All 14 Seven Members In The Boys Seasons 1-4

Warning: This article contains mention of sexual assault and suicide.

The Seven have been the overarching protagonists of The Boys ever since its first season, but despite their strength and superhuman abilities, the team has changed members numerous times through the show’s four seasons. Although Vought’s flagship superhero group is marketed as America’s greatest protectors in the Prime Video series, they don’t do much saving in reality. The Seven may consist of The Boys‘ strongest characters, but many of them have deep flaws and selfish attributes that make them villains – not heroes – putting most of the group on the protagonists’ radar at some point.

As a result, the villainous group has cycled through multiple supes throughout the show, and while not all the departures have been because of The Boys’ mission, the protagonists have had a massive impact. Still, The Seven is arguably stronger than ever now that Homelander’s supe army has direct backing from the US President, but individually, the group may be at its weakest. Whether it be because of deaths, demotions, or supes choosing to leave, the team has had a total of 14 members during The Boys‘ four seasons, with each of them holding a different value to Vought International.

14 Seven Members

Seven Member



All 4 seasons

The Deep

All 4 seasons


All 4 seaons


All 4 seasons

Black Noir

Seasons 1 to 3

Queen Maeve

Seasons 1 to 3


Season 1


Season 2(former member)

Mister Marathon

Mentioned but does not appear on-screen


Season 2 and 3


Season 3

Sister Sage

Season 4


Season 4

Black Noir II

Season 4

14 Homelander

Homelander Is The Group’s Leader & An Original Member

Homelander has been a prominent member of The Seven ever since the group was formed. While Vought had relative control over him during his early days, he slowly became more and more unhinged, eventually ruling the team like a dictator. Given he is arguably the strongest supe in the entire series, it’s no surprise he would take on a leadership role, but his team became scared to challenge him, as did Vought.

His super strength, flight, heat vision, and durability are among his greatest and most notable abilities, but he also has superhuman hearing and smell, making him truly terrifying. He first joined the group after being groomed by Vought into becoming the ultimate hero since childhood.

While the organization tried to nurture him through various experiments alongside their PR work in his later life, this only created a monster, with The Boys revealing Homelander’s biggest weakness is his need for approval. During his time in The Seven, he has treated his teammates with disdain and a lack of respect, as he sees himself as superior, yet continues to lead the group with the current members too afraid to disobey him.

13 The Deep

The Deep Has Surprisingly Been Part Of The Seven Since Its Inception

Like Homelander, The Deep was also an original member of The Seven, although he likely wasn’t recruited for his powers. The Deep also possesses superhuman strength and durability, but he holds nowhere near the same level of power as Homelander. Instead, his most notable attributes are his ability to breathe underwater, communicate with aquatic animals, and swim at incredible speed. While it’s unclear how exactly he was recruited, The Deep was selected as one of the initial members, likely because of his marketability.

His most notable attributes are his ability to breathe underwater, communicate with aquatic animals, and swim at incredible speed.

However, this didn’t seem to last, as he was demoted after sexually assaulting Starlight before later being reinstated. During both stints on the group, he often mistreated those who ranked lower than him yet bent the knee to Homelander and his commands. Despite having several opportunities to change his behavior, The Deep will never find redemption in The Boys as he has fully devoted himself to Homelander heading into the final season. Still, he remains a part of the team, proving his cowardly nature has worked out for him so far.

12 A-Train

The Speedster Finally Left The Group After Four Seasons

Although A-Train has been part of The Seven since season 1, he wasn’t an original member and finally decided to leave the group in season 4. His main power is his super speed, which is so powerful he can kill someone simply by running into them as shown in the show’s first episode. He joined The Seven after the team’s previous speedster retired, and even had to race Shockwave to prove he was still the fastest man alive. A-Train’s journey with the group is similar to The Deep’s, as he was also demoted briefly before rejoining the roster.

