Pachinko Season 2 Episode 6 Recap: Anna Sawai's Naomi's Secret & 8 Other Reveals

Spoilers are ahead for Pachinko season 2, episode 6.

In Pachinko season 2, episode 6, both the past and 1980s timelines are full of thrilling revelations and plot developments. This is a stark contrast to Pachinko season 2, episode 5, which spent a bulk of its runtime focusing on 1945 and the end of World War II. Previously, Yoseb (Han Jun-woo), Isak’s (Steve Sang-Hyun Noh) brother, survived the Allied Forces’ atomic bombing of Nagasaki. Thanks to Hansu (Lee Min-ho), a badly burned Yoseb was brought to the countryside where he was reunited with his wife, Kyunghee (Jung Eun-chae), and Sunja’s (Kim Min-ha) family.

The cast of Pachinko‘s characters has also grown to include Mr. Kim (Kim Sung-kyu), an associate of Hansu’s who is in love with Kyunghee. While Yoseb is unaware of his wife’s attraction to Mr. Kim upon arriving in the countryside, he is full of anger. Still grieving his brother, Yoseb berates Hansu. Even so, Hansu helps the family return to post-war Osaka once it’s safe. The show’s past timeline then skips ahead a few years to 1950. This sets the stage for episode 6, which revolves around the results of Noa’s (Kim Kang-hoon) university entrance exam.

9 Sunja & Kato Have Another Date At A Mexican Restaurant

Kato Struggles To Pay For The Meal

After planning to meet up again in Pachinko season 2, episode 4, the elder Sunja (Oscar-winning actor Youn Yuh-jung) and Kato (Sunny‘s Jun Kunimura) go on a date to a Mexican restaurant. For Sunja, it is a thrilling experience. Despite working with food her whole life, Sunja’s date with Kato is her first time tasting Mexican cuisine. Like giddy teens, the pair sip giant margaritas while the waiter explains how to enjoy the chips and guacomole. Later, a waitress tops Sunja’s tortilla with salsa, peppers, and onions; Pachinko‘s protagonist is amazed she doesn’t have to lift a finger.

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Seeing how much Sunja has weathered, especially in the wake of Isak’s tragic fate in Pachinko season 2, it’s nice to see her bonding with a seemingly nice man like Kato. When it comes time to pay, Sunja reaches for the bill. Kato insists that he’ll pay, since the restaurant was his idea. Although Sunja protests, Kato tells her to just plan their next adventure. While Kato is paying, Sunja notices that he charges the meal on his credit card. Clearly, she knows the feeling — and much of episode 6 revolves around the feelings that come with financial hardship.

8 Sunja Worries About Noa’s Exams While Running The Noodle Stand

Kyunghee & Sunja’s Mother Make The Waiting Worse

Upon returning to Osaka, Sunja traded her hit kimchi stand for a noodle stall downtown, which she runs with her mother. The incredibly busy noodle stand is a huge success for Sunja, which makes her more able to support the family. At times, Kyunghee helps out, though most of her time is dedicated to caring for Yoseb. The sixth episode of the show’s sophomore outing does a great job of showing just how hard Sunja continues to work. Moments at the noodle stand are even contrasted with shots of Sunja and Kato’s date at the Mexican restaurant.

Although that future seems far off, it’s nice to see Pachinko recognize the parallels. So much of Sunja’s journey is defined by food — by who cooks it, serves it, and enjoys it — and several key scenes in episode 6 occur around dinner tables or at food stalls. In addition to running the stand, Sunja is eagerly awaiting the news of how Noa’s entrance exams went. While Sunja’s mom and Kyunghee fret over whether Noa will be accepted to the Tokyo-based university, Sunja snaps at them, insisting that it’s out of their hands now.

7 Mr. Kim Attends A “Long Live Korea” Rally

Hansu Reveals A Post-War Plan To Mr. Kim

In the previous episode, Mr. Kim approached Hansu with a heavy heart. Just before Yoseb was brought to the family’s temporary countryside home, Mr. Kim revealed his feelings for Kyunghee. Although she was uncertain at first, Kyunghee eventually reciprocated. The pair’s romance was not only cut short, but Mr. Kim was forced to live under the same roof as Kyunghee and Yoseb. Clearly, that unrequited love is becoming too much for him to bear. While he asks Hansu if he can leave Sunja’s family, Hansu insists that Mr. Kim must stay until Noa goes to university.

