13 Best Seeds For Minecraft Survival

Various seeds used to generate worlds in Minecraft can enhance its Survival mode, giving you the best circumstances possible as you try to endure new landscapes. From unique biomes to fascinating structures, some seeds will give you resources or obstacles to alter your Survival experience. Whether you are a veteran player or a novice, some of these seeds can present unforgettable challenges.

You need to go to the “Create a World” menu to input some of the best seeds in Minecraft generated by other players. Press the “Advanced” prompt and change your world type to “Infinite” to unlock the “Seed” box used to copy known worlds. Enter the code related to a Seed without any grammatical errors into this box to form the world you want from popular ones already discovered.

13 Fungal Ocean Island

Seed: 1920597801723635057


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Mooshroom Island
  • Mountains
  • Desert
  • Badlands

  • Pillager Outpost
  • Desert Village
  • Desert Temple

The place you spawn in any Minecraft world sets the tone for the rest of your adventure since it determines what your starting resources could look like. This seed places you in the rare Mooshroom Island biome, where you can immediately find mushroom items used to make soup. These ingredients give you a perfect way to stock up on a lot of food as you begin making expeditions in the wider world.

Mushroom soup is a quick, easy food that only requires wood and mushrooms. This item restores four hearts of hunger, giving you plenty of ways to recover health by replenishing your stamina.

Your base built on this island also places you near almost every other biome in Minecraft, as well as several important structures. A Pillager Outpost can be seen on the shore, as well as a few mountains with caves you can begin mining into. The secluded island rests in the middle of a vast ocean, giving you a lot of protection from hostile mobs as you build a central base to store items key to your survival.

12 Woodland Mansion

Seed: 1920597806638889562

Minecraft Woodland Mansion seed for Survival world with surrounding forest biome


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Temperate Forest
  • Mountain
  • River

Rare structures called Woodland Mansions act almost like expansive dungeons for you to explore for multiple resources. Similar to Villages in Minecraft, you can find a variety of chests in these buildings containing many items that could help you during your Survival journey. The dangerous creatures within a Mansion also provide a suitable challenge for anyone looking for some tough fights.

The dense forests where you spawn around the Woodland Mansion are a great place to build your base through all the wood the trees within the Biome provide. Many other unique landscapes are just a short walk from this seed’s Mansion, encouraging you to explore beyond just the structure. A nearby river flows naturally through a variety of environments, giving you a perfect way to get around.

11 Hidden Cavern Network

Seed: 1920597805936688817


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Savannah
  • Desert
  • Dripstone Cave
  • Tundra

This seed, as you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Minecraft & Chill, hosts a massive Dripstone Cave network combining a vast collection of Minecraft biomes. Running under a Savannah, a Desert, a couple of Icy Tundras, and a Forest, you have so many places to explore for resources. A great starting place to enter this network is through a ravine located at coordinates (X: 126, Z: -725).

10 Structures Galore

Seed: 1899609589248894497


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Desert Temple
  • Jungle Temple
  • Villages
  • Ancient Cities
  • Strongholds
  • Trail Ruins

As you may have noticed, structures are great places to have in a Survival world due to the free resources you can obtain from them. This seed takes that idea to a breaking point, giving you a world with nearly 30 different structures to explore. Another Woodland Mansion, three Jungle Temples, four Desert Temples, 10 Villages, six Ancient Cities, three Strongholds, and four Trail Ruins in Minecraft are all places you can find in this seed.

Exploring structures can be dangerous, with a variety of traps and enemy mobs that could end your Survival run early if you aren’t careful or don’t have the right equipment.

The Biomes in this world are nothing to scoff at, either. They feature Jungles and Forests that can give you the equipment you need to explore the multitude of structures. Large cave systems will give you raw ore necessary for crafting weapons and armor that can withstand any enemies found in whatever City or Stronghold you investigate in Minecraft.

