Every Radiant Order In The Stormlight Archive & What They Do, Explained

The Stormlight Archive’s magic system is broken down into ten orders of the Knights Radiant, each with their own abilities and ideals. As part of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere book universe, magic in The Stormlight Archive works with a similar foundational idea to that in Mistborn or Elantris. Investiture is a source of energy in the Cosmere that takes different forms in different systems. In the Mistborn series, characters have access to the Metallic Arts, while on Roshar, magic takes the form of Surgebinding.

On Roshar, there are ten forces known as Surges, which grant different powers. Every Surgebinder has access to two Surges, coming in set combinations that can overlap. These combinations make up the Radiant orders. For example, the Surge ability Transformation is possessed by Lightweavers and Elsecallers, meaning Shallan Davar and Jasnah Kholin are both capable of Soulcasting without a fabrial device. Their orders have an overlapping Surge, but they also both have a Surge that’s unique to each other.

Every order swears five levels of “Immortal Words,” beginning with the universal ”
Life before death. Strength before weakness. Journey before destination.
” Each set of words progresses the Radiant toward the central concepts of their order, increasing their power.

10 Windrunner

Windrunners Protect The Innocent

Fan art by botanicaxu

Who They Are: The Order of Windrunners is perhaps the most popular order of the Knights Radiant due to the immense love for Kaladin. The general idea of the Windrunners is to protect and lead, so they’ll often be used as guards, scouts, and to help transport people. After Kaladin swore his Third Ideal, he gained the power to turn members of Bridge Four into his squires, allowing them to adopt Windrunner powers.










Powers: Using the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation, Windrunners are able to alter forces of gravity and the connections between objects, which can be used for them to fly. Other uses include creating pools of Stormlight that restrict the movement of things in that pool, and pushing and pulling objects away from one another. Windrunners also have a power called the Resonance due to the combination of their Surges, which allows them to take on more squires than other orders.

The “Immortal Words” are often called Ideals, except for Lightweavers who speak “Truths” to advance.

Ideals: Windrunner Ideals are focused on the protection of the innocent. Advanced Ideals suggest that protection shouldn’t be obstructed by personal perspective and that the Windrunner must accept that they can’t protect everyone.

Important Characters: Kaladin, Teft, Lopen, Skar, Drehy

9 Edgedancer

Champions Of The Commonfolk

The Stormlight Archive book covers
Custom image by Yeider Chacon
Original cover art for Words of Radiance and Wind and Truth by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: The main purpose of the Edgedancers is to remember the world’s ordinary people, caring for the unspoken voices in conflict, even those of their enemies. For this reason, Edgedancers take the least interest in high-end society and often serve purposes as medics or rescuers when it comes to battle. Religious people are fairly common among Edgedancers, as well as those who are serious about contributing to the daily lives of common folk.










Powers: The Surges of Abrasion and Progression allow Edgedancers to make plants grow faster and heal wounds. They can also utilize Abrasion to manipulate friction, allowing for increased movement speeds and making them hard to hold.

Ideals: The Ideals of Edgedancers are focused on advocating for common people, specifically those whose voices have been ignored.

Important Characters: Lift


I’m Desperate For One Stormlight Archive Story That Probably Won’t Happen Until The 2030s (At Best)

I can’t wait for one particular Stormlight Archive arc, but according to Brandon Sanderson’s plans, it’s still potentially over a decade away.

8 Bondsmith

Bondsmiths Unify The Knights Radiant

Dalinar Kholin in The Stormlight Archive
Fan art by @Alesilvart

Who They Are: Bondsmiths are the Knights Radiant order focused on the ideas of peace and unity. They’re represented in The Stormlight Archive books by Dalinar Kholin, who unites the highprinces of Alethkar and later the coalition of monarchs to defend the world in the True Desolation. The main purpose of Bondsmiths is to bring people together. Bondsmiths vary more than any other order due to the variation in spren they can bond with.






