Star Wars: The 30 Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

Darth Vader has always been good for a quota, and these are his most unforgettable lines in Star Wars canon. Introduced in the first Star Wars movie, Darth Vader’s imposing visage and booming voice immediately made him a hit in popular culture. His mystique has only grown over the decades, with George Lucas pulling back the mask and revealing the fallen and fallible Jedi behind it.

Born the Chosen One, Darth Vader is one of the most powerful beings to have ever lived. When he isn’t Force-choking his way through enemies and allies who’ve disappointed him, he enjoys frightening all around him with some truly intimidating quotes. Here are Darth Vader’s most chilling, exciting, and even disturbing one-liners.

30 “We Would Be Honored If You Would Join Us.”

The Empire Strikes Back

Though not an outright threat, Vader’s words to Han Solo, Leia, and Chewbacca clearly contain that undertone as he reveals both his and Boba Fett’s presence on Cloud City. Vader presents the words as an invitation, though the prey he hunts knows better. The Sith Lord won’t be taking no for an answer, and they have nowhere else to turn. Now cornered, Vader only has to use the power of his reputation to promise a cruel punishment should they attempt to avoid what has quickly become their inevitable fate.

29 “You Have Failed Me For The Last Time, Admiral.”

The Empire Strikes Back

Also functioning as quite a hilarious moment, Vader promotes Captain Piett to admiral by Force choking and killing the previous admiral through a holocall. Though this can function as comedic, it’s also highly intimidating, as it serves as a backhanded threat to Piett. Should the new admiral fail to serve Vader the way he sees fit, then Piett can expect a similar fate. It’s a chilling way of establishing dominance over his subordinates, and Vader has mastered the tactic.

28 “You Were Warned What Defeat Would Bring! I Will Tolerate Your Weakness No Longer.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 1, Episode 4 “Part IV”)

Vader’s relationship with his Inquisitors isn’t often seen in live-action, but Obi-Wan Kenobi puts it on full display, revealing what happens to an Inquisitor when they fail to follow through on Vader’s commands. When Reva Sevander, the Third Sister, manages to let Obi-Wan get away from the Fortress Inquisitorius, Vader makes his displeasure known. He wastes no time, lifting her with the Force as soon as he enters the room and insisting that she will have to pay for her weakness. While he does keep her alive, it’s only to get himself to Obi-Wan faster.

27 “The Jedi Turned Against Me. Don’t You Turn Against Me.”

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Nothing is more tragic than seeing Vader turn against the one person he destroyed his life for: his wife Padmé. As she begins to see who her husband, Anakin Skywalker, has truly become, Padmé tries to bring him back. Her words only anger Vader, who has already managed to kill Anakin at this point. The last part of that man dies inside him as Vader utters these words, threatening his lover and even Force choking her in the midst of his anger. Vader’s words here are a warning that he certainly ends up following through on.

26 “Did You Really Believe I Did Not See It, Youngling?”

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 1, Episode 5 “Part V”)

Despite Reva’s attempt to get close enough to Vader to kill him as an act of revenge for his leadership during Order 66, Vader sees right through it. After delivering a lightsaber wound that ought to be fatal, but miraculously isn’t, Vader looks down upon the injured Reva – struck the same way she was as a child in the Jedi Temple – and utters these words, confirming that Vader had indeed remembered exactly who she was all along. This is haunting, particularly because Vader still addresses her as “youngling.”

25 “I Have You Now!”

A New Hope

Is there anything Darth Vader can’t do? The Sith Lord is a terrifying warrior, wielding phenomenal power in the Force. He’s also one of the greatest starfighter pilots in the galaxy, and the extent of his skills can be seen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. “I have you now,” Darth Vader intones as he locks his sights on Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie – only for Han Solo to jet in and save the day.

24 “I’ve Killed Very Many Fathers. You’ll Have To Be More Specific.”

Star Wars (2015) #2

The first comic series of the rebooted Disney canon, Star Wars #2 by Jason Aaron and John Cassady reveals that Darth Vader fought Luke Skywalker years before The Empire Strikes Back. Vader casually dismisses Luke’s anger over his father’s murder and takes pride in having slain so many, unbalancing Luke even more. If Vader had been able to mention that Luke’s lightsaber once belonged to him, Luke may have found out that his father was right in front of him three years earlier.

23 “He Will Join Us Or Die, Master!”

The Empire Strikes Back

Vader looking at Palpatine's hologram in The Empire Strikes Back

“Now I am the master,” Darth Vader bragged to Obi-Wan Kenobi in their fateful final duel. But Darth Vader was actually just the Sith Apprentice, a fact Obi-Wan knew all too well. In The Empire Strikes Back, Vader receives orders to seduce his son to the dark side or kill him. He swears to do as he has been commanded. The Sith Rule of Two adds another dimension to this, of course; both Vader and Sidious know there can only be two Sith at any one time, and bringing Luke in will inevitably result in one of their deaths. The Sith Lords are playing a dangerous game.

22 “I Gave You A Choice. Live… Or Die.”

Ahsoka (Season 1, Episode 5 “Part Five: Shadow Warrior”)

Ahsoka season 1 reunited Ahsoka Tano with the spirit of her former master, Anakin Skywalker, but he switched to his Darth Vader persona as the final test for her lesson. Although this line was already said earlier in the episode, it’s impressive how intimidating it is when given new context. Combined with the red lightsaber and the menace in Anakin’s eyes, Ahsoka is right to want to avoid a fight.

