20 Oldest X-Men Characters in Marvel Canon (Ranked From Elderly To Ancient)

While the X-Menmay have popularized mutants in modern history, mutantkind has persisted on Earth for billions of years. Among the constantly fluctuating population of mutants, a select few possess extreme regenerative or life-sustaining abilities that have preserved them for lifetimes. Looking back on Earth’s history, mutantkind has always been in the shadows, influencing the course of history, although it may never be remembered.

In the modern era, there are dozens of mutants who have transcended the rules of time and aging. Each carries countless stories of their years of travel and their many journeys, some having done so for so long that the memories eventually slip away. Unfortunately, not every mutant has had their name recorded in the ever-flowing annals of time, with some playing such minor roles in history that their final fates have never been revealed. However, to help establish a stronger timeline that truly shows mutantkind’s eons-long existence on Earth, here are the twenty oldest known mutants in Marvel continuity.

Qualifying Rules For Inclusion on the List:

  • Only mutants from Earth
  • Externals are not included
  • Krakoa and Arakko won’t be considered two mutants.
  • Only living mutants or mutants who have recently died are included.
  • Only mutants whose age or birth is explicitly stated are included or otherwise guesstimated from in-canon knowledge.
  • Mutants who died of old age but were resurrected are not included.

20 Wolverine

Approximate Age: 140 Years Old

Arguably the most popular aged mutant, James Howlett was born into the incredibly wealthy Howlett family in the late 19th century Alberta, Canada. James was the illegitimate child of Elizabeth Howlett and the family’s groundskeeper, Thomas Logan. James’s mutant powers were activated when, in a drunken fit of rage, Thomas Logan invaded the Howlett home and killed the family patriarch, John.

James ferally murdered Thomas, fleeing into the Canadian woodlands and taking the name “Logan” with him. As his powers continued to manifest, and his healing factor activated, Logan’s early memories eventually faded, leaving only his feral instincts. Of course, as time passed, Logan endured through the Weapon X Program and eventually joined the X-Men under his mutant name “Wolverine.” While most fans know that Wolverine is potentially immortal, as of the present day, he can be considered one of the youngest mutants compared to the later entries on this list.


Wolverine Trades Adamantium for Solid Rock, Stealing the Powers of Fantastic Four’s Thing

Wolverine is stealing the rocky skin of Fantastic Four’s Thing, turning the deadliest man alive into a true Marvel heavyweight.

19 Destiny

Approximate Age: 150 Years Old

Destiny reaches toward her mask.

Born toward the end of the 19th century, Irene Adler’s primary mutant powers manifested when she was thirteen years old. Irene is gifted with precognitive powers that allow her to peer into multiple possible futures. While her futures are never guaranteed, she has become incredibly well-attuned to making educated guesses.

Adler was born blind but thanks to her powers, she glances ahead at the possible futures before each movement within a 97% degree of accuracy. Soon going by Destiny, Irene met Raven Darkhölme and the two became quick friends. Over the couple’s multiple decades of on-again-off-again romantic tension, they eventually openly made a family together after adopting Rogue and giving birth to Nightcrawler.

18 Graymalkin

Approximate Age: 250 Years Old

Graymalkin as he appeared in Young X-Men

Jonas Graymalkin has arguably one of Marvel’s saddest mutant backstories. Born in Colonial Era New York, Jonas’s powers wouldn’t activate until he turned sixteen. While the colonies were struggling to keep up with Imperial taxes, Jonas was struggling to come to terms with being gay in an especially intolerant age. When his religious father discovered his son’s sexuality, Jonas was beaten nearly to death and buried alive, thus activating his X-Gene.

Graymalkin spent the next 200 years still buried alive under what had become the Xavier Institute. Jonas survived as long as he did not because of explicit mutant immortality, but because his true mutant abilities empower him to near-immortal status when submerged in darkness. Sadly, Graymalkin actively suffers from PTSD from his centuries-long imprisonment in a coffin.

17 Synch

Approximate Age: 400 Years Old

Everett Thomas is one of the three mutants, alongside the original Laura Kinney and Darwin, sent inside the Vault to investigate the growing civilization of post-humans inside. Time inside of the Vault moves at a significantly faster pace, causing the three mutants to experience hundreds of years of life within the temporal device. Thanks to Synch’s mutant abilities, which allow him to copy another superperson’s powers as long as some form of their DNA is around them, Synch was able to mimic Laura’s healing factor to endure his time spent inside.

