10 Best Hunter x Hunter Episodes

Hunter x Hunter is highly praised for its multi-faceted characters, unconventional storytelling, and excellent power system. While Togashi’s magnum opus is a standout in the fantasy genre, its 2011 adaptation is particularly acclaimed as one of the best anime to be released in recent years. In addition to following the manga’s story more closely, it also adapted the Chimera Ant arc for the first time.

The 2011 series does an excellent job of establishing its setting and characters. Though 148 episodes sound like a long commitment, the protagonists’ adventures are told throughout six seasons. The series has no filler apart from recaps, and every chapter is important to the story. Whether they feature thrilling fights or powerful moments, some episodes of Hunter x Hunter are more memorable than others.

15 Episode #70 – Guts x And x Courage

Greed Island Arc

After Razor defeats them, Gon’s team recruits Hisoka and Tsezguerra in order to challenge him again. After winning several matches, they engage in a heated game of dodgeball against the Game Master. The team uses Hisoka’s Bungee Gum to control the ball. However, Razor’s powerful throws strike out several players, including Biscuit, until only a few remain on the court. Gon refuses to settle for a “cheap” win and wants to destroy Razor at his own game. Despite everyone’s injuries, he formulates a strategy with Killua and Hisoka to take down the Game Master.

Aside from featuring one of the most exciting fights, episode 70 is incredibly rewatchable. It takes a mundane gym class sport and turns it into a life-or-death battle. Even though he served as Kurapika’s ally in Yorknew City, this is the first time Hisoka supports Gon and Killua in achieving their goals. The episode features some thrilling moments, including the three-way dodge from Killua, Biscuit, and Hisoka, where latter’s backward dip and clever use of Bungee Gum make him look cooler than ever. Overall, episode #70 combines the best parts of Hunter x Hunter in a high-stakes game of Dodgeball.

14 Episode #28 – Nen x And x Nen

Heavens Arena Arc

Hisoka exudes malice through his En in order to prevent Gon and Killua from proceeding to the 200th floor of Heavens Arena in Hunter x Hunter.

The episode picks up after Gon and Killua witness Zushi’s Ren in the arena, and they confront him about the strange power. The boy’s teacher, Wing, overhears and invites them to learn about Nen; however, he twists the facts to hide the truth. When Hisoka’s powerful En prevents Gon and Killua from advancing to the 200th floor, Wing agrees to teach them about the real Nen. He gives a simple explanation of the concept and introduces the four major principles of Ten, Ren, Zetsu, and Hatsu. As he demonstrates the destructive abilities of Nen, he damages a wall with his aura.

While it may not be the most exciting episode, Nen x And x Nen is essential. It lays the foundation for Hunter x Hunter‘s power system by explaining Nen. Though brief, it touches on the basic principles and shows how they can be applied to different situations. This is particularly important since these concepts will later be expanded upon to include advanced applications of Nen. The power’s introduction serves as a gateway to the series’ future episodes. Fans can finally connect the dots to understand Hisoka and Illumi’s mysterious powers from the Hunter Exam.

13 Episode #137 – Debate x Among x Zodiacs

13th Hunter Chairman Election Arc

Ging is angry at Beans for not allowing him to see the ballots containing ideas for the 13th Chairman election as the Zodiacs watch in Hunter x Hunter.

In a video message recorded by Netero before his death, he summons his trusted advisors, the Zodiacs, to elect a new chairman for the Hunter Association. Their meeting caused several disagreements, and they continued to argue until they decided on a way to proceed with the election. After Hunters cast their votes, the results of the first round declare Pariston Hill as the winner. However, since the voter turnout is less than the required 95 percent, the election committee was forced to hold another round.

The lighthearted episode is a welcome distraction from the heartbreaking aftermath of the Chimera Ant arc. Since many fans expected Ging to have a grand introduction, his sudden and unceremonious appearance at the Zodiac meeting is a hilarious surprise. His interactions with the rest of the Zodiacs are particularly fun, and the new characters are an intriguing group. Many familiar faces, such as Menchi, Hanzo, and Wing, also appear for the first time in years. Unexpectedly, Hisoka and Illumi show up to vote as well.

