10 Biggest Plot Points Left Unresolved In My Hero Academia


  • Many plot points were left unresolved in
    My Hero Academia
    ‘s final arc.
  • Some unresolved plot points involve the fates of various characters in the series.
  • Others revolve around the ambiguous nature of certain elements of the worldbuilding.

Warning: Contains spoilers for My Hero Academia’s final story arc.After 10 years, My Hero Academia has officially concluded, and it did so on a relatively high note. Nearly every character and the story arcs surrounding them received proper resolution as the story set up their future endeavors, and while it didn’t go into detail on most elements, what was explained was enough for an overall satisfactory conclusion to a legendary series.

My Hero Academia’s ending mostly succeeded in closing out its story, but it did fall short in some areas. While the series did try and flesh out its ending with an extended epilogue, and doing so did allow for a more developed ending than shonen manga tend to get, My Hero Academia still ended with a wide assortment of plot points left unresolved, with some being relatively minor and others leaving major questions unanswered likely indefinitely.

Custom Image by Merlyn De Souza

A few of those points are especially egregious, and with the story officially over, they’re all plenty worth pointing out.

10 Is Lady Nagant Still In Jail After My Hero Academia’s Timeskip?

What Happened To One Of My Hero Academia’s Most Tragic Characters?

My Hero Academia’s penultimate arc introduced Lady Nagant, a former hero who was forced to work as an assassin for the government and joined All For One to try and create a world more honest about its darker elements. Izuku reasoned with Nagant and she helped the heroes in the final arc, and while she could have been pardoned for her crimes, she stayed in jail out of fear of being exploited again.

Eight years passed in My Hero Academia’s final chapter, and oddly enough, My Hero Academia’s final chapter didn’t say anything about whether Lady Nagant was still in jail. The final chapter made it clear that Hawks succeeded in making society a better one for heroes and the people they protect, so it would make sense for Nagant to be free, but at the time of writing, there isn’t a definitive way to know for sure.

9 What Happened To the Main Trio From My Hero Academia: Vigilantes?

The Status Of The Spinoff’s Stars Is Unknown

My Hero Academia’s main spinoff, My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, ended with the fates of its main trio of Koichi, Pop Step, and Knuckleduster unresolved. After breaking so many laws that Tsukauchi couldn’t keep ignoring him, Koichi moved to America to become Captain Celebrity’s new sidekick, The Skycrawler, and Pop Step went back to being an idol while Knuckleduster continued to be a vigilante.

There has always been the question of what the cast of Vigilantes was doing during the main story, but it’s never been answered. Koichi cameoed in My Hero Academia’s epilogue as one of the international heroes helping rebuild Japan, but it’s unknown what he was doing before that, and it’s equally unknown what happened to Pop Step and Knuckleduster over the years. It’s another example of the lack of synergy between the two stories, and for fans of Vigilantes, it’s nothing but disappointing to see.

8 Did Kurogiri Die In The Final Battle (& Can He Become Shirakumo Again)?

What Happened To Kurogiri In My Hero Academia?

Throughout My Hero Academia’s final battle, Kurogiri gradually regained some of his memories from when he was Oboro Shirakumo, and he helped bring all of Izuku’s allies together for one last fight with All For One. However, Kurogiri used the last of his strength to protect Shigaraki’s body from being destroyed by Izuku, and he was seemingly destroyed by the timely arrival of Bakugo, so Izuku could finally end the fight.

Kurogiri’s gaseous body has always made him more inhuman than other characters, so Kurogiri might have survived My Hero Academia’s final battle and simply run off somewhere; considering how often characters have survived similarly fatal injuries, it wouldn’t be the strangest turn for his character. Whether or not that did happen is unclear, however, and that also makes it unclear if Kurogiri can ever fully regain his memories of being Shirakumo or if he’s stuck the way he is.

7 How Did People React To Spinner’s Manifesto About Shigaraki?

Did Spinner Keep Shigaraki’s Memory Alive?

Following the final battle, an incarcerated Spinner expressed to Izuku his anger at how everyone was writing Shigaraki off as just a villain when he was trying to change things in his own way. To that end, Spinner decided to write a book about Shigaraki and the League of Villains so no one would forget them, with Izuku assuring Spinner that he, at least, never would.

My Hero Academia’s final chapter skipped ahead eight years, but even then, there’s no mention of Spinner’s book or anyone from the League of Villains besides Shigaraki, and even then, Izuku is the only one to ever bring him up. With how much society was noted to have changed, most notably with villainy being at an all-time low, Spinner’s book either didn’t affect society or helped sell the need for things to change, but oddly enough, it’s never addressed in any form.

6 What Happened To Endeavor After My Hero Academia’s Final Arc?

What Is Endeavor’s Current Status In My Hero Academia?

