10 Funniest Teal'c Moments In Stargate SG-1

Teal’c isn’t the typical comic relief character, but many of the most hilarious moments of Stargate SG-1 revolved around him anyway. Episodes of the beloved sci-fi series could range from campy and dramatic to lighthearted and emotional, but from time to time, it was just plain funny. Every character contributed to this in their own way, but Teal’c’s contrasting gentle innocence and steadfast strength made him uniquely equipped to bring funny moments to the screen.

Teal’c, played by Christopher Judge, started Stargate SG-1 as an alien enemy to the SGC. However, shortly after he was introduced, Teal’c betrayed the Gua’uld, hoping that Jack O’Neill and the rest of SG-1 could help free his people from their military enslavement. His journey after that was full of ups and downs. However, perhaps the best part of Teal’c’s story was the relationship he created with each member of SG-1. Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Jack O’Neill gave Teal’c a hard time, taught him the ways of Earth, fought by his side, and welcomed him wholeheartedly—and the result was equally heartwarming and hilarious.

10 Teal’c Needs To Work On His Friendly Smile

Stargate SG-1 Season 1, Episode 14, “Singularity”

In Stargate SG-1 season 1, episode 14, “Singularity,” SG-1 came across a young alien girl whom they tried to rescue. The teen, Cassandra, turns out to be a trap set by the Goa’uld Niirti, but Jack and the gang manage to rescue her nonetheless. The girl was scared and untrusting, but said and done, Cassandra was adopted by SGC’s Chief Medical Officer, Janet Fraiser. Still, before all this, team SG-1 had to win her over.


8 Stargate Characters We Still Wish Had Their Own Spinoffs

The Stargate franchise has several science-fiction spinoff series already, but there were some characters that deserved their own stories told.

While Sam, Jack, and Daniel were a little warmer and easier to get used to, Teal’c intimidated Cassandra. Jack told the Jaffa to smile, which was a rather difficult thing for him to do on command. Teal’c’s awkward attempt at a smile ultimately looked more like a grimace, and Jack immediately told him that this was something he needed to work on. This was one of the earlier instances in which Teal’c did his best to fit in with Tau’ri in Stargate SG-1, and even after all this time, it’s still hilarious to watch.

9 Teal’c Telling Daniel That Things Will “Calm Up”

Stargate SG-1 Season 2, Episode 6, “Thor’s Chariot”

In the Stargate SG-1 season 2 episode “Thor’s Chariot,” SG-1 ends up back on the planet of Cimmeria, which the Goa’uld have successfully invaded. They, therefore, end up trapped and must find Thor’s great weapon to free the people of Cimmeria and escape themselves. Of course, this turns out to be no easy task. The team is forced to lay low for a period. As they do, Daniel Jackson mentions that they must wait for things to “calm down.”

Teal’c often struggled with the English language, so he responded,Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson. They will, in fact , calm up.” Judge’s deadpan delivery often inspires a chuckle, but it’s the blank looks of his team as they try to process what he has said that really made this moment laughable. Luckily, Jack O’Neill was there—as always—to clarify that Teal’c meant that their situation would only escalate.

8 Teal’c’s Interaction With A 1969 Hippy

Stargate SG-1 Season 2, Episode 21, “1969”

TEal'c and a hippy in Stargate

In the season 2 episode “1969,” the gang of Stargate SG-1 is sent back in time to 1969 when a solar flare hits just as they pass through the Stargate. They wind up captured and held prisoner by military personnel at Cheyenne Mountain and depend on the help of a young General Hammond (not a general at the time) to escape. At one point, SG-1 hitchhikes with a hippy who takes a particular interest in Teal’c.

The entire exchange between Teal’c and SG-1’s new hippy friend was absolutely hilarious. The Jaffa had a hard enough time figuring out humans of his current age, let alone those of the past. As the hippy talks about protests and escaping the draft to Canada, Teal’c misunderstands and assumes that the United States is at war with the Great White North. In the end, SG-1’s getaway driver is too stunned to speak—though Teal’c was entirely unbothered.

7 Teal’c Setesh Nose-Drip Joke

Stargate SG-1 Season 3, Episode 2, “Seth”

Teal'c laughing in Stargate

Stargate SG-1 season 3 sees the introduction of Seth, a Goa’uld System Lord whom Sam’s father asks SG-1 to find on Earth. This leads Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal’c to hunt down the villain, who has been running a cult in their home world for centuries. While Seth is a new name to the team, Teal’c is familiar with this particular Gua’uld and shares that his forces have long been the subject of jokes among the Jaffa. At his friends’ request, Teal’c shares one:

“A Serpent guard, a Horus guard and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The Serpent guard’s eyes glow. The Horus guard’s beak glistens. The Setesh guard’s nose drips.”

The joke here is that while the Jaffa helmets for the other Goa’uld System Lords look menacing, the Seth’s Setesh guards’ long noses are just ridiculous. While this is funny enough, it’s Teal’c’s reaction to his own joke that really makes this Stargate SG-1 moment memorable. It’s rare that this Jaffa belly laughs, but it would naturally be in an instance when no one else seems to find the joke funny.

6 Teal’c Chugging All The Coffee

Stargate SG-1 Season 3, Episode 16, “Urgo”

Teal'c chugging coffee in Stargate

In the season 3 episode of Stargate SG-1, “Urgo,” the team suddenly returns from a mysterious planet and discovers that their brains have somehow been implanted with a parasitic chip. This device allows Sam, Daniel, Jack, and Teal’c to see a strange being called Urgo, who uses the chip to live vicariously through the members of SG-1. They begin eating incessantly, and coffee, in particular, seems to be something they all greatly enjoy.