Stormfather, Nightwatcher, Sibling




Powers: The combination of Tension and Adhesion, along with the unique powers of the bonded spren, allows for a unique and advanced set of abilities that can’t be as easily generalized as other orders. As for Dalinar, he’s been shown to have realistic visions, and can manipulate a spiritual force called Connection, allowing him power over other Radiants’ oaths, for example.

Ideals: The Ideals of Bondsmiths are more unique to the given situation and the spren with whom the Bondsmith is bonded. Dalinar’s Second and Third Ideals are as follows:

“I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together.”

“I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man.”

Important Characters: Dalinar Kholin, Navani Kholin

7 Dustbringer

Dustbringers Look To Master Their Dangerous Power

Map of Roshar The Stormlight Archive
From the cover flap of Words of Radiance. Art by Isaac Stewart

Who They Are: The Dustbringers are an order with great destructive power whose most important quality is in the mastery and control of that power. The morality of Dustbringers has been a constant question, with Jasnah believing them to be pursuing rebellion in Rhythm of War. However, they’ve often been misjudged. Many Dustbringers can be associated with engineers, who enjoy breaking things down to understand how they work.










Powers: Using the Surge of Division, Dustbringers can cause objects or people to burn or turn into dust. They can be used in combat similarly to artillery, providing heavy firepower. Their use of Abrasion can also give them movement-based effects.

Ideals: The ideals of Dustbringers are centered around self-mastery and control.

Important Characters: Malata, Ral-na

6 Skybreaker

Skybreakers Are Enforcers Of Morality & Law

Stormlight Archive Words of Radiance Cover showing a man with a glowing hand stretched downward in front of a swirling storm.
WORDS OF RADIANCE by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: The Skybreakers were the only Radiants not to abandon their oaths on the Day of Recreance, with the Herald Nale joining their order and operating in hiding for the next two millennia. Skybreakers are known for following an adamant moral code, monitoring other orders of Radiants to make sure no one uses their abilities for anarchy or tyranny. The Skybreakers will be the main focus of The Stormlight Archive book 5, Wind and Truth.










Powers: Gravitation allows Skybreakers to fly, and they can alter the gravity of objects, similar to Windrunners. The Surge of Division allows them to destroy objects around them.

Ideals: The Ideals of Skybreakers are focused on upholding their moral standing, suggesting that the ends justify the means. The Fifth Ideal of the Skybreakers sees Szeth swearing to “become the law and to learn to make judgments of right and wrong on their own, which creates some discrepancy in the meaning of Skybreaker Ideals.

Important Characters: Szeth, Nale, Sigzil


Wind And Truth’s Cover Easter Egg May Confirm How Dalinar Beats The Stormlight Archive’s Big Villain

The cover art for Brandon Sanderson’s upcoming book, Wind and Truth, reveals an Easter egg that could hint at how Dalinar can defeat Odium.

5 Truthwatcher

Truthwatchers Search For Ultimate Truth

The Stormlight Archive magic system
From the cover flap of The Way of Kings. Art by Isaac Stewart

Who They Are: The purpose of Truthwatchers is fairly self-explanatory, as their central philosophy is to discover truth and share it. This includes keeping world leaders in check that they’re being truthful, often attracting scholars and thinkers. They’re one of the more reserved groups of Radiants, and have minimal combat impact.










Powers: Truthwatcher powers are fairly limited, though they’re capable of healing wounds. They can also use Illumination to alter appearances, much like Lightweavers, though Enlightened Truthwatchers aren’t capable of doing this. One who’s Enlightened can only use Illumination to create lights. Being Enlightened also allows the Truthwatcher to see visions of the past and future.

Ideals: The Ideals of Truthwatchers are focused on seeking truths, both internally and externally.

Important Characters: Renarin Kholin, Rlain

4 Elsecaller

Elsecallers Can Transform Objects & Teleport

Stormlight Archive Oathbringer Cover Brandon Sanderson
OATHBRINGER by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: Represented only by Jasnah Kholin in The Stormlight Archive, the main idea of the Elsecallers is to understand and reach potential, constantly demonstrating improvement. The Elsecallers are known for their immense wisdom, logistical abilities, and sheer competence.