At some point, Laura and Darwin were captured, forcing Synch to flee from the Vault. Everett would later be reunited with Laura, who had spent another 100 years trapped inside of the Vault. Naturally, peace does not last long for mutants, and Synch and Laura went on a mission to defeat the High Evolutionary. Laura tragically died on the mission, but continued to live on inside Synch’s head thanks to powers he had copied from Jean Grey.

16 Darwin

Approximate Age: 500 Years Old

Darwin breaks down his body into tissue, then bones, then blood vessels.

Darwin, alongside Talon and Synch, spent hundreds of years trapped inside of the Vault while researching the Children of the Vault. Over 500 years within the Vault later, Darwin, Synch, and Talon were finally freed from their temporal imprisonment. Darwin’s mutant abilities allow him to adapt to any situation in order to survive.

While in the Vault, Darwin’s powers indefinitely slowed down his aging process. However, in order to help Talon escape, he had evolved into a living code to contact Forge from within the Children of the Vault’s City. Currently, Darwin remains integrated into the Vault’s systems, slowly uncovering its temporally-altering properties.

15 Talon

Approximate Age: 500 Years Old

Talon is the name chosen by the original Laura Kinney, who was sent into the Vault alongside Darwin and Synch to investigate the temporally hidden post-humans hidden within. Because time in the Vault moves significantly faster, Laura and her allies spent hundreds of years within that world researching the developing species and their society. After nearly 500 years of captivity, Talon was freed to return to her lover Synch and meet a resurrected younger version of herself who had never entered the Vault.

Talon and her younger self, carrying the Wolverine name, never took a liking to each other, but maintained a decent level of mutual respect. Laura wouldn’t have a chance to enjoy her rediscovered life as she inevitably fell in battle while fending off the Orchis attack on the Hellfire Gala. Talon would “live” on for some time as her consciousness, hidden inside Synch’s mind.


20 Years After Her Debut, Marvel Recreates the First Image of Wolverine’s Daughter X-23

NYX, the series that introduced X-23 to Marvel Comics, returns with a new homage cover harkening back to that original controversial appearance.

14 Exodus

Approximate Age: 800 Years Old

Exodus rages into battle with lightning flashing off his body.

Bennet du Paris was born sometime in 12th century Medieval France. Better known as Exodus, the mutant crusader was a Knight of the Templar Order sent to Jerusalem in search of an artifact of ancient power. Exodus is an Omega-level Master of Psionics, outshining every other mutant psychic in Marvel history.

Originally enhanced by Apocalypse, Exodus has turned on his former master multiple times, often believing the “First Mutant” to be a false god. Since his arrival in the modern era, Exodus has, like Apocalypse and Magneto, been an aggressively vocal advocate for mutant domination. Paris bears a particular hatred toward humans who “unnaturally” turn themselves into mutates, such as the High Evolutionary.

13 Mordred

Approximate Age: 900 Years Old

Mordred presenting Excalibur.

Mordred the Evil is the bastard son of King Arthur and his half-sister Morgause. To avoid a prophecy that foretold the destruction of Camelot, King Arthur had sent every child of his, including an infant Mordred, born on May 1, adrift at sea to sink and die. By the will of the magic that flows through his blood, Mordred survived and was reunited with Morgause and her sister Morgan Le Fay. The Black Druid spent years trying to overthrow his father.

Mordred eventually fell but was resurrected multiple times. His final resurrection partially purged his memories, allowing him to rediscover his lost history, appalled by what all he had done. In the modern age, it was recently revealed that Mordred was a mutant, who now lives alongside his father in Otherworld.

12 Azazel

Approximate Age: 2,000 – 4,000 Years Old

Demon Azazel from Marvel Comics bursting through stained glass

It’s difficult to determine whether Azazel was named after the Biblical character or if he was the Biblical character, but either way, he does originate from the early Abrahamic era. Azazel belongs to a specific lineage of mutants known as Neyaphem, traditional demonic-looking mutants often associated with devils. Naturally, his lineage is opposed by the Cheyarafim, a mutant lineage of angelic appearance.

Azazel’s kind were locked into a timeless dimension by their enemies, but the devilish mutant was able to escape thanks to his teleportation powers. Azazel has stayed true to his demonic ideology, living a self-centered life while bargaining corrupt deals with humans. Despite his longevity, the red devil recently died after being mauled by the BAMF Dragon, a draconic variant of Nightcrawler from a different universe.