However, A-Train’s The Boys season 4 story was the opposite of The Deep’s as he finally decided to be a real hero by helping the protagonists. After assisting Hughie acquire Compound V, A-Train was contacted by Mother’s Milk and eventually became a regular ally of The Boys.

Jessie T. Usher, who plays A-Train, also played John
“JJ” Shaft Jr.
in Shaft (2019)

He even helped Starlight fight off the Deep and brought MM to the hospital while suffering a heart attack. Although he was egotistical and a bit of a bully when he first joined, A-Train finally stood up to The Seven and is now in hiding after leaving the group before destroying his tracker.

11 Starlight

Starlight Helped Expose Vought & The Seven After Exiting The Group

Annie January was selected as part of The Seven after sending in an audition that fit the criteria Vought was looking for. Her complex powers allow her to absorb energy and turn it into blasts of light, while she can also make her eyes and hands glow.

When Starlight’s powers returned in The Boys season 4, she also used energy to levitate off the ground and fly, something she’d been attempting throughout the season. Despite her skill set, it was Starlight’s innocent and humble nature that Vought wanted to use, which ultimately backfired. While she was initially determined to do good and help save the world as the latest member of The Seven, her attitude quickly changed.

After seeing the group’s true nature, Annie eventually began helping The Boys fight Vought from within before officially leaving the group. Her departure is the one public exit that Vought was unable to cover up, causing a divide between Homelander and Starlight supporters. Starlight’s exit had a massive impact on the story, and she remains determined to take down Vought and the Seven while exposing how evil they are.

10 Black Noir

Black Noir Had More Superhero Team Experience Than Any Other Member

Having originally been a part of Payback, Vought recruited Black Noir shortly after Homelander to join The Seven. Despite not having an exclusive power like some of the previous entries, Black Noir possessed superhuman strength, reflexes, durability, and regenerative healing that made him an incredibly powerful supe. After suffering brutal injuries during his time with Payback at the hands of Soldier Boy, Black Noir became completely mute yet was still one of The Seven’s most loyal members.

His silent nature meant he never caused any real problems and obediently followed orders, making him one of Vought’s most useful heroes. Unfortunately for Noir, his years of loyalty weren’t appreciated by the group’s leader. He was killed by Homelander after failing to tell the central antagonist that Soldier Boy was his dad, despite knowing this secret. Luckily for Vought, the original Black Noir never removed his mask in The Boys, allowing them to easily cover up his death and replace him, leaving the character’s tragic fate unknown to most of the public.

9 Queen Maeve

Queen Maeve Grew To Resent Her Role In The Seven

After becoming the number one student at Godolkin University, Queen Maeve was selected by Vought to join the original version of The Seven. Her powers resembled many of Black Noir’s as, like most of the other supes, she had heightened strength, stamina, and senses. Maeve was also bulletproof, as shown in The Boys season 1 where Homelander shot her several times with an assault rifle to help stage a save. While she had a relatively pessimistic nature, she still wanted to do good during her time in The Seven as shown by The Crash of Transoceanic Flight 37.

She also offered support to Starlight at times after Annie struggled to cope with life in The Seven and even became a short-term ally of The Boys. After Homelander found out about her betrayal, Vought locked her in a high-security prison within Vought Tower, which she eventually escaped from.

Her alliance with The Boys saw her involved in season 3’s final fight, where she absorbed Soldier Boy’s blast, resulting in her losing her powers. Maeve managed to survive this and, with Vought assuming she was dead, she went to live a quiet life with her partner free of The Seven.

8 Translucent

Translucent Was The First Member Of The Seven To Die

Another original member of The Seven, it’s unclear exactly how Translucent became a member of The Seven, but he was part of the original team. His carbon skin gave him one of the most interesting powers on the show, as not only could he appear invisible, but his skin was also invulnerable, making him incredibly hard to kill. While this ability would make him the ideal candidate for stealth missions, The Seven rarely ever did real superhero work, meaning he often abused this power by snooping around Vought Tower, including inappropriate places.