The rally leader also explains that Korea is being damaged by capitalism and Americans, who call themselves “liberators,” despite chipping away at Koreans’ agency.

The sixth episode sees a conflicted Mr. Kim acting as Hansu’s muscle, but he also attends a significant rally. In the center of town, a group of Korean people gather to lament the fact that a different war rages on for them. In Korea, the Japanese presence is still strong. Those who have been displaced are also still weathering prejudiced attitudes. The rally leader also explains that Korea is being damaged by capitalism and Americans, who call themselves “liberators,” despite chipping away at Koreans’ agency.

While Mr. Kim merely listens, it’s clear that he’s growing tired of being Hansu’s right-hand man. Hansu assures Mr. Kim that they must tread carefully in the post-war climate. He doesn’t quite delve into the details of whatever scheme he’s cooking up, but Hansu does reiterate that his black market endeavors will continue. Hansu wants Mr. Kim to be more than his fists, though it doesn’t seem like Mr. Kim cares very much anymore.

6 Yoshi-San Sends Photos Of Naomi To Solomon

Solomon Tails Naomi After Work

In the 1980s timeline, a hired hand visits Solomon (Jin Ha) on behalf of Yoshi-san (Louis Ozawa), a client of Shiffley’s. Notably, Solomon is trying to exact revenge on his former employer. The land deal that he initially wrecked wound up back on the table after he visited the seller. Afterward, he leaked the fact that the property was built on top of a graveyard. The revenge scheme grows more complicated when Solomon begins dating his former co-worker, Naomi (Emmy-winning actor Anna Sawai). Solomon doesn’t want to drag Naomi into the mess, but it’s too late.

Naomi leads Solomon to a dinner she’s having with the mystery man and a few others…

Yoshi-san’s man presents Solomon with an envelope of photographs. Examining them, Solomon realizes that the photos are of Naomi, who’s seemingly been out on dates with another man. Although the hired man and Solomon share some commonalities, he delivers Yoshi-san’s threat pretty unflinchingly. Afterward, Solomon tries to make dinner plans with Naomi, who claims to be busy. In order to verify the truth, Solomon tails Naomi after work. Naomi leads Solomon to a dinner she’s having with the mystery man and a few others, seemingly confirming Solomon’s greatest fears and jeopardizing the future of their relationship.

5 Noa Is Accepted To University

Sunja Defers Her Dream Of Opening A Restaurant To Cover Unexpected Fees

At school, Noa and the other young men gather to read the results of the entrance exam, which are posted on a wall. Each student has an identifying number, so it takes Noa awhile to locate his ID. Once he does, Noa is quietly thrilled. Not one to show too much emotion, Noa beams with a silent pride. Pachinko then cuts back to the market, where Sunja is fretting. She can’t wait for Noa to arrive, refusing to listen when her own mother attempts to talk her down. When Sunja sees her son, they share a giddy moment from afar.


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The Apple+ drama series Pachinko will compel viewers to check out more series centering on immigrant stories and Korean history.

Later that evening, Sunja and the others tell Noa just how proud they are of his hard work. While reviewing a pamphlet about the university courseload, Noa notices that there are even more fees in addition to the room and board costs. Unwilling to borrow money from anyone, Noa shuts down. Sunja ensures her son that she’ll find a way to come up with the money. At night, Sunja uses the precious sugar she collected to create hard candies, which she hopes to sell for extra money. Sadly, taking on extra work means deferring her dreams of owning a restaurant.

4 After Breaking Up, Naomi Learns The Truth About Solomon’s Scheme

Naomi Puts Her Career Before Helping Solomon Take Down Abe-San

When Naomi realizes that Solomon has followed her to the restaurant, she doesn’t get up from the table. Instead, she looks away from him and carries on with her evening. Afterward, Naomi shows up at Solomon’s apartment to explain herself. Upset, Solomon can barely make eye contact with his girlfriend. Naomi calmly explains that the man is an old family friend. Although she doesn’t have feelings for him, his parents believed they would make a good match. Not wanting to upset these long-time friends, Naomi went along with going to dinner a few times.

Sunja’s grandson looks out the window and says, ”
Maybe in another lifetime,
” indicating that they aren’t meant to last as a couple.