11 Jon Ironfire

Approximate Age: 4,500 Years Old

Jon Ironfire prepares for battle in the Genesis War.

Before earning his independence, Jon Ironfire was White Sword’s first enthralled Champion. When the Annihilation possessed Genesis launched a civil war against Arakko, White Sword freed Jon Ironfire from his thralldom, allowing the sword-wielding mutant to escape to Arakko. During the onslaught of the mutant civil war, Ironfire came face-to-face with his previous master who had fallen under Genesis’s control.

Jon engaged each of his previous fellow Champions in battle, besting each and every one, until finally clashing with White Sword. Ironfire defeated his old master, but, following Storm’s lead, spared him. While Jon Ironfire’s current whereabouts are currently unknown, he most likely still resides on Planet Arakko.

10 White Sword

Approximate Age: 4,500 Years Old

White Sword marches with his legion of thralls.

White Sword was once one of the Okkaran mutants who stayed with Arakko after Annihilation split Okkara in half. While trapped in Amenth, White Sword remained a powerfully devoted mutant, often on the front lines when defending Arakko against the Daemons of Amenth. Taking the very first step into Amenth, White Sword and his 100 thralls marched deep into the demonic dimension and forged an Ivory Spire where they spent hundreds of years slaughtering every Daemon they could.

The Arakki believed that White Sword was dead all that time, only discovering the spire and millions of crucified Daemons after Arakko had fully been sealed inside the realm. Spending centuries alone with only his enthralled soldiers for company, White Sword fell into madness. His only wish is to prove his strength against worthy opponents rather than participate in mutant politics.

9 Death, Famine, and War (First Horsemen)

Approximate Age: 4,700+ Years Old

The First Horsemen of the Apocalypse gather together.

Death, Famine, and War are the three remaining children of Apocalypse and Genesis. Alongside their sister Pestilence, they served as the first Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The siblings all originally hail from Okkara but followed the newly formed Arakko into Amenth to defend the Arakki people.

After Genesis submitted to the powers of Annihilation, the siblings were forced to serve the forces of Amenth until the Tournament of Swords in the Otherworld. Genesis’s war against Krakoa inevitably failed after Annihilation’s influence was purged from Genesis. While Death remains in the Midnight-Dark Kingdom of Sevalith in Otherworld, War and Famine currently act as regents for the Kingdom of Dryador.

8 Apocalypse

Approximate Age: 5,000+ Years Old

Incorrectly dubbing himself the world’s first mutant, En Sabah Nur was indeed one of the first of the Earth’s second generation of mutantkind. His powers are of god-level proportions, allowing the “Father of All Mutants” to constantly evolve, gaining new mutant abilities throughout his multi-millennia existence. Apocalypse is, without competition, mutantkind’s greatest activist.

While he is often portrayed as a villain, Apocalypse holds only the deepest love for all mutants. Apocalypse treats every mutant he encounters in the modern day as his children, guiding their growth and protecting their wellbeing. Throughout his vast history, En Sabah Nur has played an active role in Earth’s history, while others as ancient as he prefer to hide in obscurity.


Moon Knight’s War With Apocalypse Completely Rewrites Marvel’s Mutant History

Moon Knight’s vendetta against Apocalypse shines a light on an oft-overlooked part of the mutant timeline and fills in a massive plot hole.

7 Forever Man

Approximate Age: 5,000+ Years Old

Forever Man regrows after dying.

Forever Man holds no true name as he has forgotten his true name after thousands of lifetimes. When Forever Man dies, his powers take effect. From the ashes of his last life, he is reborn anew with no memories of his previous lives. His complicated ability effectively means that he is immortal and cursed to never remember his true identity.

In the modern age, Forever Man temporarily unlocked all of his memories, driving the mutant toward violent insanity. To end his suffering, he plunged himself into the sun where he died and was reborn hundreds of times before crash landing back on Earth to be reborn one final time. No one is sure if Forever Man still retains the memories of his previous lives.

6 Isca, The Unbeaten

Approximate Age: 10,000 Years Old

Isca the Unbeaten cover, Isca holding a sword threateningly

Isca is the younger sister of Genesis and whose extraordinary power makes it to where she can never lose. For better or for worse, Isca’s power has helped sustain her over her thousands of years of existence. Unlike her sister, Isca has a silly and playful personality while toting her overwhelming self-confidence, knowing that she can never be defeated.