12 Episode #52 – Assault × and × Impact

Yorknew City Arc

A mainly action episode, the two legendary assassins finally encounter the famed leader of the Phantom Troupe, and they get to fighting with barely any words. Despite the disadvantage, Chrollo was holding his own, and his unique ability made the other two tread carefully. It took Zeno sacrificing himself to take down Chrollo, which speaks to his strength and wit. However, the battle ended with no casualties as Illumi killed the people who hired Zeno and Silva, making the job void.

With incredible animation, top-tier choreography, and interesting abilities, this is easily one of Hunter X Hunter‘s best fights without a doubt. Fans got to see the highest levels of fights for the first time and it did not disappoint. The strategies and wit from both sides made it even better and more engaging, something that was continuously present from the beginning.

11 Episode #136 – Homecoming x and x Real Name

Chimera Ant Arc

After the battle for humanity was won, this episode shed light on the aftermath and the many people affected by it. Reina finally saw her mother again and got one of the most emotional moments, Bizeff and Welfin headed for Meteor City, the rebirth of Kite was revealed and Killua’s desperation after finding out Gon’s condition was shown. Finally, the episode concluded with a pre-recorded message from Netero announcing his resignation and declaring a vote from all hunters to decide the next chairman.

This chapter was emotional to say the least, giving some characters happy and wholesome while others were in agony, particularly the beloved Killua. Kite being alive was a great twist as well, and the series kept the consequences of the battle by not restoring his powers. Killua was also given a motivation and reason to become a main character of the 13th Chairman Election Arc

10 Episode #51 – A x Brutal x Battlefield

Yorknew City Arc

Chrollo conducts his metaphorical symphony after ordering the troupe members to go wild in Uvogin's honor in Hunter x Hunter.

After meeting the assassin team hired by the mafia, Kurapika and Light Nostrade learn that Neon has escaped from her bodyguards. She is revealed to be with Chrollo Lucilfer, whose fortune she reads with her Lovely Ghostwriter ability. As they leave the restaurant, Chrollo knocks her unconscious with a lightning-fast chop while feigning concern for her condition. One of the assassins notices this and confronts the Spider, only to die a painful death from his Indoor Fish ability. In honor of Uvogin, Chrollo orders the Phantom Troupe to wreak havoc across the city as he raises his hands to conduct his symphony.

Despite his earlier appearances in the Phantom Troupe’s hideout, the episode features Chrollo’s “true” introduction. The bandit subverts many expectations by revealing himself as a sophisticated person with decent social skills and conventional good looks. While his true ability is not yet revealed, fans can start to understand why Chrollo is respected by the troupe and feared by the public. The episode highlight, however, comes with Chrollo’s “requiem” in honor of Uvogin.

9 Episode #146 – Chairman x And x Release

13th Hunter Chairman Election Arc

After waking up from his coma, Gon finds Ging during the election and tearfully explains how Kite died because of him in Hunter x Hunter.

After Gon’s tearful reunion with Leorio, he meets his father, Ging, for the first time. The boy lets out a string of tears as he recounts the incident with Kite and apologizes, saying he should have died instead. His father, who is initially flustered, explains that Kite believed in Gon and that he should do things differently next time. Before leaving, Gon and Leorio give their votes to Pariston, allowing him to win the election. The suited man names Cheadle as his Vice-Chairman, and then immediately resigns. In the meantime, Killua tries to seal away Nanika to protect Alluka.

Gon finally meets Ging, who is the initial driving force for his journey. The two have an awkward but heartwarming reunion that ends with the two agreeing to meet again. The audience’s heckling is funny enough without Ging’s hilarious reaction to their insults. Pariston’s goals also remain a mystery, since viewers initially believed his goals involved becoming Chairman for shady purposes. However, by resigning and showing a hint of fondness for Netero, the man shows a new side to his personality. The episode then ends on a touching note as Killua learns to accept both Alluka and Nanika as his siblings.