Endeavor’s arc ended on a notably bittersweet note. The injuries Endeavor sustained forced him into retirement, Dabi died hating him, and Natsuo declared he was completely done with the Todoroki family, but Endeavor swore he would spend the rest of his life making amends for what he’d done to his family, and everyone other than Dabi and Natsuo seemed okay with keeping him in their lives as he did just that.

Whatever the status of Endeavor’s relationships with Shoto and Rei is supposed to be after the timeskip is never brought up, and with Endeavor still being held in high regard, it’s unclear what effect Endeavor’s domestic abuse had on his reputation, if it even affected it, at all. Endeavor’s story in My Hero Academia ended on a notably inconclusive note, and considering how prominent he was in the story, it’s odd that his character went in such a direction.

5 Where Is Izuku’s Father, Hisashi Midoriya?

What Happened To Izuku’s Father?

One of the biggest questions about Izuku’s family has always been the whereabouts of Izuku’s father, Hisashi Midoriya. All that was ever known about Hisashi was that he had a fire-breathing Quirk and wasn’t around much while working overseas, and with Izuku and Japan, as a whole, getting involved in one major incident after another, it became odder and odder that Hisashi never did anything to check in on his family.

At San Diego Comic-Con 2018, Kohei Horikoshi said that Hisashi would appear in the future, so there was even more reason to care about his character, but oddly enough, My Hero Academia ended with Hisashi Midoriya never appearing and rarely ever being mentioned. Hisashi might appear on a bonus page in the final volume, or even the upcoming art and fan books, but the story ending the way it did ultimately highlights how irrelevant Hisashi was from day one.

4 What’s The True Origin Of Quirks?

Where Did Superpowers Come From In My Hero Academia?

The origin of Quirks has always been a mystery in My Hero Academia; sometimes they’re presented as being a product of evolution, other times the result of a mysterious disease, but there’s never a definitive answer for their origin. The final arc only complicated the matter further when it was revealed that the Luminescent Baby wasn’t the first Quirk user and that an untold number existed before him, the most notable of them being All For One.

The origin of Quirks only became more mysterious as My Hero Academia’s story progressed, but even with that, My Hero Academia ended its story without giving a definitive explanation for how Quirks came to be. Granted, it’s not something that has anything to do with the main cast, so there might not be a need to explain anything, but the lack of explanation still leaves the world feeling somewhat hollow, regardless.

3 Are Izuku & Ochaco A Couple At The End Of My Hero Academia?

Izuku & Ochaco’s Relationship Is Surprisingly Ambiguous

Ever since the early days of My Hero Academia, Izuku and Ochaco were set up to be the primary couple of the story, and plenty was done to set up that idea as organically as possible. The two of them had numerous interactions that continually emphasized how much they helped each other grow, and by the final arc, it was impossible to see their dynamic as anything other than romantic.

Izuku and Ochaco’s relationship can’t be seen as anything other than romantic, yet the story never fully capitalized on that. Unlike how other shōnen manga handle their main pairings, My Hero Academia ended without any confirmation of Izuku and Ochaco’s relationship, whether it be that they’re married or simply dating as adults. With how the last few chapters progressed, they very easily could be a couple in the finale, but regardless, there’s still no official confirmation of anything.

2 What Are The Powers Of Izuku’s New Suit Of Armor?

How Will Izuku Fight As A Hero Again?

While Izuku retained some of One For All after the final battle, it soon faded away, and eight years later, Izuku, now Quirkless, has retired to become a teacher at U.A. However, All Might revealed that all of Izuku’s friends worked together to create an upgraded form of the Armored All Might support item, thus letting Izuku come out of retirement and become a hero again.

My Hero Academia‘s finale ended with Izuku getting to be a hero, even without One For All, but it’s unclear what the powers of his new support item are. In all likelihood, Izuku’s new support item will let him mimic the additional Quirks of One For All, similar to how Armored All Might let All Might mimic the Quirks of Izuku and his friends, but the series ended without showing what it could do, and it’s unknown when its powers will be revealed.

1 Does The Quirk Singularity Truly Exist?

The Potentially Biggest Threat To My Hero Academia’s World

A recurring plot thread in My Hero Academia is the Quirk Singularity Theory, a theory stating that Quirks will gradually become more and more powerful until they can’t be controlled. The Quirk Singularity Theory is constantly used to justify the incredible growth in power some characters undergo, most notably Shigaraki, and it was even the driving force behind Humarise’s actions in My Hero Academia: World Heroes’ Mission.

The later arcs of My Hero Academia put a lot of focus on the Quirk Singularity Theory, but not only was it never confirmed if the Quirk Singularity was real or not, but if it is real, then My Hero Academia ended with no one having a plan for dealing with the looming threat of the Quirk Singularity. That’s arguably the biggest plot point left unresolved in My Hero Academia, and there’s no way of knowing if it will ever be addressed.

Source: Viz Media’s official X account.