When Arakko was moved onto Mars, Isca played a vital role in terraforming the planet to make a sustainable home for the Arakki mutants. After Genesis was possessed by the spirit of Annihilation and waged war against Arakko, Isca chose the neutral path and sequestered herself near an isolated volcano on Planet Arakko. Today, Isca the Unbeaten remains in self-solitude, slaughtering any soul who disturbs her lonely peace.

5 Genesis

Approximate Age: 10,000+ Years Old

Genesis declares that only the strongest shall survive.

Genesis, most popularly known for being married to Apocalypse, comes from a much older era and lived on the mutant island Okkara. After marrying Apocalypse, she reared four children with him who would all become the first Four Horsemen. When Okkara was split in half, Genesis and her children stayed with the newly formed Arakko while Apocalypse stayed on Earth to build a new civilization of mutants capable of destroying the Daemon threat of Amenth.

As Arakko faced imminent destruction from Annihilation’s forces, Genesis defeated Aarakko’s greatest enemy. However, she would later assume control of the Daemons in Annihilation’s place and ultimately became Annihilation’s new host. In the modern era, Annihilation Genesis sided with Orchis but was defeated by Storm. Free from her centuries of internal imprisonment, Genesis and her remaining children fled into exile, slaughtering every Orchis agent possible.

4 Sphinx

Approximate Age: 10,000 – 15,000 Years Old

Sphinx channels his magical powers.

Anath-Na Mut hails from the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt and served as Ramses the Great’s court wizard. Ramses eventually expelled Anath-Na after the mutant wizard was outshone by Moses’s power. Banished from Egypt, Anath-Na discovered a powerful magical artifact that imbued him with extraordinary abilities and immortality.

Now calling himself Sphinx, he spent centuries wandering the Earth and eventually lost his will to live without any means of ending his life. Despite being a confirmed mutant, Sphinx’s powers have never been shown. Instead, he has always relied on his magical powers. Sphinx has traveled back in time on multiple occasions to relive his life from the beginning, most recently to spend five millennia alongside his greatest love, Meryet Karim.

3 Lady Phoenix

Approximate Age: 1,000,000+ Years Old

While many mutants call themselves the “first mutant,” Firehair is the oldest recorded mutant to date. Firehair is also the first mortal host of the Phoenix Force, making her responsible for the Phoenix Force’s proclivity toward red-haired women. During her era, she, alongside Odin, formed the Avengers 1,000,000 B.C. to combat monumental cosmic threats to the world like the rogue Celestial, Fallen.

Firehair developed a deeply close and romantic relationship with Odin throughout their journey. Sometime shortly after Gaea and Odin had conceived Thor, Firehair would later be considered a motherly figure to Thor after she had saved the infant god from death. While Firehair’s mortal body has long since died, her soul is an active presence within the Phoenix Force today.

2 Xilo

Approximate Age: 2,000,000,000+ Years Old

Xilo prepares to terraform Mars.

Originally known as Xilora, Xilo is one of the last remaining mutants from the primordial mutant civilization Threshold alongside Okkara. Instead of being born in a humanoid body, Xilo’s powers manifested at birth, turning the infant into an insect-like creature. While Xilo always maintains a singular consciousness, he physically exists as a collective of billions of insects.

The Omega-level mutant has the power to terraform and the power to possess another’s body with his insects. Xilo is theoretically immortal thanks to his ability to birth and replace new insects within his hive. When Okkara was split in half by Annihilation, Xilo traveled alongside the newly formed Arakko and served as its record keeper.

1 Okkara / Grove

Approximate Age: 2,000,000,000+ Years Old

The sentient mutant island known as Okkara, the progenitor of Krakoa and Arakko, was once a mutant known as Grove. Grove belonged to an ancient civilization called Threshold, a mixed community of mutants and humans created after Kate Pryde traveled back in time with the genetic potential for the lives lost during the fall of Genosha. Okkara has an indefinite healing factor that occurs alongside rapid vegetative growth.

With age no longer a factor in its existence, Okkara grew from a humanoid form into a continuously expanding island. Okkara was eventually split in half by Annihilation, creating two clone mutants, Krakoa and Arakko. Even after its “destruction,” both Krakoa and Arakko possess the same powers as their original self, hypothetically meaning that Okkara could develop into countless smaller mutants until they are able to reunite in the far future.


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