How To Watch Stargate In Order

The Stargate franchise had a very successful run for over 15 years, and read on for the correct viewing and release order for the sci-fi saga.

Though he isn’t entirely himself when it happens, Teal’c grabbing a pitcher of steaming hot coffee and downing the thing is one of his more fantastic moments. Once again, Judge’s performance as he chugs the coffee straight-faced adds significantly to the comedy..

Stargate SG-1 Season 4, Episode 2, “The Other Side”

In Stargate SG-1 season 4, episode 2, “The Other Side,” the SGC is contacted by an alien race whose planet is in danger due to an ongoing war. They are desperate for assistance, but when SG-1 heads out to help them, they disagree on the best way to do so (or whether the help is deserved). Daniel becomes frustrated with the team regarding how much help they are willing to offer, stating that “their whole world is in flam es,” but all they are offering is gasoline. Of course, the metaphor goes right over Teal’c’s head, and he answers, “We are, in fact, offering water.”

Daniel clarified that he was “speaking metaphorically,” to which Jack answered, “Well, stop it! It’s not fair to Teal’c.”

While Teal’c’s cluelessness regarding English idioms and metaphors is always entertaining, Jack’s response makes this Stargate SG-1 moment far better. Daniel clarified that he was “speaking metaphorically,” to which Jack answered, “Well, stop it! It’s not fair to Teal’c.”

4 The Boxing Match With Teal’c & Jack

Stargate SG-1 Season 4, Episode 6, “Window Of Opportunity”

One of the funniest episodes for Jack and Teal’c in Stargate SG-1 is season 4, episode 6, “Window of Opportunity.” This is when the pair find themselves in a Groundhog Day-style time loop, in which they continue to face the same handful of hours over and over again after returning home through the Stargate. Of course, this gets old pretty fast, but for a time, Jack and Teal’c take advantage of the consequence-free period to have some fun.

Stargate SG-1
is available to stream on Pluto TV.

One of the activities that this pair takes part in is boxing. As someone trained to be a soldier from childhood, Teal’c is somewhat perplexed by the sport, especially since the boxing gloves make it difficult to deal any real damage. Jack takes a couple of jabs at Teal’c, who is entirely unbothered. Then, the Jaffa delivers what, to him, seems like a light blow. Naturally, it sends Jack O’Neill flying backward.

3 Jack & Teal’c’s Fishing Trip

Stargate SG-1 Season 4, Episode 13, “The Curse”

Jack and Teal'c fishing in Stargate

Daniel has something of a personal journey in Stargate SG-1 season 4, episode 13, “The Curse,” since he is inclined to investigate the death of one of his old archeology professors. As he does this, however, Jack O’Neill decides that it is time to head to the lake for some R&R and brings Teal’c along for the ride. This means more excellent bonding time for this unlikely duo, made all the more hilarious because Teal’c does not enjoy Jack’s favorite pastime in the least.

While getting eaten up by mosquitoes and catching pretty much nothing, Jack receives a call from Daniel, which Teal’c answers. After answering the scientist’s questions, Teal’c asks Daniel if he needs them to return and help, but the offer is declined. However, Teal’c is desperate for an excuse to stop fishing, so he lowers his voice and presses Daniel a bit more, asking if he is entirely sure. It’s such an unusual moment for the Stargate character that it’s hard not to love.

2 The Documentary Interview With Teal’c

Stargate SG-1 Season 7, Episode 17, “Heroes: Part 1”

Stargate Teal'c

The episode “Heroes: Part 1” in Stargate SG-1 season 7 sees a filming team come to the SGC to film a documentary on the work and people there. This and the following episode (“Heroes: Part 2”), therefore, take a unique format, with the story told largely from the limited perspective of the documentary crew. This makes various big surprises, such as the heartbreaking reveal that Dr. Janet Fraiser was killed, far more impactful. Still, there is a little room for comedy mixed in.

When Teal’c notes that he said very little, Sam sarcastically says this surprises her since she typically can’t get her alien companion to shut up.

Teal’c is far from a fan of being interviewed, and he ultimately proves to be a nightmare for the documentary crew. As they ask questions, he sits there deadpan, only offering single-word answers. The comedy of this is compounded by the discussion Teal’c and Sam have later, in which the latter says she is eager to hear what everyone said. When Teal’c notes that he said very little, Sam sarcastically says this surprises her since she typically can’t get her alien companion to shut up. Naturally, the joke goes over Teal’c’s head.

1 Teal’c Vs. The Purse Snatcher

Stargate SG-1 Season 8, Episode 7 “Affinity”

Season 8 of Stargate SG-1 is among the least popular, but it still had some great moments. For example, the episode “Affinity” was excellent in that it focused entirely on Teal’c. The alien is permitted to live off base for a time, and he thoroughly enjoys getting to know those who live near the apartment he ultimately rents. The relationships he forms are heartwarming, and though Teal’c proves to be just as clueless about what is or is not socially acceptable on Earth, he is heartily embraced (until the murder charges, that is).

He ultimately settles on grabbing an avocado and launching it at the purse snatcher, who is already well over 100 feet away.

One of the funniest moments of this episode sees Teal’c witness a purse snatcher making a break for it. Daniel had already lectured Teal’c on the necessity of staying under the radar, so the alien hesitated about how to intervene. He ultimately settles on grabbing an avocado and launching it at the purse snatcher, who is already well over 100 feet away. His aim is impeccable, and everyone is amazed at how easily this seemingly ordinary “man” just took out a purse snatcher with only a fruit. Of course, that’s just the type of character Stargate SG-1‘s Teal’c is.