8 Episode #80 – Evil x And x Terrible

Chimera Ant Arc

Hunter X Hunter has a track record of amazing backstories such as Kurapika, Gon, and Killua’s, but Gyro, a completely new character, cemented himself as one of the best. It focused on the childhood of the leader of the NGL region, and how this man came to be the leader of the underground and a proponent of deadly drugs. His tragic childhood with an alcoholic father and nobody to love him made him hate the world,

This episode could not have been more perfect, featuring a black-and-white visual style that replicated the feel of the manga. It also beautifully captured the dark and grim theme of Gyro’s backstory, and the narration was also on point. This backstory is just the beginning of Gyro, however, as he will definitely take an important role in the future. With the pure intention to destroy the world, Gyro’s appearance in the manga again will be legendary.

7 Episode #47 – Condition x And x Condition

Yorknew City Arc

After asking if he remembers the Kurta Clan, Kurapika reveals his Scarlet Eyes and explains his Emperor Time ability during his fight with Uvogin in Hunter x Hunter.

Kurapika and Uvogin take their fight to a remote wasteland and the chain user asks if the Spider remembers the Kurta Clan. He taunts the other, even after his arm is damaged. As Kurapika reveals his scarlet eyes, Uvogin recalls the clan and says they were strong. The Hunter explains his Emperor Time ability and imprisons the Enhancer with his Chain Jail ability. He then wraps the Judgement Chain around Uvogin’s heart and sets a rule that forces him to answer questions. When the man refuses to comply, his heart is instantly pierced by the blade.

Aside from having one of the best fights in the series, the episode introduces Kurapika’s Emperor Time ability and establishes him as the only character to use two different Nen categories. As the chain user descends into darkness, fans can almost sympathize with Uvogin and his desire to protect his comrades. The episode is important for changing the series’ tone and diving into morally gray territory. With the humanization of the Phantom Troupe, fans will also realize that Kurapika is not so different from them.

6 Episode #147 – Salvation × and × Future

13th Chairman Election Arc

Lamenting his weakness, Gon apologizes to the new Kite for not being strong enough, but Kite reassures him that they will always be friends and he should go after his dad. Gon finds a note in the election hall from Ging detailing his new location. Together with Killua and Alluka, Gon had one final adventure with his best friend before saying his goodbyes. Killua went with his sister and vowed to protect her, and the two promised each other they’d keep in contact and meet again one day.

A bittersweet conclusion to one of the best duos in anime, fans got to see one last adventure between them, and the hope that they’d be together again was sparked. Another great thing that happened in the episode is Koala’s determination to atonement for all the lives he took, which was much-needed as the series acknowledged that even Chimera Ants could redeem themselves. Episode #147 gave amazing conclusions to most of the important characters whose time was done, and the setup for the next arc was finally done.

5 Episode #111- Charge And Invade

Chimera Ant Arc

After dozens of episodes of buildup, the long-awaited Palace Invasion kicked off, and it started out with a bang. The plan to invade was co-ordinated almost perfectly and with the stakes never higher than before, 2 groups out to save humanity. Morel, Gon, Killua, Shoot, Knuckle, Ikalgo and Meleoron jumped out of Knov’s portal into the central staircase, where Youpi was there guarding the upper floors.

The main highlight though, was Netero and Zeno descending from the sky in epic fashion, riding a dragon and making Pouf and Pitou extremely nervous. With the iconic Legend of the Martial Artist soundtrack playing, Zeno launches hundreds of small dragons in the palace and causes mayhem. Netero then effortlessly swats away Pitou, showing just how the strongest hunter looked in his prime. The cherry on top was Netero’s backstory and his devotion to gratitude, revealing the Chairman’s roots and morals. From the incredible entrance, the pure tension and the legendary backstory, there was no better to kick off the final stand than episode #111.

4 Episode #148 – Past x And x Future

13th Hunter Chairman Election Arc

Ging tells Gon about his journey as a Hunter and explains that the journey is more important than the destination as they sit atop the World Tree in Hunter x Hunter.

