d have to target her the next week if he was still in the house. Angela took this as a threat, and attacked Matt in front of the whole house, calling him “Crazy Eyes,” and telling him that his mother would see what a “disrespectful brat” he was. Matt was brought to tears because of this. Angela continued to get into confrontations with other houseguests as the season continued, including when she mocked Lisa Weintraub’s walk and called her a twit.

Because of this, Angela was seen as a loose cannon who couldn’t be fully trusted. She made the mistake of appearing to be untrustworthy very early on in the game, which made her expendable to her alliances. Angela could’ve had a much more peaceful time in the house if she’d been able to keep her emotions in check.

2 Quinn Martin Reveals His Deepfake HOH Upgrade Power

Quinn Ruined One Of The Biggest Twists Of The Season

Big Brother 26 Houseguest Quinn Martin Playing The Upgrade Game

During the Big Brother 26 premiere, Quinn won the Deepfake HOH upgrade power, which allowed him to secretly take over an HOH reign by using a deepfake avatar of the actual HOH to make his nominations. Although Quinn had the privilege of keeping his power a secret, he immediately told Angela and then Kimo about it, not knowing that Kimo would spill the beans.

Kimo told Quinn’s rival, Tucker Des Lauriers, about the power, and Tucker exposed Quinn. When Quinn used his power to take over Angela’s HOH, everyone knew that it was him. He even ended up speaking to Angela about the nominees, and eventually having a house meeting because of Tucker, in which Quinn admitted that he was the Deepfake HOH. This caused distrust between Quinn and the houseguests from whom he’d kept the Deepfake HOH a secret.

Quinn not only ruined the Deepfake HOH power for himself by not using it anonymously, but he spoiled it for viewers who were looking forward to the houseguests descending into chaos as a secret HOH hijacked the week. Furthermore, Quinn could’ve used the Deepfake HOH to secretly get out a bigger threat and without making himself a target. He even could’ve framed someone else. Quinn didn’t know the houseguests well enough yet to know if he could trust them with his Deepfake HOH upgrade power secret, which was a big mistake.

3 Cedric Hodges Volunteers As A Pawn For Quinn Martin

Cedric Was Blindsided By His Own Alliance Members

Cedric Hodges from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

From the beginning of Big Brother 26, Cedric was in a great position with his alliances, including the large Collective alliance (consisting of Cedric, Kimo, Quinn, Brooklyn Rivera, Cam Sullivan-Brown, Chelsie Baham, Joseph Rodriguez, and T’kor Clottey), and the smaller Pentagon alliance within it (including Cedric, Brooklyn, Cam, Chelsie, and Quinn). However, Quinn was also in another side alliance called the Visionaries with Kimo and T’kor, and he felt more of an allegiance to them, so he told them about the Pentagon.

Cedric then made the classic Big Brother mistake of volunteering to go on the chopping block as a pawn for Deepfake HOH Quinn, forgetting that pawns go home. When Kimo and T’kor realized that they were at the bottom of the Collective alliance, they defected, teaming up with Tucker and the other side of the house in order to blindside Cedric by evicting him. Brooklyn, Cam, and Chelsie were also shocked by Cedric’s elimination. If Cedric hadn’t volunteered himself as a pawn, then he might’ve made it much further in the game.

4 Tucker Des Lauriers Volunteers As A Pawn For T’kor Clottey

Tucker Was Confident That He Would Win

Throughout the first half of Big Brother 26, Tucker dominated the game. He was a competition beast and a fearless player, whose wild moves kept everyone on their toes, including saving Angela with the Power of Veto instead of himself when they were both nominated. In his 45 days in the house, Tucker won six competitions, including one HOH, three Power of Veto, and two BB A.I. Arena wins. He was a frontrunner to win the whole competition, until he made a fatal error during week 6.

Tucker had volunteered to be a pawn for two previous HOHs with whom he wasn’t in an alliance, including Chelsie and Cedric. He believed that he could win his way off of the chopping block, which he did. Therefore, when his alliance member T’kor became HOH, he felt that it would be the right thing to do to volunteer to be a pawn for her too. However, he didn’t think that she’d take him up on the idea because they were in an alliance together. He was upset when she did.

Once he was nominated, Tucker didn’t win the Power of Veto or the BB A.I. Arena competition, and his fellow houseguests couldn’t resist the chance to evict him. If Tucker hadn’t volunteered to go on the chopping block, T’kor might not have nominated him because they were in an alliance, and he might not have been evicted that week. Tucker’s confidence got the better of him.

5 Joseph Rodriguez Throws The Week 7 Power Of Veto Competition

Joseph Went Home Because Of This Mistake

Joseph Rodriguez from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

During Big Brother 26, Joseph prided himself on playing an under-the-radar game. He even compared himself to Big Brother legend Dr. Will Kirby, who won season 2 without winning a single competition. He had the good fortune of continuously being picked to play in Power of Veto competitions, despite the fact that he wasn’t even nominated. At first, Joseph’s strategy seemed to be working well for him.

However, during Big Brother 26 week 7, when Joseph threw the Power of Veto competition, his ally, Quinn, nominated him for eviction, which led to him being sent home. If Joseph had fought to win that Power of Veto competition, he would’ve been safe for the week, and he would’ve had some power too. Joseph was too comfortable in the house, which led to the demise of his Big Brother 26 game.

