The Boys: All 11 Supes In Homelander's Army Explained

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for The Boys season 4 finale!


  • The Boys season 4 ends with Homelander’s supe army taking over, including familiar faces from the past.
  • Homelander’s puppet President leads to a fascist state, with villains returning to arrest The Boys.
  • Sister Sage and Firecracker play key roles in Homelander’s evil army, setting up a showdown in season 5.

The Boys season 4 ended on a pretty terrifying note, with Homelander finally establishing an army of Vought supes. After a whole season of Homelander and Sister Sage plotting a supe insurrection, Homelander managed to make it into the White House in The Boys season 4, episode 8, with him deputizing a massive number of Vought supes. This official act was announced by the President, who is under Homelander’s influence, leading to several villains from throughout the show making their return. So, here is every supe who appears as part of Homelander’s army in The Boys season 4 finale.

The final scene in The Boys season 4, episode 8 saw Homelander’s plan for his supe army kick off in full force, with the various villains unleashing their newfound government powers on the show’s protagonists. Although Hughie, Butcher, and the rest of the gang attempt to flee Homelander’s fascist state, they aren’t fast enough. Many of the supe villains who The Boys have fought throughout the show’s four seasons return to arrest the anti-Vought humans, as well as supes like Kimiko. The finale just scratches the surface of who’s in Homelander’s army, with these 11 supes making an appearance.



The Boys Making You Dislike Billy Butcher Is A Big Season 5 Clue

A new revelation about Butcher in The Boys makes him more unlikable, which could be a big hint towards the show’s direction in the upcoming season 5.

11 Homelander

The Head Of The Army

The most obvious supe who appears as part of Homelander’s army is Homelander himself. Throughout The Boys, Homelander has acted as the show’s main antagonist. Although he had mostly cared about fame up until this point, The Boys season 4 saw Homelander set his sights on the White House, with his newfound political influence allowing him to form this army.

While the titular team will undoubtedly have to face some fearsome supes in The Boys‘ fifth and final season, Homelander will be the most important one for them to take down. With Homelander acting as the head of the supe supremacist movement, defeating him would be a massive blow against the supervillain team. However, Homelander’s Superman-like qualities make him an incredibly difficult foe to face, as proven by the fact that The Boys have spent four seasons attempting to kill him.

10 The Deep

One Of Homelander’s Right-Hand Men

One of the highest-ranking supes in Homelander’s army is also one of the supes who has been around the longest: The Deep. The Deep has been a member of The Seven since the very beginning, and while he had a time away from the team after The Boys season 1’s controversial Starlight scene, he rejoined The Seven in season 3. Now, The Deep is one of the primary characters that Homelander and Sister Sage use to carry out their villainous plans.

Although The Deep has an inflated ego, he is actually looked down upon by some of his coworkers. Sister Sage and Homelander are constantly insulting The Deep behind his back, with the aquatic supe in return attempting to be incredibly loyal to Homelander in order to impress him. Thus, The Deep is one of The Boys‘ most fascistic supes.


What A Relief! The Boys Isn’t Ever Redeeming The Deep

The Boys season 4 has doubled down on The Deep being a terrible person, with this scene confirming that the series will never redeem him.

9 Black Noir II

The Replacement For The Original The Seven Member

The Boys season 4 introduced a new supe who filled in for one of the classic The Seven members, with that being Black Noir II. After being a member of Payday, the original Black Noir continued working for Vought and became a loyal member of The Seven. However, after he began to question his loyalty to the team in season 3, Homelander killed him, with Vought deciding that they had to cover up the supe’s murder.

So, The Boys season 4 saw Vought find a new supe to replace Black Noir. Black Noir II has many of the same powers as the original version, and while he isn’t as skilled as his predecessor, his powers of flight make up for this. Although Black Noir II wasn’t initially all-in on Homelander’s plan, his recently-discovered love of murder has turned him into one of Homelander’s most powerful stooges.

8 Firecracker

The Voice Of Homelander’s Government

Another newly-introduced The Seven member in The Boys season 4 is Firecracker, the far-right talking head who is brought on in order to play a role in Sister Sage’s plan. Although Sister Sage and Firecracker are constantly butting heads, Sage knew that Firecracker was key to destroying Starlight’s reputation, meaning that she had to stay on the team.

At first, Homelander looked down on Firecracker, holding her in the same esteem as he does The Deep. However, Firecracker eventually played into Homelander’s breast milk fetish, causing Homelander to quickly become closer with her. Now, Firecracker is one of Homelander’s right-hand men, with her constant media appearances keeping the people updated on Homelander’s fascist supe army and government. Although Firecracker was only introduced in The Boys season 4, she will most likely play a big role in season 5 as The Boys attempt to overthrow Homelander’s regime.

7 Sister Sage

The Brains Of The Operation

Despite Homelander being strong enough to kill nearly every supe, he never had the brains to actually pull off his plan of overthrowing the government. However, he did have the influence to get the smartest person on Earth to join The Seven: Sister Sage. Much like Homelander, Sister Sage is a supe supremacist, with her helping Homelander by employing a plan to get him control over the White House. This plan invovled getting Robert Singer elected, only for the supe Vice President Victoria Neuman to invoke the 25th Amendment and replace him.