Powers: The Powers of Elsecaller Surges make them the one of the most mage-like of the orders. They can transport themselves between the Physical and Cognitive Realm of the Cosmere, which Jasnah uses to escape death in Words of Radiance. They can also Soulcast objects, transforming one thing into another.

Ideals: The Ideals of Elsecallers are focused on progressing and reaching one’s individual potential.

Important Characters: Jasnah Kholin

3 Lightweaver

Lightweavers Bend Reality, Requiring Them To Know Their Truths

Shallan in The Stormlight Archive
SHALLAN by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: The Lightweavers are another unique Knights Radiant order, as rather than Ideals, their progression involves them accepting and speaking truths about themselves. This has perfectly tied to Shallan’s character arc. Lightweavers are generally the most free-spirited order and are known for seeing the importance of beauty and vanity in life, rather than just laws and order.










Powers: Lightweavers are able to create illusions with Illumination, allowing them to change their physical appearance, something Shallan does frequently to become Radiant or Veil. They can also use Transformation to Soulcast light Elsecallers The combination of Lightweaver Surges allow for secondary Resonance effects, which allow them to memorize scenes with perfection.

Truths: The Lightweaver’s truths are individualized to their own experience, as it’s vital for them to understand the difference between truth and lies. Shallan’s Truths are as follows:

“What am I? I’m terrified.”

“I’m a murderer. I killed my father.”

Important Characters: Shallan Davar, Hoid


I’m Sure The Next Stormlight Book Will Confirm One Major Theory After New Wind & Truth Reveal

After seeing the cover for Brandon Sanderson’s The Stormlight Archive book 5, I’m more certain about one of my favorite Wind and Truth theories.

2 Willshaper

Willshapers Search For Radical Freedom & Self Expression

Book Covers of Brandon Sanderson's The Stormlight Archive novels
Original cover art for The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and Rhythm of War by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: Willshapers are another fairly self-explanatory order, with their general belief being that people should be allowed the freedom to make choices. This includes encouraging forms of self-expression or working against oppressive laws. Willshapers support radical ideas, but they also have a negative reputation for being inconsistent and unreliable.










Powers: Like Elsecallers, Willshapers are able to transport in and out of the Cognitive Realm as they please. They can also use Cohesion to alter the shape of objects like molding clay.

Ideals: Willshaper Ideals are focused on freedom, liberty, and self-expression.

Important Characters: Venli, Eshonai

1 Stoneward

Stonewards Are The Soldiers Of The Knights Radiant

The Way of Kings Cover Stormlight Archive cover showing a man with sword outstretched.
THE WAY OF KINGS by Michael Whelan

Who They Are: Stonewards are often used for infantry forces, attracting individuals with a prowess for warfare, athletics, and weaponry. They’re known for their dependability, trying to make the most of challenging situations through ideas of resolve and strength. Stonewards can also be frustratingly stubborn.










Powers: Using Cohesion and Tension, Stonewards can manipulate objects, allowing them to reshape or change their stiffness. This includes being able to turn an object made of cloth into a stone weapon.

Ideals: Stoneward Ideals are centered around being dependable and focused.

Important Characters: Zu, Badali

The Stormlight Archive Vertical Image from Tor

The Stormlight Archive

The Stormlight Archive is an epic fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson, set on the storm-ravaged world of Roshar. The series follows multiple characters, each with their unique storylines, as they navigate political intrigue, ancient prophecies, and powerful magic. Central to the story are the Knights Radiant, legendary warriors with magical abilities who must return to save their world from impending destruction. The series explores themes of honor, leadership, and the burden of power.

Created by
Brandon Sanderson

Kaladin Stormblessed , Shallan Davar , Dalinar Kholin , Adolin Kholin , Jasnah Kholin , Szeth-son-son-Vallano , Navani Kholin
