Para Sakshi Malik, la protesta de los luchadores estuvo amañada desde el principio

Para Sakshi Malik y sus compañeros, la protesta no fue sólo una lucha por la justicia, sino también una exposición de la corrupción y el fraude profundamente arraigados en el deporte y la política indios.

The wrestlers’ protest of 2023 remains one of the most defining moments in Indian sports history. It saw some of India’s greatest athletes—Sakshi Malik, Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, and others—stand against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) and its president, Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, over allegations of sexual harassment. What started as a fight for justice, however, slowly revealed itself to be a battle against a system riddled with broken promises, false hope, and betrayal.

Fight Begins: Promise of Support

In her memoir Witness, Sakshi Malik offers a revealing account of the wrestlers’ struggle. As the movement gained momentum at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, Malik, Phogat, and Punia sought justice for the female wrestlers who had allegedly been harassed by Singh. But the protest, which lasted for months, was not just a fight against the WFI—it became a battle against the political machinery that, Malik writes, “gamed” the wrestlers from the very start.

It all began with Babita Phogat, a well-known wrestler and cousin of Vinesh, who convinced them to begin the protest. Babita, who had strong political connections, assured the wrestlers that she had the ears of those in power and that their grievances would be addressed. But, as Sakshi recalls, Babita’s involvement was short-lived. “Babita convinced us to start the protest and then distanced herself from it… For her, it had been a big political game; for us, we’d laid everything on the line.”

Meeting Government: False Promises

The wrestlers met with Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur just days after their protest began. It was an emotionally charged meeting, with Sakshi and other women recounting their traumatic experiences with Singh. Thakur’s response, however, was far from encouraging.

Anurag Thakur sat there, listening quietly. There was no emotion on his face. If he was shocked by anything he heard, he didn’t show it. His reaction was in complete contrast to everyone else’s… it was as if he was bored and just wanted our meeting to be over,” Sakshi writes.

Despite Thakur’s indifference, the wrestlers were briefly hopeful after Union Home Minister Amit Shah assured them action would be taken. The wrestlers then called off the initial protest, but Sakshi admits she knew it was a mistake. “I had done everything with absolute sincerity, and despite that, I’d been tricked.”

Mary Kom role and broken system

After Thakur’s promises, an oversight committee, including boxing legend Mary Kom, was set up to investigate the allegations. Sakshi Malik saw this as a glimmer of hope. Mary Kom even expressed empathy, telling Sakshi that her own experiences echoed what the wrestlers had gone through.

“All of us thirteen female wrestlers sat in the same room and told our stories, one after the other… They [committee members] él dijo: ‘Por favor, no llores, te haremos justicia’. No te preocupes.'”

Sin embargo, a pesar de la evidencia emocional, no salió nada. Faltaba el informe final del comité. “¿Eran tan importantes para ellos los trabajos y posiciones de los miembros del comité que no podían defender lo que es correcto?” Sakshi llora.

El colapso de la protesta de los luchadores

La segunda fase de la protesta estuvo marcada por grandes dificultades, ya que los combatientes pasaron días y noches en el implacable verano de Delhi. A pesar de las dificultades, se sintieron alentados por el apoyo de los ciudadanos comunes, en su mayoría agricultores de Haryana, que los apoyaron en solidaridad.

Su lucha parecía preparada para un gran contraataque cuando amenazaron con sumergir sus trofeos en el Ganges en Haridwar. Pero la protesta terminó en decepción cuando el líder de los agricultores Naresh Tikait intervino, se apoderó de los premios y canceló todo el movimiento. “Lo que se suponía que sería un gran acto de desafío se había convertido en una completa atrocidad”. escribe Sakshi.

Victoria total para Sakshi Malik

El desastre final se produjo cuando Shah y Thakur hicieron otra promesa, esta vez confirmando que una mujer lideraría el movimiento. Sin embargo, cuando se celebraron las elecciones del WFI, los aliados de Singh fueron elegidos para el poder, sin una sola mujer.

Tras iniciar una protesta destinada a derrocar a Brij Bhushan Singh del poder, los militantes quedaron abrumados. Al final, el sistema que habían desafiado tan valientemente permaneció intacto y Singh continuó manteniendo su posición de influencia.

Para Sakshi Malik y sus compañeros, la protesta no fue sólo una lucha por la justicia, sino también una exposición de la corrupción y el fraude profundamente arraigados en el deporte y la política indios. Su lucha, una vez llena de esperanza, terminó en una amarga derrota.

Elección del editor

La información anterior