However, it turns out that this wasn’t her actual plan. Instead, she simply got a different president who was sympathetic to Homelander’s cause in office, with him acting as Homelander’s puppet. This is what allows Homelander to deputize the many Vought supes, setting up his evil army.


Tek Knight’s The Boys Season 4 Death Creates A Big Gen V Plot Hole

Tek-Knight’s established lore in The Boys’ early seasons just does not seem to align with how he is portrayed in the show’s season 4 and even Gen V.

6 Cate Dunlap

One Of The Army’s Most Powerful Soldiers

Members of The Seven aren’t the only supes fighting on Homelander’s army, as he has also recruited a variety of supes from across The Boys universe. Homelander has managed to enlist the help of arguably The Boys‘ most powerful supe, with that being Cate Dunlap. Cate was one of the main characters in The Boys spinoff show Gen V, with her working alongside Marie Moreau and the gang to uncover the secrets of Godolkin University.

However, by the end of Gen V, Cate’s arc took a villainous turn. Cate led a supe supramicist uprising at Godolkin Univeristy, something that caught the attention of Homelander. Homelander showed up to Godolkin and helped Cate stop her opposition, with him then platforming her with all the power of Vought. Now, Cate is frequently seen working alongside The Seven’s supes, with her even taking down Frenchie and Kimiko in the season 4 finale.

5 Sam Riordan

The Former Vought Prisoner

Cate Dunlap made the jump from Gen V to The Boys, but she wasn’t the only supe who did this, as Sam Riordan also appeares in season 4. Sam was another one of the main characters in Gen V, with the Guardians of Godolkin recusing him from Vought’s The Woods facility, where he was experimented on. However, Sam’s time being experimented on led him to have a hatred for non-supes, causing him to work alongside Cate during her Godolkin uprising.

Sam has also been recruited into Homelander’s supe army in The Boys season 4, with him helping Cate take down Kimiko and Frenchie in season 4’s final montage. Sam’s time being experimented on by Vought gives him a lot in common with Homelander, something that could potentially be explored in The Boys upcoming fifth season.

4 Cindy

The Pressure-Manipulating Supe

After several years of absence, The Boys season 4 brought back a missing character in its final montage: Cindy. Cindy was held at the Sage Grove Center in The Boys season 2, with her being unleashed while The Boys were trying to track Lamplighter there. Cindy has the ability to manipulate pressure, allowing her to crush the prison cells that contained many other supes, freeing them into the world. The Boys season 2 teased that Cindy would return as a major villain, but she didn’t end up reappearing until season 4, with her now being a member of Homelander’s supe army.

While it may have initially seemed like Cindy was set to have a bigger role in The Boys, she is now just another supe in Homelander’s army. Although it may be disappointing that her role isn’t as big as it was once originally teased, it is nice to at least see Cindy back after all this time.

3 Love Sausage

Love Sausage in The Boys

One of The Boys’ grossest superheroes is Love Sausage, a disgusting supe who has the power to fight with his massive penis. The character first appeared at the Sage Grove Center alongside Cindy, with him seeming like nothing more than a one-off gag villain. However, Love Sausage has reappeared several times throughout The Boys, with the final season 4 montage being his most villainous role yet.

In The Boys season 4 finale, Love Sausage is seen sneaking up on Mother’s Milk in a bathroom. Love Sausage uses his super-powered appendage to trap MM, presumably taking him away to one of Homelander’s camps. While it is doubtful that Love Sausage will have a major role in season 5, using him as one of Homelander’s soldiers in the villain’s fascistic supe army was a great choice.

2 Ashley Barrett

The Former Vought Suit

Although the previous supes on this list have been confirmed to be working for Homelander, The Boys season 4, episode 8 has also implied that some other supes will be helping Homelander out. Ashley Barrett has been a longtime employee for Vought, but throughout her time at the company, she has always been a human. In season 4, Ashley betrayed Homelander, with her helping A-Train to cover up the fact that he was a leak. Ashley soon found out that she was on Homelander’s kill list, causing her to make a drastic choice.

In The Boys season 4 finale, Ashley flees to Homelander’s room and takes some of his Compound V. This begins to mutate her, and while it isn’t confirmed what her power is just yet, it is clear that she is now a supe. This could end up saving her life, forcing Homelander not to kill her and adding her to his supe army.


If You Thought Homelander Was A Good Dad, The Boys Strongly Disagrees

The Boys has previously suggested that Homelander’s parenting was his sole redeeming feature, but a season 4, episode 7 scene confirms otherwise.

1 Season 4’s Post-Credits Scene Teases Soldier Boy

Homelander’s Father

One more The Boys recurring supe appears in season 4, with this being Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy first appeared in The Boys season 3, with the titular team attempting to use him to kill Homelander. However, it was eventually revealed that Soldier Boy was actually Homelander’s father, causing him to look up to Vought’s former premiere supe. The end of season 3 saw Grace Mallory imprison Soldier Boy once again, with him not reappearing until the season 4 finale.

In The Boys season 4’s post credits scene, Homelander’s new government position leads to him learning that the CIA has been keeping Soldier Boy right under his nose. Although it hasn’t been confirmed, Homelander will undoubtedly attempt to wake Soldier Boy up in The Boys season 5, with their relationship meaning that he will probably wind up part of Homelander’s supe army.