21 “If You’re Not With Me, Then You’re My Enemy!”

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is technically the birth of Darth Vader, as Anakin Skywalker embraces the dark side and becomes a Sith. His old master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, pursues Anakin to the planet Mustafar, and this leads to a duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan in the most Hellish landscape imaginable. Even more disturbing, though, is the perspective Anakin has already adopted; “If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy,” he tells Obi-Wan before the lightsabers are drawn. Fear, anger, resentment, and most of all, a lust for power shine through in this Darth Vader quote.

20 “You Were Weak When I Found You. Now, Your Hatred Has Become Your Strength. At Last, The Dark Side Is Your Ally.”

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Legends)

Star Wars the Force Unleashed Starkiller Darth Vader

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed may no longer be part of the official canon, but it still contains some of the best Darth Vader moments in the franchise. The game begins with Vader deeming his Sith apprentice, Starkiller, worthy of standing by his side, solidifying that he has embraced the dark side. It’s a powerful way to start the game and show Vader’s intimidating premise through the eyes of his young apprentice.

19 “The Emperor Is Not As Forgiving As I Am.”

Return of the Jedi

Michael Pennington as Tiann Jerjerrod in Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi

This is one of the most chilling Darth Vader quotes. Continuing his conversation with Jerjerrod, Darth Vader warns that – as intimidating and dangerous as he may be – he isn’t the one the Moff should be worried about. “The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am,” he observes. The comment serves an additional purpose for viewers, telling them that Palpatine makes Darth Vader look meek and mild.

18 “I Am Altering The Deal. Pray I Don’t Alter It Any Further!”

The Empire Strikes Back

Darth Vader in a carbonite chamber in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Lando Calrissian learns the hard way that you don’t strike a deal with Darth Vader. In The Empire Strikes Back, Lando is forced into a situation where he must betray his friends. When Calrissian begins to protest at Vader’s unilateral rewriting of their gentleman’s agreement, Vader swiftly puts him in his place. “I am altering the deal,” he tells Lando. “Pray I don’t alter it any further!” Vader leaves Lando in no doubt about who has the power in this unwilling alliance.

17 “Be Careful Not To Choke On Your Aspirations, Director!”

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This particular Darth Vader quote is something of an acquired taste. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story featured some of the most thrilling Darth Vader scenes to date, but the Dark Lord of the Sith makes his first appearance when the ambitious Director Krennic attempts to go over Grand Moff Tarkin’s head by appealing to Vader. Needless to say, Darth Vader isn’t impressed by petty politicking. “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations, director,” Darth Vader tells him after giving Krennic a taste of Force choke.

16 “Your Strength Has Returned, But The Weakness Still Remains.”

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Season 1, Episode 3 “Part III”)

Obi Wan fights Vader in Kenobi

Darth Vader’s rematch with Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Disney+ TV show leaves the Sith Lord shaken. “Your strength has returned,” he is forced to acknowledge, “but the weakness still remains.” That weakness is compassion – and though Vader does not know it, it is love and compassion that will ultimately be the defeat of the Sith.

15 “The Emperor Will Show You The True Nature Of The Force. He Is Your Master Now.”

Return of the Jedi

Vader shares a conversation with Luke in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Luke Skywalker surrenders to his father in Return of the Jedi, believing he can keep his enemies distracted so the rebels have a chance of success. Again, the dialogue serves to emphasize the truth that the Emperor is far more dangerous than Darth Vader; he is the one Palpatine calls master. The words are steeped in the arrogance and overconfidence that is so characteristic of the Sith.

14 “Then You Will Die Braver Than Most.”

Star Wars Rebels (Season 2, Episode 22 “Twilight of the Apprentice: Part 2”)

Darth Vader duels Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels season 2.

Darth Vader is one of the few Star Wars villains who can seamlessly turn a line of dialogue into a compliment and a taunt simultaneously. When Ezra Bridger boldly states that he is not afraid of Vader, the Sith Lord simply acknowledges that he’ll be brave as he is inevitably killed. It’s interesting to see Vader recognize strength in his enemies, even if his overconfidence makes him believe he will always emerge victorious.

13 “There Is No Escape! Don’t Make Me Destroy You!”

The Empire Strikes Back

Vader tries to reason with Luke in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

The battle between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back is decidedly one-sided; Luke had only trained on Dagobah for a little while, after all, and he was still a rookie with a lightsaber. Vader ends the duel by slicing Luke’s hand off at the wrist. With nowhere to run, Darth Vader warns Luke that he faces a stark choice; “There is no escape,” he intones. “Don’t make me destroy you!

12 “Your Destiny Lies With Me, Skywalker! Obi-Wan Knew This To Be True.”

The Empire Strikes Back

By the time of Return of the Jedi, Darth Vader has become convinced Luke Skywalker’s destiny lies with him. There’s a sense in which he’s fighting to make this true, of course; while Jedi submit to the will of the Force, Sith attempt to subvert their own will upon it. This is the destiny Darth Vader wants to force on his son – but Luke refuses.

11 “You Don’t Know The Power Of The Dark Side!”

Return of the Jedi

Vader standing near a window in Return of the Jedi

Sith Lords crave power above all else, and Darth Vader is no different. Offered redemption by Luke, he initially rejects it; “You don’t know the power of the dark side,” he replies. But the dark side is not more powerful than the light, as Vader would swiftly learn. His mind rejects Luke’s arguments, but his heart pursues redemption when he sees his son being tortured by the Emperor.