6 Quinn Martin Nominates Ally Joseph Rodriguez

Quinn Set Himself Up For Failure

Quinn Martin from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

When HOH Quinn nominated his own ally, Joseph, for eviction, the move left many Big Brother fans scratching their heads. Quinn was forced to name a replacement nominee when Leah Peters saved his actual target, Angela, from the chopping block. He chose Joseph, in order to not make waves with the other houseguests, and thinking that he wouldn’t be evicted. However, Quinn was wrong.

This was the second time that Quinn had nominated one of his own allies who went home, after Cedric was blindsided during Quinn’s Deepfake HOH reign. Quinn didn’t learn his lesson after Cedric, and he made the same mistake again. Quinn was then evicted the following week because he had one less ally in his corner. Both of Quinn’s HOH reigns left viewers wondering what the Big Brother superfan was thinking by nominating his closest allies for eviction twice.

7 Leah Peters Evicts T’kor Clottey

Leah Targeted The Wrong Trio

When Leah was HOH, she had to make a difficult decision because there were three trios in the house–Kimo, T’kor, and Rubina; and Chelsie, Cam, and Makensy. She and Angela were somewhere in the middle. Leah decided to target Kimo, T’kor, and Rubina. When Angela won the Power of Veto, she saved Kimo from the chopping block, so Leah was forced to name a replacement nominee. She chose T’kor, who was ultimately evicted.

However, the following week, Leah expressed regret about her decision when HOH Makensy also won the Power of Veto and switched her target from Angela to Leah. She saved Kimo from the chopping block and nominated Leah in his place. Leah was completely shocked that Makensy had turned on her.

If Leah had gone after the trio of Makensy, Chelsie, and Cam, then perhaps she would’ve had a better chance of staying in the game because she’d have eliminated a very strong player. However, Leah did the best she could with the information she had at the time, which was that Makensy was on her side.

8 Makensy Manbeck Blindsides Leah Peters

Makensy Evicted Her Own Ally

When Makensy was HOH during week 10, she turned on her ally, Leah. Chelsie was able to convince Makensy that Leah was a bigger threat to them than Angela, and so Makensy used the Power of Veto to save Kimo from the chopping block and nominate Leah in his place. However, Leah would never have turned on Makensy, and she would’ve been a number for her to get further in the game.

As Big Brother 26 has progressed, Makensy and Chelsie have been working together to achieve their goal of making it to the final two. The only problem with that is that Chelsie also has a final two deal with Cam, and she can definitely beat him if she goes to the end with him.

It might be harder for her to win against Makensy, who has more competition wins than her, so she might not choose her if she wins the final HOH. Although Makensy might’ve believed that she needed Chelsie to move forward in the game, Leah would’ve been a guaranteed ally for her.

9 Chelsie Baham Doesn’t Target Makensy Manbeck During Double Eviction

Chelsie Missed An Opportunity

Chelsie Baham from Big Brother 26 posing in front of a gray background.

During the double eviction, Chelsie won the second HOH, and she stuck to Makensy’s original plan for the week, which was to evict Angela. Makensy had changed her target when Chelsie convinced her that Leah was a bigger threat than Angela, but Makensy hoped that everyone would be on board to evict Angela next. However, double evictions are the perfect opportunity to evict major players because there’s so much pressure to win, and they don’t have any time to campaign for themselves.

Chelsie missed an opportunity to evict Makensy, who couldn’t play in the HOH competition as the outgoing HOH. By staying loyal to Makensy and evicting Angela instead, Chelsie wasted the double eviction because she could’ve made a bigger move. It’ll be interesting to see if Makensy stays loyal to Chelsie and really does take her to the final two with her if she wins. Even if they both make it to the final two, the jury might choose to give the $750,000 to Makensy instead of Chelsie because her competition résumé is stronger. Chelsie might live to regret this decision.

10 Makensy Manbeck Targets Kimo Apaka & Rubina Bernabe Instead Of Chelsie Baham & Cam Sullivan-Brown

Makensy Trusts Chelsie Too Much

Big Brother's Makensy, Kimo and Rubina looking serious in front of a yellow and blue striped background.
Custom Image by César García

When Makensy won HOH again during week 11, she chose to continue targeting Kimo and Rubina instead of Chelsie and Cam. Although she and Chelsie considered putting Cam on the chopping block as a replacement nominee, they ultimately decided that Kimo was a bigger threat to their game. However, Makensy is blind to the fact that Chelsie actually poses the biggest threat. If Chelsie were out of the game, Makensy would most likely sail to the end.

It’s possible that Makensy won’t come to regret keeping Chelsie, but, if Chelsie evicts her in the end, she might look back on it and realize that she should’ve gone after Chelsie instead. Time is running out in Big Brother 26, and the houseguests can’t afford to make any mistakes at this point. Chelsie is Makensy’s biggest obstacle to winning the game, but Makensy also needs Chelsie to win when she’s ineligible to play for HOH. It’s a complicated situation that Makensy should consider carefully as the houseguests head towards finale night.

Big Brother 26 has been full of twists and turns that have made the game even harder for the houseguests. From the BB A.I. Arena to the A.I. Instigator to Jankie World, the game has been a roller coaster. Some of the houseguests have navigated the complicated gameplay better than others. However, others made some mistakes that proved that they forgot that, when it comes to Big Brother, they should always “expect the unexpected.”

Big Brother

airs Sundays and Thursdays on CBS.

Source: Big Brother/Instagram