Alex Hassel also played Metatron in the final season of
His Dark Materials

Despite seeming like one of the group’s most indestructible members, he was actually the first supe in The Seven to officially die. Translucent confronted Hughie for planting a bug in Vought Tower, but Butcher arrived and incapacitated the antagonist, leading to the supe being captured. While he taunted the protagonists for not being able to hurt him due to his hardened skin, Frenchie was able to make a bomb that blew Translucent up from the inside. After finding out, Vought covered this up by pretending he was on a secret mission before eventually revealing his fate in season 2.

7 Lamplighter

Lamplighter’s Was Demoted From The Group Before The Events Of Season 1

Although Lamplighter was never a member of The Seven during seasons 1 to 4, he was part of the original team before the events of the show. Little is known about exactly how he was recruited, but the supe’s fire-based powers seemed like the perfect sort of skills for Vought to market. Alongside the regular enhanced senses, Lamplighter was able to manipulate fire with his mind and make flames bigger, although he couldn’t actually produce fire himself. Not much is known about his time in the group, other than the fact he was demoted.

It’s unclear as to why Vought got rid of him, but it likely has to do with the fact he was blackmailed by The Boys during his time with the group. Despite this, he was still affiliated with Vought and worked in the Sage Grove Center where he was discovered by the protagonists. After reluctantly agreeing to help the protagonists, it seemed like Lamplighter might pull through for the group. However, he unexpectedly took his own life in Vought Tower, with his death remaining one of The Boys‘ most shocking moments.

6 Mister Marathon

Mister Marathon Never Officially Appears On The TV Show

Mister Marathon doesn’t actually appear in The Boys TV show, but the series does acknowledge his existence. Alongside Homelander, Queen Maeve, The Deep, Black Noir, Translucent, and Lamplighter, the supe completed the original Seven lineup, and while little is known about his powers in the show’s universe, it seems like he was also a speedster, given A-Train replaced him. In addition, it’s hard to tell what he was like during his time in the group, but with A-Train lasting four years longer than him, he didn’t seem to have a big impact.

While it could be another one of Vought’s cover-ups, he is reportedly still alive in the series and retired from the group, according to Seven on 7 with Cameron Coleman. It’s possible he was forced out like some of the other supes have been, but he was allegedly supposed to race A-Train and was part of Dawn of the Seven, indicating he really is still around. Whether he will make an appearance in The Boys season 5 is still to be seen, but as things stand, he remains the least fleshed-out member of the group on the TV show.

5 Stormfront

Stormfront Replaced Translucent After His Death

With Translucent being killed in season 1, Stormfront became the first official new member of The Seven for viewers. Stan Edgar brought her into the group due to her popularity with the public, particularly on social media, creating tension with Homelander. Her powers allowed her to manipulate electricity, meaning she could hit her opponents with devastating electric charges, and she was also able to use telekinesis to blast people backward without touching them. She also didn’t appear to physically age, given she had been around for a century.

Although she seemed like a modern hero willing to challenge Homelander, Stormfront’s true intentions were far more sinister. During her time in The Seven, Stormfront started a sexual relationship with Homelander and tried to impose her Nazi beliefs onto the antagonist and his son, hoping she’d eventually be able to impact all of America. During season 2’s climax, Ryan used his lasers to attack Stormfront, all but killing her, resulting in Vought completely cutting ties with the supe after her real identity went public.

Although she seemed like a modern hero willing to challenge Homelander, Stormfront’s true intentions were far more sinister.

Stormfront managed to survive the attack and was still around in season 3, albeit motionless and barely alive. She was regularly visited by Homelander, who refused to follow her Nazi ideology, resulting in the supe taking her own life. With Stormfront appearing in Vought Rising – the latest Boys spinoff – the show will likely explore more about her origins, but it seems like she is gone for good in the main series.