Upon reaching the top of the World Tree, Gon meets Ging. The Zodiac explains his motivations for becoming a Hunter and says the best part wasn’t the discovery, but the time he spent with his colleagues. He tells his son that the journey is more important than the destination, causing the boy to reminisce about his three friends. Ging also alludes to the Dark Continent, but says he is in no rush to go; he then encourages Gon to enjoy the detours in life. After returning his father’s Hunter License, the two speak about their adventures.

Hunter x Hunter‘s ending feels more like a beginning than anything. Ging’s brief mention of the Dark Continent sets up the next arc and implies that the story has much left to explore. His advice about appreciating the journey is wonderful advice for viewers as they reminisce about the series, and they will even forget that Gon started his journey with the intention of meeting Ging. Overall, the episode features beautiful imagery and music that brings a sense of nostalgia to viewers. The final montage showing the characters’ whereabouts gives a sense of realness by showing that life continues to move on.

3 Episode #126 – Zero x And Rose

Chimera Ant Arc

Netero activates his Nen ability and prays during his fight with Meruem in Hunter x Hunter.

Netero and Meruem’s battle continues as they fall into an underground tomb. The Ant King’s attacks are countered by the 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, leading him to praise his opponent. As he begins to recognize patterns in Netero’s strikes, the two engage in a supersonic battle. Meruem tears off the Chairman’s limbs while asking for his name; Netero simply mocks him and activates the Zero Hand technique, injuring Meruem and finally revealing his name. The King experiences fear as Netero stops his heart to activate the Miniature Rose.

The episode concludes the longest and most anticipated fight in the anime, where two powerful Nen users battle to decide humanity’s fate. Netero’s Nen ability is majestic and beautiful, while Meruem’s speed is a sight to behold. While knowing humankind’s future rests with the Chairman, fans can’t help but sympathize with the villain. It’s even more heartbreaking to see Meruem die from the effects of the Miniature Rose than to see him die at Netero’s hands.

2 Episode #131 – Anger x And x Light

Chimera Ant Arc

After making a Nen contract to use up his aura reserves, Gon transforms into his adult form and challenges Neferpitout to a fight in Hunter x Hunter.

After leaving Komugi with Palm, Killua runs after his best friend. Gon’s devastation from Kite’s death causes a dark aura to surround him. He transforms into an adult version of himself and challenges Neferpitou to a fight outside. He kicks the Chimera Ant and summons his Jajanken ability to punch them into the mountain. Much to his horror, Killua then arrives to find Gon beating Pitou until their skull shatters. When the Royal Guard’s body exhibits post-mortem Nen, the Enhancer impales their body and releases another Jajanken as Killua calls out to him.

Gon’s adult transformation depicts one of the most iconic moments in the series. It’s horrifying to see the usually cheerful boy exhibit such powerful rage, and even more terrifying to see him follow in Kurapika’s footsteps to sacrifice his life for revenge. Fans are treated to a different level of brutality as Gon ruthlessly shatters Pitou’s skull. It’s especially heartbreaking as Killua watches his best friend turn into the darkest version of himself. Needless to say, viewers will never see Gon in the same way again.

1 Episode #135 – This Person x And x This Moment

Chimera Ant Arc

Komugi holds Meruem as the two hold hands and spend their last moments together after succumbing to the effects of the poison in Hunter x Hunter.

When Meruem asks to see Komugi, Palm agrees only if she can witness their final moments. Morning arrives, and the fortune-teller’s memories are revealed. While playing Gungi, Meruem tells Komugi his name and asks her to stop using an honorific. He warns her about the contagious poison, but she ignores him. He becomes tired and asks Komugi to hold his hand while he rests. She says she is always by his side, and he asks her to say his name once more. In their final moments together, the Gungi champion wishes the King goodnight and says she will join him soon.

Episode #135 is known for depicting the most gut-wrenching scene in the anime, showing the two star-crossed Gungi player’s final moments together. Even though humanity is saved, it’s hard not to shed tears as the King succumbs to the poison. The Chimera Ant arc famously explores the meaning of humanity while drawing parallels between humans and Ants. Meruem’s love for Komugi depicts the complexities of human nature and shows that goodness can be found in the most unexpected places. Due to its heartbreaking ending, episode #135 is easily the best Hunter x Hunter episode.