9 Trials Of The Abandoned Town

Seed: -4786080377060015467

Minecraft Trials of the Abandoned Town survival world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Abandoned Village
  • Trial Chamber

The sense of danger a Minecraft world seed can give is what makes survival world incredibly interesting at times. This seed is great for anyone chasing that feeling of impending challenge, as it spawns them into an Abandoned Village right away. From the start, you have to escape Villagers turned into deadly Zombie mobs and find refuge in the exposed Plains biome you find yourself in.

Don’t forget to always grab as many crops as you can from survival world seed Villages you encounter. This is the best way to keep your health regenerating and your ability to sprint as you explore vast biomes.

When you get stronger, you can return to the Village and travel into a nearby ravine to discover a Trial Chamber, a new structure to Minecraft‘s 1.21 update. Trial Chambers offer rare rewards to those who can overcome dungeon-like rooms filled with waves of enemy mobs. Defeating the boss at the end of a Trial Chamber will give you at least one strong item to aid in your continuing survival journey.

8 Fire And Ice

Seed: -332867916228455674

Minecraft Badlands and Ice Lake biomes from Fire and Ice world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Cherry Blossom Forest
  • Badlands
  • Tundra

  • Villages
  • Mooshroom Fields
  • Ice Spikes

This seed spawns you close to a Cherry Blossom forest in Minecraft on a hilltop with an Abandoned Village structure waiting to be looted. Choosing to travel one way will take you across thousands of blocks of a huge frozen lake, with Ice Spikes protecting three Mooshroom fields with various resources. Going another way takes you through a Badlands Biome, where several caves and other Villages can be discovered.

7 Valley Of Adventure

Seed: 1920597802194192268

Minecraft diverse biomes in Valley of Adventure world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Mountains
  • Forest
  • Tundra
  • Cherry Blossom Forest
  • Badlands

  • Igloos
  • Ice Spikes
  • Shipwreck

Most of the time, your Minecraft journey is completely dependent on where you want to go in the world. However, this seed does something unique by placing you in the middle of a valley that you can slowly travel through on an adventure that spans nearly the whole map. On the way, you can go off the main path to collect resources and other supplies that you may need to complete your trek through the valley’s biomes.

The start of the valley places you near some Cherry Blossoms leading toward the ocean and an icy Tundra environment in Minecraft. This area contains cool structures such as Igloos and a Shipwreck to explore on top of a large collection of Ice Spikes. Taking this path in the other direction leads you to some Badlands and a large range of Mountains holding a dark secret for ambitious survivalists to investigate.

6 Shipwreck Shores

Seed: 8067283628575102279

Minecraft Shipwreck Shores survival world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


This seed is perfect for those looking for a challenge from a Minecraft survival seed, as it places them on an island with very limited resources. You’ll have to scrounge the wreckage of a nearby ship and steal from a local Village to get a head start, but from there, you’re on your own. The isolation of this place can feel daunting without any trees and nothing but water stretching out as far as the eye can see.

You won’t be using this seed for speedruns in Minecraft since it may take a while for you to build up the materials you need to survive. Thankfully, the solitary farm in the Village will help you survive long enough to dig down and find secrets below the earth. Eventually, you may grow strong enough to even leave the island in search of more abundant shores far away.

5 Winter Mountains

Seed: 1920597803076483653

Ice Mountains and Hidden cave system in Winter Mountains Survival world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • PilIager Outpost
  • Ice Spikes

Those who like winter biomes will be overjoyed to see this seed’s abundance of cold-themed landscapes that can be challenging to survive in. Ice and snow biomes are notorious for having limited resources, much like Survival Islands, which some players look for in deliberately hard worlds. This seed takes that concept a step further in Minecraft, with dangerous structures like a Pillager Outpost being thrown into the mix.


13 Best Snowy Seeds In Minecraft 1.21

Some of the best world seeds for Minecraft 1.21 are ones that generate snowy worlds filled with cold biomes that reflect the incoming winter months.

From the beginning, you are spawned into an Ice Spike environment with nothing but a Taiga Forest and icy Mountains ahead of you. A giant valley nestled into the stone peaks hides a deep cave where you can begin excavating resources needed for a base. Once you overcome the difficult winters, you can climb over the mountains to be rewarded for your continued survival with a vast collection of warmer biomes to visit.