4 Supersonic

Supersonic’s Time On The Team Was Short Lived After Meeting Homelander’s Wrath

Supersonic was introduced to The Seven in season 3, but he didn’t last long on the team. Having won a Vought reality show called American Hero, Supersonic was selected to be part of the group and filled the gap left by Stormfront’s departure. His ability to generate sound waves by clapping his hands may have been unique, and he also had superstrength and hearing, but it was hardly the sort of attributes that The Seven really needed. As a result, he was clearly disposable, as evidenced by Homelander killing him early into his tenure.

Before he won the competition, Starlight begged him not to accept in an attempt to try and protect him from Homelander and The Seven, but Supersonic refused and instead tried to help Annie. Unfortunately, the decision proved to be his undoing as Homelander brutally murdered him and used this as a warning to prevent Starlight from disobeying him in the future. Vought proceeded to cover this up by claiming Supersonic had died of a drug overdose, closing the chapter on his story for good in The Boys.

3 Sister Sage

Sister Sage Was Crucial To Homelander’s Season 4 Plans

Sister Sage was one of the new supes introduced in The Boys season 4 and was scouted by Homelander personally. Unlike most other members, Sister Sage doesn’t have the same sort of superhuman strength that makes her a threat in combat, but her biggest attribute is her superhuman intelligence. Portrayed as the smartest character in the show, her ability to read people and compose foolproof strategies is one-of-a-kind, proving how dangerous she is in her own way.

Her biggest attribute is her superhuman intelligence.

While she agreed to help Homelander, she wanted to operate from the background rather than being publicly acknowledged as a member of The Seven. Although Homelander went along with this at first, he quickly threw her into the public eye, compromising her plan. She proceeded to help Homelander throughout the season but was kicked out after failing to discover that A-Train was the mole that betrayed The Seven. Despite this, she continued pulling the strings in the background and managed to provide Homelander exactly what he wanted, seemingly rejoining The Seven in the process.

2 Firecracker

Firecracker Is One Of The Seven’s Most Recent Additions

Although Homelander wasn’t sold on the idea of bringing Firecracker into the group, Sister Sage convinced him to recruit the supe due to her influence on the public. Her podcast amassed a small cult following that could be used on a much larger scale, which is exactly what Homelander needed to put his revolution into motion. Firecracker’s powers include the usual traits seen in most Seven members, alongside heat resistance and an ability to produce sparks from her hands. Her time in The Seven has been used to gaslight the public into turning on Starlight, who she publicly feuded with.

Alongside her personal problems with Annie, she had some slight tension with Sister Sage and attempted to win over Homelander’s affection, which she was briefly successful with. After taking drugs that allowed her to produce breast milk, her relationship with Homelander grew closer, but this resulted in her getting very sick. Therefore, with Sage back in the picture and Homelander’s use for her decreasing, her status in The Seven looks like it’s on borrowed time, but as of The Boys season 4’s ending, she is still part of the team.

1 Black Noir II

The Original Black Noir Was Replaced By An Actor With Superpowers After His Death

With the original Black Noir dying at the hands of Homelander, Vought replaced him with an actor who also happens to have superpowers. A video on The Boys‘ Twitter account revealed he auditioned for the role, and clearly the organization felt he was the best fit to replace him. Like the original Black Noir, the new version seems to have superhuman strength and endurance – albeit to a lesser extent – but he can also fly, making him stand out. Unfortunately for Black Noir II, he has to keep his flight hidden from the public.

Initially, the new iteration simply wanted to express his acting skills, but the role offered him the complete opposite opportunity since he had to stay silent and almost expressionless. After being forced to kill people, he questioned his role in the team but was convinced to stay by The Deep, who he developed a friendship with. With Homelander ordering The Seven to kill half of Vought’s staff, he willingly participated and began to enjoy killing, making him a permanent part of the team come the end of The Boys season 4.