Solomon asks Naomi if she feels anything for the other man. She insists that, at one time, she tried to force herself to love him, but can’t imagine a real future with him. Naomi admits that she should’ve told Solomon and asks how she can regain his trust. Solomon says that she must never look away again; Naomi agrees to try — but that isn’t good enough for Solomon. Sunja’s grandson looks out the window and says, “Maybe in another lifetime,” indicating that they aren’t meant to last as a couple.

Before Naomi leaves, Solomon asks for her help when it comes to Abe-san and the land deal. Realizing the truth behind Solomon’s scheme, Naomi becomes incredibly upset. She can’t believe that Solomon would expect her to put her career on the line because of his plans. Instead, Naomi tells him that she’ll stop him if she has to in future Pachinko episodes.

3 Noa Tells Sunja He Doesn’t Want To Attend University At Her Expense

Hansu Wants To Force Noa To Continue His Studies (& Deals With His Own Father Problems)

Little does Sunja know, Noa overhears her decision to give up on the restaurant dream in order to fund Noa’s university ambitions. The next morning, Noa decides to tell his mother that he won’t be going to college at the expense of her dreams. Sunja tells Noa that her desire to open a restaurant was always going to be a massive gamble and that his studies are a more sure bet. Noa doesn’t quite believe that; he has seen his mother work so hard his entire life — and he’s seen her succeed against all odds.

Sunja explains that going to university in Tokyo and landing a well-paying job is a way of taking care of the family…

Noa doubles down on his decision. As a burgeoning adult, he feels it’s his responsibility to stick around and care for the family. Sunja explains that going to university in Tokyo and landing a well-paying job is a way of taking care of the family, but Noa is stubborn. Later that day, Sunja approaches Hansu with the news. Having visited his own father earlier, Hansu is adamant about Noa pursuing his studies in Tokyo. It’s clear that Hansu’s own father has somewhat disowned him for having a “secret life — for putting Noa and Sunja before his “legitimate” daughter.

2 Mozasu Hires Someone To Learn More About Kato Tatsumi

Mozasu Is Struggling To Make Payments In Pachinko Season 2

In the 1980s, Noa’s younger brother, Mozasu (Soji Arai), is having a difficult time with his finances too. Standing in yet another brightly lit pachinko parlor that he opened, Mozasu rifles through his mail to find overdue notices from the bank. It’s no surprise that Mozasu is late in making his payments, though he does try very hard to hide his financial woes from his mother. Changing the subject, Mozasu is surprised to learn that his mother went on a date to a Mexican restaurant — and that skepticism resurfaces at the end of the episode.

Entering his mother’s apartment, Mozasu finds a gift that Sunja has purchased on the kitchen table. After opening the note, Mozasu realizes that it’s for a man named Kato Tatsumi. Unable to leave his mother’s life and choices alone, Mozasu calls up a private investigator to dig up any and all details about Kato. It’s not yet clear why Mozasu is so overly concerned. It’s possible he thinks that Kato is taking advantage of his mother and her money. Regardless, the thread is sure to come to a head in the next episode of Pachinko.

1 Sunja & Noa Have A Heart-To-Heart

Noa Decides To Attend University To Honor Sunja’s Promise To Isak

The final scene in Pachinko season 2, episode 6 is an incredibly emotional gut-punch. After Hansu tells Sunja to convince Noa that going to university is the best path forward, she shows up at her son’s place of work. If Sunja fails to convince Noa, Hansu has threatened to do it himself. Noa is surprised to see his mother, but agrees to walk with her to a tofu stand. The young woman who owns the stand seems to have a crush on Noa, which Sunja points out isn’t necessarily a reason to avoid university.

Sunja explains that leaving her hometown was incredibly difficult, but she knew that following Isak to a better life was the right choice.

Sunja then goes on to talk about Noa’s father, Isak — not Hansu. She explains that leaving her hometown was incredibly difficult, but she knew that following Isak to a better life was the right choice. Now, when she imagines heaven, she thinks of her hometown. Sunja doesn’t want Noa to spend his whole life in one place, especially since Osaka is the seat of so much trauma. As they eat their tofu, Sunja says that she promised Isak that their sons would have bright futures. This sentiment convinces Noa to attend college in Tokyo, no matter the cost.