4 Island Of Endless Possibility

Seed: -1565193745474179639


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Island
  • Ocean
  • Desert
  • Forests

  • Pillager Outpost
  • Underwater Temple

Islands serve as special environments to seclude yourself from the rest of the world, making your Survival much harder than in a land connected by many areas. This seed has the most significant potential of any Survival Island since every Biome in the game is within reach from where you spawn by an equal number of blocks. The unique resources of every imaginable Minecraft landscape can lead to nearly endless opportunities.

According to another video by YouTube creator Minecraft & Chill, all you really need is a boat to circle the island and visit each biome available. Some structures can also be found not too far from the island, including a Pillager Outpost and underwater Temple. Be mindful of the enemy mobs that patrol these locations, as dying could mean the end of your interesting adventure within this seed.

3 Pillager Headquarters

Seed: -3080393096631400622

Minecraft Pillager Headquarters survival world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Pillager Outpost
  • Witch Hut
  • Trial Chambers
  • Ruined Nether Portal

This seed is not for the faint of heart, as it places you right at the foot of an extremely tall Pillager Outpost crawling with enemy mobs. Another survival seed designed to challenge you, this place’s focus comes from a single mountainous area filled to the brim with enemies. Think of this place as a rogue-like tower dungeon you have to make your way through to earn every reward you can.

A Witch Hut at the base of the Tower must be overthrown first before you start dealing with the Pillagers. Working your way up will also lead to some smaller Village buildings that live in fear of the Pillagers who own the place. Talk to some useful Blacksmith Villagers in this area so you can get the best tools to take down the Pillager Captains ruling the top of the Outpost.

Once you defeat the Pillagers from this seed, you can take over the Outpost and use it as a staging ground to explore the rest of the world. Vast Savannahs hold Trial Chambers secret underground, which you can easily challenge for even more treasures. Use the Ominous Keys dropped by the Pillager Captains you defeated to make these Chambers stronger and their rewards even better.

2 Balanced Biome Beauty

Seed: 1940984520265686770

Minecraft top down view of several different environments from Balanced Biome Beauty world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Jagged Peaks
  • Badlands
  • Tundra

  • Ruined Nether Portal
  • Woodland Mansion
  • Ice Spikes
  • Villages

Sometimes, in a Minecraft world, a map is dominated by one type of Biome, limiting the diversity of your Survival journey. Thankfully, this seed does the exact opposite by spawning you on top of an Ice Spike surrounded by at least six different environments to explore. Many Villages found within a series of nearby mountains can act as your base as you try to discover how much there is to discover in this world.

Some notable areas to travel to are a Woodland Mansion, a series of Jagged Peaks, and expansive Badlands with several systems to mine from. A Ruined Portal can also be found close to the snow biomes in this world, giving you easy access to the Nether in Minecraft. The sheer variety you have at your disposal means the world is your oyster to investigate in whatever way you see fit.

1 Land Of Plentiful Paradise

Seed: 8491026986654631198

Minecraft top down view of Land of Plentiful Paradise survival world seed


Notable Biomes

Survival Landmarks


  • Tundra
  • Forests
  • Jungle
  • Plains
  • Badlands

  • Ancient Cities
  • Villages
  • Ice Spikes
  • Runied Nether Portals

Survival mode demands a lot from players, with resources often being limited even if you are placed in a world with many biomes. However, this seed is by far the best for this mode due to the sheer abundance of materials everywhere you look. From nearly every type of Forest biome to an enormous Tundra and Badlands right next to each other, numerous structures are scattered throughout each area.

Truly any spot in this world could act as a functional base, whether it’s on a small Jungle island or within a Village in a field of flowers. Ancient Cities lie just below the surface to satisfy the archaeologists, while multiple Ruined Portals offer a tantalizing escape into other realms. The best seeds for Survivial in Minecraft can provide every resource you could ever want without making them too hard to obtain.

Source: Minecraft & Chill/YouTube, Minecraft & Chill/YouTube
